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Old 11 February 2011, 23:59   #1
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tax deductions

I love those two words

Out of interest How much do most commercial operators charge for mileage, I'm deducting mileage at 40p as per the AMAP table but It's just dawned on me (duh!) that when I'm towing I'm burning a lot more derv than without a tow. Does anybody deduct an extra amount if they are towing a boat to a job?

Also how long do you all keep your trailers on the books before they are depreciated
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 12 February 2011, 16:32   #2
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
I love those two words

Out of interest How much do most commercial operators charge for mileage, I'm deducting mileage at 40p as per the AMAP table but It's just dawned on me (duh!) that when I'm towing I'm burning a lot more derv than without a tow. Does anybody deduct an extra amount if they are towing a boat to a job?

Also how long do you all keep your trailers on the books before they are depreciated
I only do a few trailer jobs and I do work out a rate of vehicle fuel based on the 40p mark for tow vehicle and add the same for the trailer tow/boat, so if one way I just add the extra on that. I am careful though as once you start adding does that then fall under commercial vehcile and a Tacho needed? ( no idea).
I work out a fair rate to get the craft to a location but regularly see that as part of the job especially if local. I also see this with runs to other ports on the water this becomes part of booking and quite often there is a fixed price so throttle hand is pinned back!

Trailer I buy with the RIB so when RIB goes so does trailer. Accountant works depreciation into costings
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Old 12 February 2011, 22:24   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Plymouth
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If you are VAT registered then you are far better claiming the actual fuel at cost plus a fair amount for wear and tear.

We have a trade account with SBS that allows us to change our trailers every few months and sell the second hand ones for what we paid for them, so depreciation is not an issue!

On the tachograph question, you will need one if towing for business (assuming your train weight is over 3500kg) regardless of the amount of expenses that you are claiming. I was pulled over once by the police and another by VOSA last year for a tachograph check. You could also invalidate your insurance if you are towing without one.

South West Boat Transport
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