VHF/SRC Ticket
Comes from RYA.
Processing time depends on time of year as certain times are a lot busier for instructor courses, icc applications, yacht master exams etc as well as vhf certificates. All are processed by the same department. Can vary between a week and a month.
If you don't hear anything in 3-4 weeks get the school you did the course at to chase it with RYA.
These time scales assume of course that the schools are efficient and send the paperwork to the RYA promptly. I work for some schools who only post things once a week to the RYA. Others post more regularly while some are lazy and things sit on their desk 3 or 4 weeks.
Keep checking your account to see when they cash your cheque or take the card payment. They don't process this until they process the rest of the application so if money has gone it's an indication your in the system and your certificate is in the post to you
RYA Instructor, Trainer, Examiner and Skipper
Freelance skipper, RYA Powerboat Trainer and Advanced Examiner