Originally Posted by Alexander
No oil work. My customer would be a European company selling a number of boats to a Ghana customer.
I used to travel back and forward to various airports in the aforementioned countries where i would normally get choppered out to either a rig or drill ship then craned down to my waiting supply boat or AHT vessel. All this funded and supported by major oil companies. Even knowing i had the protection of the oil companies behind me, i was still aprehensive about travelling down there....expecially on my own!
Usual protocol for European/American employers sending staff down to those parts is to use an agent who will look after the visitors until they safely reach their destination.
I would clear a few points with your employer first off even before you discuss pay with them....
-- Who will be meeting you at the airport and who will be escorting you around/back and forward to hotel? Agent?
-- where are you staying and how are to to get to your place of work each day, who arranges the transport (if needed)?
-- prepare for a lot of 'tipping' and in a lot of cases 'bribing' to get things done...corruption down there is widespread and you wont get a receipt for any money spent.....is your employer prepared to pay you this baclk? If your looked after by an agent then he will deal with most of this.
Be suspicious of most things your offered and use common sense, walking around carrying a laptop bag, wearing a Musto jacket and nice watch is not to be recommended....
I have never worked in Ghana so may be painting a worse picture than needed however the mentality in Mauritania, Senegal and Nigeria was pretty similar so i would imagine Ghana's not too far off.
If your confident that your going to be safe when down there then enjoy it, you'le certainly have some stories to tell at the pub when you get home
