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Old 26 August 2009, 20:23   #1
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 180
A suggestion

Everyone appears to really enjoy looking at photographs of other peoples Rib's and it can be a great source to see what certain layouts or colour selections look like.
The thread 'Lets see your rig' for example is now 49 pages long and there are many other threads showing pictures of individual boats.

Now this may be a bit on the difficult side to set up but how about a section where you can look at certain makes/types of boats in alphabetical order.
In other words if you looked up the letter 'R' you would have all the manufacturers starting with 'R' i.e. Revenger, Ribcraft, Ribquest.
By then say clicking on Ribcraft you would have all the pictures posted of this individual make.
You could then sub divide it by an individual manufacturers sizes or type of boat.
An example of this is click on 'A' then click on 'Avon' then you have the choice of '4m Searider', '5m Searider', 'Seasport' etc etc.

Members of Ribnet could post there own boats/projects. It would take a little while to populate but could be a great resource of pictures which are easy to find

Sorry if you think its a stupid idea or not practical.
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Old 26 August 2009, 20:28   #2
chewy's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Up Norf
Make: Avon SR4,Tremlett 23
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yam 55, Volvo 200
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 5,217
It is a good suggestion. Either JK can scour the site or he can set up a section and we post our own boats.
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Old 26 August 2009, 20:30   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Southport
Boat name: Qudos
Make: 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 115 V4
MMSI: 235068784
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 3,930
It's a great idea but could be hard to do.
First thing that springs to mind is the members do it them selves and add their RIB to the right section. Or try and explain how to add Keywords to the Exif data of the file (really useful if you want your photo to come up on google images)
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