07 January 2006, 09:09
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VHF simulators
If any one is interested I have had a set of Silva VHF/DSC sets adapted for teaching purposes. The cost for a complete set with 12volt power pack and 20 metres of coaxial cable is likley to be around £300 ex P&P.
The adaptation has been done by a fully qualified marine radio engineer. PM me if you are interested.
07 January 2006, 11:35
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Originally Posted by Solent Ranger
The cost for a complete set with 12volt power pack and 20 metres of coaxial cable is likley to be around £300 ex P&P.
The adaptation has been done by a fully qualified marine radio engineer. PM me if you are interested.
Just an update - the sets are the Silva S10 model and will have 30 ft of coax although this can be amended on order. Based on 30 ft of coax, there will only be one heavy duty power supply running both units. Price will in fact be £315 in VAT and p&p.
23 January 2006, 10:32
Country: UK - England
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All SRC assessors.
If you are buying simulator radio's I would suggest you check that the modifcations are official modifications from the maker of the unit.
If not you could have problems if you ever need to get the radio's repaired.
Solent:- is one power supply enough?
this would mean you would need 15ft of DC running to each radio or a short lead and then a 30ft length?
IMHO a "heavey duty" PSU is a tad over the top, the radio's should be drawing hardly any current if they are working correctly as simulators.
Just in case anyone is interested the Icom M421 simulators are £329 inc VAT, inc delivery, inc 20M of co-ax and inc 2 x switch mode PSU.
They still carry the Icom optional 3 year warranty.
The units are modified in house by us and we sell them direct to RYA Schools and or instructors.
Best regards
23 January 2006, 11:31
exspyrd trayd membir
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
Just in case anyone is interested
Fuk mee bruksy. iyve sean threds hiejakkid butt i nevver sean a addvirt hiejakkid beforr.
dats evun slipeerier dan wot dat torl fing dun.
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
23 January 2006, 12:13
Country: UK - England
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Hey Garf
Surley it was not an advert as you would need to be a trade member to do that or Mr JK might get the ragging hump!
23 January 2006, 12:43
exspyrd trayd membir
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
you would need to be a trade member to do that
gud poynt yew nobbur. de sowlint raynjer shud sennd a chek forr undrid kwid too KJ ifn heez gonner starrt puntin forr bizniss. de torl fing neads sum munny too paiy a dett.
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
23 January 2006, 13:31
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I have no commercial interest. I simply asked a marien engineer to look at adapting sets and if it was possible. I have sent Jon Brook's post to the engineer for comment - but I will say that Silva have been made aware of the devlopments. I will post full repsonse later. Haveing now got my pair I can say that they are very user freindly and have a nice big screens a problem with a lot of the smaller sets. I also note that Standard Horizon are now also producing a simulator as well. I saw the first pair at the LBS (on the RNLI stand).
I have nothing against ICOM, athough I'm not over keen on the menu system , and Jon and I actually had a discussion about this at the show. I'll in fact be using the ICOM kit alongside the Silva kit - it gives students a chance to use different sets. I also use Navman as well, and have been for over a year with no problems and these are "adpated" by an independent.
Simrad were the first on the market with a simulator package and it took some time for another manufactuer to follow suit, interesting to see that now all VHF recognised schools must have at least one set of real radio simulators the marketing potential has grown somewhat.
Using the computer simulator was a real pain and I think most assesors would agree that they spent more time teaching peoepl how to use a mouse than they did on the real issues of the course.
23 January 2006, 13:45
exspyrd trayd membir
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Originally Posted by Solent Ranger
I have no commercial interest.
Originally Posted by Solent Ranger
Price will in fact be £315 in VAT and p&p.
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
23 January 2006, 16:33
Country: UK - England
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That's the cost of the sets! I don't mark them up.
24 January 2006, 08:31
Country: UK - England
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Whilst I work for who I do, I have and do suggest that schools use, if they can afford it, radoi's from other makers as well.
This gives the students a much wider knowledge base of the radio's on the market that they may come across.
The notes in my earlier post were they because I know if you sent an Icom radio back here that had been change in any way and had not been agreed by us we would not affect a repair or would charge if the unit was in warranty.
I was concerned that some schools may fall foul of this with other radio's.
It is good to see other radio simms on the market now.
As Solent said Simrad have been making them for about 4 years, we for about 2 years now.
Best regards
26 January 2006, 05:12
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Following JB's post I contacted the engineer who adapted the Silva radios, here is his reply:
"I have never had anyone before complain or "knock" the supply of a heavy duty power supply in place of "plug-top" style units and we regularly work on marine installations with considerably more than 15ft of cable to the radio installation with no ill effects.
The reason for this approach is for ease of use; the "remote" unit can be placed away (out of immediate earshot) of the "local" unit in another classroom or corridor without having the problem of finding a nearby mains socket (or the additional trip hazard).
However, Hamble Marine is a customer-orientated organisation and if any customers prefer 2 x plug-top style PSUs, then we will supply them.
For the record, the Hamble Marine/Silva DSC Radio Training package can be purchased direct from the website at Hamble Marine Electronics for £315 including carriage and 3 years warranty."
Here are some pictures of the units.
26 January 2006, 07:44
Country: UK - England
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Was not knocking the PSU, just asked a question or two, if that was seen to be knocking then maybe someone is a tad over sensitive
From our experince two small PSU's are much better than one.
We have tried it both way's.
It makes the system more flexible and less leads laying all over the class room.
Did your man answer the question about this being an official Silva modification?
As I said before I think it is great that there are more radio's that schools can use to make the SRC course more like the real world.
I am not having a go at anyone or knocking any radio I am just trying to help to ensure the the SRC schools and instructors get the best deals and also reliable "official" kit.
I would hate for anyone to fall foul of some dodgey deals, not that I am saying this is!!!
Best regards
26 January 2006, 08:24
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The modifications were done in conjunction with Silva's knowledge and involvement as I understand it.
From personal expereince I've found there is actually less wiring trailing on the floor with the power pack combination. The power lead to the "second" unit runs alongside the coax cableing and is neat and it means that you don't have to have another power source (wall socket) close to the second unit. I tend to put one radio in the classroom and put another outside of it so that you minimise the sound of both normal vopice and hearing the voice through the other radio speaker. In one school I put them in the work shop and leave the door open to the outside while spraying water over the student - makes for realism!  (well I don't actually spray em with water but it's a thought  )
Jon as you know, we've got the ICOM's as well, so I'm not knocking them at all, it's just that we can offer students total real radio operation not having to supplement with the computer simulator which I don't use at all now. I've also linked the four sets together - six if I add the Navmans.
26 January 2006, 10:24
Country: UK - England
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I am not knocking what your doing at all and think you are doing it the right way.
Your set up is great and I, like you, do not use PC simms when running the SRC course.
Whilst there is a cost implication this has got to be the way forward.
Being able to "play" with real radio's in a safe way has got to be so much better then moving a mouse over a PC screen?
All I was trying to do was ensure that instructors are getting the right kit, modified on the right way with the approval of the guys whom make the kit.
Nothing more.
Best regards
26 January 2006, 12:35
exspyrd trayd membir
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
Was not knocking the PSU
Originally Posted by Solent Ranger
so I'm not knocking them at all,
fuk mee i bett yew twoo cann tapp danse an wissul att de saim tyme.
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
26 January 2006, 13:15
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by The Garfish
fuk mee i bett yew twoo cann tapp danse an wissul att de saim tyme.
No Garf
But I can walk and chew gum!
26 January 2006, 16:51
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
All I was trying to do was ensure that instructors are getting the right kit, modified on the right way with the approval of the guys whom make the kit.
Nothing more.
Best regards
Just to keep garf happy!  No problem Jon, I hope the questions have been answered and I can confirm that work is done with manfactures knowledge and approval
Should you need a pair, you know how to get them
28 January 2006, 12:28
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Ordered mine thanks for the Info Dave .
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
31 January 2006, 16:21
exspyrd trayd membir
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Originally Posted by Jon Brooks
I am just trying to help to ensure the the SRC schools and instructors get the best deals and also reliable "official" kit.
sow amm i. i av ther besstist intrests att hart
dis stuf i amm sellin iz ofishul an reeliabul. wots morr yew downt nead a lisinse lyke wot yew doo wiv yorr junnk
£299 + ATV
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
31 January 2006, 16:24
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Originally Posted by The Garfish
sow amm i. i av ther besstist intrests att hart
dis stuf i amm sellin iz ofishul an reeliabul. wots morr yew downt nead a lisinse lyke wot yew doo wiv yorr junnk
£299 + ATV
Oi. I already use them on my courses - idea theif.
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