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Old 08 November 2007, 17:45   #1
Country: Greece
Town: Aegina
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 9
Would you share some business information with me?


We run an RYA sail cruising school in Greece, and became recognised to run PB courses last year. So far we have only run a few on a hired RIB but we are now in the final stages of deciding on a RIB to purchase.

We'll have to raise some finances and I would be grateful if any existing PB schools would share some information with me so we can plan our likely turnover and work out if we can afford it!!

What I'd like to know is:

a) roughly how many PBII courses you run each year per boat
b) the average number of students per course
c) what is the gender mix?
d) do you also offer RIB hire/charter?
e) if so, roughly how many weeks of this do you get per boat?

If you would prefer to pm me rather than post here where everyone can see, I promise to treat your replies in confidence.

Many thank in advance.

learn to drive a rib in the sunshine
Aegean Lady is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 08 November 2007, 20:33   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Farnborough
Boat name: Narcissus
Make: Cobra
Length: 7m +
Engine: Optimax 225
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 2,369
I hired a Jeanneau 715WA with an etec 150 in Menorca this year.
Aside from the fact that it's a bit fugly (And the man in charge was a complete wanker), the day out on holiday with, typically, a number of land lubber types, it was perfect. Far superior to what a rib could have offered us since it meant rather than the boat only being useful for going from a to b, or a bit of skiing, the sundeck and huge, comfortable cockpit meant we could do a good bit of lazing about on it too, thereby making a full day of it.

Manos bought a fleet of ribs in santorini and shifted them on pretty quick due to lack of bookings - I personally feel he would have had more success with a hardboat along the lines of the jeanneau.

Obviously the jeanneau is less appropriate as a training boat since it lacks bounce.

Just my very humble opinion.
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Old 09 November 2007, 10:05   #3
Country: Greece
Town: Aegina
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 9
Thanks Matt

Your opinion is useful. At this stage all feedback is helpful to us.

I don't know that I would pick Santorini as a place to run a school - lots of big seas and heavy weather and not many ex-pat residents I don't think.

Hopefully we will get more business as we are in the Saronic and less than an hour from Athens, which has a large number of English speaking residents.

You have to have a licence to drive a powerboat here which is why we are moving into this market as well as sailing. Our sailing clients are mainly from overseas whereas we think the powerboaters will mostly live here. We are only going for one boat initially and RIBs are what we have been asked for. This seems to be what most people intend to buy so they want to train on a similar boat.

We were going to use it for day trips as well and the boat we have in mind has room for sunbathing, plus swim ladder, shower etc. We won't go for large groups - just couples or families. How many were on board your trip? Did you hire yourself or with a captain?

Thanks for the info

learn to drive a rib in the sunshine
Aegean Lady is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 09 November 2007, 10:13   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Farnborough
Boat name: Narcissus
Make: Cobra
Length: 7m +
Engine: Optimax 225
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Hired myself.
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Old 10 November 2007, 11:47   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Harlow, Essex
Boat name: On Water Training
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Hi Melody et al,

You might want to have a word with Jono at Professional Powerboat Training.

He also resources ribs of many types and engines to suit the various needs that customers have. With his experience (he is also Principal of PPT), he may be able to share some insights.


(Commercial Skipper just back from a yacht delivery Corfu to Athens and a Powerboat Instructor as well - just in case...!)
RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Instructor (Sail)
RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Power
RYA / MCA Adv Powerboater / Instructor
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Old 10 November 2007, 12:44   #6
Country: UK - England
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Hi, we were in Marina De Cogolin (1500 berths) in the Gulf of St. Tropez last week. A boating qualification is also compulsory in France. The school in the marina used a couple of Jeanneau Merry Fishers which were going constantly. They had Merc 50's and were well fendered. We went for fuel as they were practising their approachs to the fueling area. The 'taught' method appeared to involve a fair bit of speed.
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Old 10 November 2007, 18:45   #7
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: V-ONE
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Please find answers-

a) roughly how many PBII courses you run each year per boat

Hard to say per boat, but about 600-800 courses per year these day and about 1500 - 2000 per year in the boom a couple of years ago over two centres.

b) the average number of students per course


c) what is the gender mix?

90% Male

d) do you also offer RIB hire/charter?

Skippered Charter

e) if so, roughly how many weeks of this do you get per boat?

4 Weeks at most

Please feel free to drop me a line should you wish to chat further.

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Old 11 November 2007, 19:06   #8
Country: Greece
Town: Aegina
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by Gordon View Post
(Commercial Skipper just back from a yacht delivery Corfu to Athens and a Powerboat Instructor as well - just in case...!)
Thanks Gordon

Arer you available for work in Greece? We find it very easy to get instructors to come out for a few weeks at a time (well, it's like a paid holiday) but struggle sometimes to find people who are available for a whole season or at least several months in a row.

Unfortunately the good instructors we've found usually have partners who are not happy about them swanning around the Aegean for some reason.

PM me if you are interested.


learn to drive a rib in the sunshine
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Old 11 November 2007, 19:10   #9
Country: Greece
Town: Aegina
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by Jono Garton View Post
about 600-800 courses per year these day and about 1500 - 2000 per year in the boom a couple of years
Thanks a lot Jono

I will PM you.

Why do you think there was a 'boom' and why has it passed? Are there fewer people interested in courses or more training centres offering them?

learn to drive a rib in the sunshine
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