Originally Posted by SDGANDER
Anyone here code their RIB under the (?)old brown code?
Our is or was (not sure if the new workboat/pilot boat code has taken over yet)... the RIB is now 7 years old, last year we had to have a tube integrity test before the issue of our YDSA certificate.
Now our surveyor tells us that the integrity test is an annual requirement,but can't find anything in writing anywhere (least of all on the MCGA site!) to confirm or deny this. We don't want to rock the boat (no pun!) with the surveyor but would like to know if this is required.
PM if you'd prefer.
Can you not ask the surveryor to show you where this is a requirement. The only thing that I can find in the MGN 280 is this;
1 Annually (by the owner/managing agent) - An airtightness test as follows;
• Inflate each compartment of the boat individually to 120% of the safe
working pressure.
• Check Integrity of tubes and seams for each compartment with soapy water and,in the case of a rigid inflatable boat, the integrity of the joints between the tubes and the hull.
• Check that after 30 minutes the pressure is still at 120%.
• Inflate all compartments to the safe working pressure, and record the ambient
temperature. After 24 hours in this condition, pressures should be rechecked and the
ambient temperature retaken. and then check that the pressure is not less than 100%
of working pressure.
• A declaration should be sent to the Certifying Authority on completion.
.2 At the renewal survey, testing shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the
Certifying Authority by a competent person in accordance with the manufacturer’s
My understanding of this is that you as the owner can carry out this test yourself and provide a letter stating that you have carried this out to the certifying authority.
We have existing boats that have been cerified under the old codes and as such carry "grandfather rights" and continue to be coded as such, however where possible we are trying to bring them into the new codes.
If you old licence has lapsed then you must re-licence under the new code.