Originally Posted by paulbrown22
Is it not easier just to try and book them on some courses with the big Sea Cadet training centre at Weymouth?
You are right that would be much easier but I would like to give our Navy cadets the opportunity for some regular boating experience rather than just a one off course.
The RN Training Afloat Regulations specifically allow the use of private boats and detail the necessary measures including insurance. (Regs 319-323)
"320 - .....Private vessels must be equipped, surveyed and coded correctly for the activity taking place and area of operation."
Annex I - Offshore Craft
Refers to Certifying Authorities, surveyor completion of SCV2 Forms which is the full commercial coding and that's clear enough and appropriate.
Annex H - POWERBOATS (sections 5, 6 & 7)
"MoD or CF Powerboats are to be professionally surveyed at the end of each 5-year period...........
The surveyor will issue a Full Condition Report inspection report or Document of Compliance (DoC) for the craft.
"........ private vessels must have an in-date and valid
DoC for the area in which it is to operate before any use by CF."
Section 7 then goes on to define what should be included in the "Full Condition Report which "may be in SCV2 format" but says nothing further about this Document of Compliance which is apparently issued by a surveyor and not a Certifying Authority.
This is the part I don't understand and was hoping someone had done it before.
We are an hours drive from any sea but have reasonable access to river and canal networks which could be workable. We'd also need BSS compliance but that's another story.
The RN regs are again clear about manning and I am looking to work my way up to PBI over the next few months to overcome at least that barrier.
The easiest option would be to get the Navy to give us a boat to play with then all we'd need to do is find someone to pay the bills