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Old 16 November 2007, 09:28   #1
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Yacht Charter

Yacht Charter

I work at a water sports centre in the North West and we are looking at doing a team building weekend away to mark the end of the season.

We are looking at chartering two Bavaria 38’s or similar from Friday 7th December until Monday 10th December. Originally we planned to go off the west cost, Largs area, but we would be open to other area’s.

Dose anyone know anyone who could help with this.

Sorry I know it’s not a RIB question, but I am not having much luck in finding anyone who can help.

Stephen Hall
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Old 16 November 2007, 10:28   #2
Country: UK - England
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Hi Steve,

I'm not in the office at the moment, but I do a fair bit of work with Victory Yacht Charters based in Haslar Marina, Portsmouth Harbour. If you fancy a Solent Weekend, they're doing 15% off at the moment. /
023 9252 0099, speak to Julian or Lee

Hope that helps,

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Old 16 November 2007, 11:27   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Lee on the Solent
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If you are chartering two is this simply to accommodate the number of people who are going or was there going to be a bit of informal racing involved (always good fun!).

If it's the latter and you want a trip to the sunny south then I would wholeheartedly recommend Jim Macgregor and the guys at Spinnaker Yachts ( They are Poole based but operate there or in the Solent and could do you an excellent deal on a couple of Elan 40s or even 3 or 4 Elan 333s!
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Old 16 November 2007, 14:32   #4
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Sunsail offer matched racing equipped SunFast37's in the Solent - this time of year you should get excellent rates as it is pretty much out of season. Great yachts and a good balance between racing (if that's your thing) or ideal for cruising as well with all home comforts on board.

They are based in Port Solent with Cowes etc just a few miles away and within easy reach of many other 'spots' to visit or overnight depending upon whether you want nightlife and parties or quiet villages and pub grub etc.

They will also provide qualified and experienced Skippers on request, most of whom (including myself) have racing experience and corporate entertainment experience. (Spent most of this season Skippering for them so know the yachts and the set up very well)...

Another option is to get in touch with Solent Sail - I have personally chartered with them - boats are well equipped and immaculate as well. Again, they can offer everything you need from bareboat to Skippered Charters and are based in Haslar Marina. - Chat to Phil there and he will give you an excellent quote on a range of yachts dependant upon your needs and numbers...

Let us know how you get on...

RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Instructor (Sail)
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Old 16 November 2007, 14:52   #5
Country: UK - England
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For info...

Hope this helps - I can recommend both personally..

RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Instructor (Sail)
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Old 16 November 2007, 15:18   #6
Country: UK - England
Town: Lee on the Solent
Boat name: Saintlee
Make: Leeway
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Posts: 325
Talk nicely to Gordon (or one of the other skippers) to make sure you get one that actually works! Winch wear and tear and jammer issues are always fun on the Sunsail 37s! They are generally much better maintained than in previous years but there is still a wealth of difference between a well sorted one and a slightly less well prepared/maintained one.

Also, whilst I wouldn't want to cast doubt on anyone in particular I would ask around and see if you can name which skippers you get as well as they vary a LOT in quality almost as much as the boats!
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Old 16 November 2007, 16:45   #7
Country: UK - Scotland
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If you still fancy sailing from Largs, call Avril at Flamingo Yacht Charters.
She will certainly do you a good deal at this time of year and they have a good selection of yachts at the 38 foot mark.


Tel: 01475 686088
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Old 16 November 2007, 19:01   #8
Country: UK - England
Town: Harlow, Essex
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Originally Posted by Lostboy View Post
Talk nicely to Gordon (or one of the other skippers) to make sure you get one that actually works! Winch wear and tear and jammer issues are always fun on the Sunsail 37s! They are generally much better maintained than in previous years but there is still a wealth of difference between a well sorted one and a slightly less well prepared/maintained one.

Also, whilst I wouldn't want to cast doubt on anyone in particular I would ask around and see if you can name which skippers you get as well as they vary a LOT in quality almost as much as the boats!
Sailed all season on 22 of their 60 yacht fleet with them and only ever had two faults - jammers on one yacht and fridge recharge on the other...

They are very well maintained (even if that wasn't perhaps the case on occasion) and having the benefit of engineers who will respond immediately is a bonus.

All Skippers working commercially are qualified through both the RYA and MCA and credit to them - they work under sometimes difficult circumstances in changeable conditions...

Overall I wouldn't be going back in 2008 if I didn't they had an excellent record overall and a credible service to offer..!

Just thoughts...

RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Instructor (Sail)
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Old 19 November 2007, 17:27   #9
Country: UK - England
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Bavaria Charter

I can give you to Bavs here in the Solent for a weekend in December for a good price, give me a call to discuss. 02380 231122.

Usual price is £295/boat/day.

December we could look at 25% off for 2 boats for a weekend.

Best Regards

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