03 February 2010, 16:43
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Swamp/stability test ribtec 585
Has anyone had the above tests completed on a Ribtec 585 and still have copies of results. I have the new craft and just about to be coded Friday (I hope) and to save the time and grief I would love a copy. I think MECALS have one on record so a call Thursday will be done also. Cheers Ian
03 February 2010, 17:21
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS
Has anyone had the above tests completed on a Ribtec 585 and still have copies of results. I have the new craft and just about to be coded Friday (I hope) and to save the time and grief I would love a copy. I think MECALS have one on record so a call Thursday will be done also. Cheers Ian
i'm almost sure that the stability test was done on the 585 for the ce plate, i can remember standing in it at moody's many years ago, have a word with ribtec failing that the chief guy at mecal is john fearnley, tell him biff sent you
03 February 2010, 17:37
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Originally Posted by biffer
i'm almost sure that the stability test was done on the 585 for the ce plate, i can remember standing in it at moody's many years ago, have a word with ribtec failing that the chief guy at mecal is john fearnley, tell him biff sent you
Cheers Biff, I spoke to Ribeye today on hand over as they own Ribtec now and they were of the same opinion but the office appears not to have a copy so Mecals next Cheers for help again Ian
04 February 2010, 08:17
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Just in case some one else has this document- Mecals and YDSA have closed offices today with just office staff in as everyone is at a MCA surveyors meeting in London so no one can help and would need answer by end of today.
04 February 2010, 15:35
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they must be letting things slip, if your's is a new boat you should have had a manual with all that stuff in it when they handed it over, i'd have a rareup and see what happens if i was you
04 February 2010, 15:48
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Biff I have all ops manuals and instructions and they are very detailed,( a massive step up from previous new boat docs) maybe the correct info is there, Just trying to save time and effort for all. This also revolves around the swamp/stablity for the number of persons we intend to code for and also if engine the same as previous tests. I dont see any probs but like you I like to see the written docs.
Our surveyor is well known on ribs and uses this forum and I think also has had a ribtec so I knw I am in good hands. I will speak again to Mecals in morning to see if they can e mail fax a copy over but as we found out London lights drew them away from their offices
06 September 2010, 20:22
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slightly of subject, but was wondering how many people the 585 is coded for?.....We may need another boat and have seen one which could work, but depends on numbers etc.
Have you any pics which show where kit is stowed etc (liferaft being main concern)?
Many thanks,
06 September 2010, 21:16
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Dan, Yes we got the 585 coded for five persons although we have a six man liferaft and could stretch seating to six.
I have attached an image alongside a 785 as this was the most recent with all changes completed. Earlier image before some changes show liferaft position better.
We tried with Ribeye for the best location for the liferaft,(just visible on deck floor in front of engine- in cradle with hydrostatic) trying bow area and pulling the consul further back to placing it where you can see the consul now further forward with the liferaft lying flat closer to the transom, not on its side as we found that encouraged people to use it as a seat. The weight issues are to be considered as we find with four persons on the jockey seats the rib rides bow high as you throttle up but once on the plane it handles better and at slow speeds it sits very well.
Kit wise - solas Grab bag, flare box and additional anchor chains and warp are in the front consul beneath the bow seat in that storage. Two anchors in bow anchor locker. First Aid and additional items in one of the jockey storage areas. Fire extinguishers in rear of jockeys,
Paddles set on inside tube. Radar reflector as seen and also thow lines and horseshoes on A fRAME. What have I missed? I agree this is as small as I would consider for a coded boat, interestingly as a training boat it has been well received also.
I have plans to have a splashwell fitted on the transom by Biff later in the year to improve swamp test and transom height.
I am sure I have forgotten some items and image may not show everything.
07 September 2010, 06:02
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Just for info, this ribquest 5.8 is coded for eight, liferaft beteen seats as you can see.
07 September 2010, 06:46
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Interesting coding as you have two jockey seats which I assume allow four to sit, Where do they allow others to be? Is it a divers boat?
07 September 2010, 08:10
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many thanks that is fab! We will probably be looking to use removeable seating again for extra deck space when required (water sampling kit is relatively little, but you end up with crates full of water bottles everywhere!) and to give us the option for using it for diving.....really much appreciated!
Trell, thanks for your info also.....we will be looking to code for 6 in an ideal world. Good to know that it is achievable.
Cheers all.....as per earlier post, had also considered an SR 5.4 but TBH really don't think 6 is workeable, unless anyone knows any different?
Thanks both
10 September 2010, 17:07
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS
Interesting coding as you have two jockey seats which I assume allow four to sit, Where do they allow others to be? Is it a divers boat?
No we use it for all sorts of work, but your right 4 on the jockey seats and four on the sponsons as long as they have two seperate hand holds.
10 September 2010, 20:13
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS
I think MECALS have one on record so a call Thursday will be done also. Cheers Ian
They definitely have several on record.
10 September 2010, 20:15
Country: UK - England
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and this boat was coded for 8 people.....
(pods for 6 and two on tubes)
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