18 November 2014, 13:35
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Thanks Chris. You won't get any trouble from me, if you read my earlier post on this thread you can see I agree with your sentiments.
18 November 2014, 13:46
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by chris.moody
I am aware of one member that told me he got banned for a period of time. He doesn't strike me as a spammer or a particularly abusive person. I didn't ask the specific details.
As they say, the devil is in the details and prison is full of innocent men! I can only speculate as to who and why. Sometimes unrepentant "trade members to be" can need a little nudge (a temporary ban) if they refuse to stop posting trade material without the appropriate trade membership. Sometimes a member goes off the rails and posts a lot of unsuitable material in anger. If they won't stop, again a short ban will help them cool off and reconsider. We tend to tidy up the messy posts so you won't see much evidence on the forum. Once both types of members get over the ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE of having been silenced (think Victor Meldrew here) then they usually settle down and get on with using the forum properly.
The real bans are reserved for Spammers and Trolls* and Con artists, of which there are more than a few. We spend quite a lot of our time checking out account details and posting patterns just to flush these sorts out.
*Except Mollers, we keep him for Training Purposes - I do wish people would stop overfeeding him as he's getting quite lazy...
18 November 2014, 14:03
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And yet the Admin that was (in my opinion pointlessly rude to a new poster) has not managed to post to say ' OK -maybe I was a bit too quick and abrupt on that post'
Unfortunatley its this style of posting that is pushing people away from Ribnet - its been mentioned several times now and there just seems to be head in the sand response and subtly rude posting continues as 'its just their style'......
A long standing saying -' if you say anything sensible - don't say anything at all'
18 November 2014, 14:18
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by chris.moody
It took me less than 2 minutes to find an ebay link to a tracker device similar to what many on here use and post that as an answer. If poly had to respond, would it not have been better for him to have done exactly that rather than post his sarcastic response.
No. Give a man a fish and he eats for one day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.
There is a LOAD of discussion about trackers, which as I recall highlights some issues people had with particular ones and how to spot the better of the clones etc. A quick ebay link won't highlight those issues.
Originally Posted by cjj216
I would say almost everything rib related has been covered here at some time.
New kit coming to the market all the time so some questions are worth asking again.
And I think we would actively encourage people with updates / news on better trackers to add to to existing threads (or start a new one as appropriate) and for people who have a specific new question to ask it, perhaps referencing the old threads for the "state of the art". But by posting here you are effectively asking strangers to give up their time providing their advice / experience to you. If you wont search to do some background research that is a bit rude. I realised the OP had probably missed the search facility which is why he got a humorous reply rather than a belligerent one!
Originally Posted by Lark
I've now found the forum search facility! Unfortunately it doesn't work in the app on my samsung phone but it does on my laptop... There's a lot of knowledge buried in the archives!
Thanks - I see the Android App issue - I've flagged it to the techies, but it may well be a Tapatalk bug in which case since its free we might have to live with it for a while! Perhaps one of the iOS users would be good enough to confirm if search is working in the Apple version of the App?
18 November 2014, 14:18
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Humber P4vwl
Thanks for nothing. How politely put Poly! Only a few posts in, almost a newbie.
Originally Posted by paddlers
Sarcasm however well intentioned to a newcomer hardly promotes inclusion or discussion.
Originally Posted by chris.moody
...it's not good when the admins start being rude to new members on the forum.
Originally Posted by telcowilliam
If you are a newcomer it doesn't read as a light hearted suggestion though does it?
Originally Posted by chris.moody
Put yourself in the shoes of the new member. You ask a sensible question in a polite way and you get that sarcastic response. Not the best of ways to welcome a new person to the forum, and even worse that it came from an admin.
Really? Out of interest how long (or how many posts) should someone server before they are considered sufficiently part of the community that they can receive a little light hearted humour? Those of you who bothered to check before getting on their high horse will also note this wasn't my first response to him either.
Personally I'd see being on the receiving end (and being able to accept it - which the Lark seems to have managed with considerably more humility that those of you who are offended on his behalf) is actually important to being part of the "true community".
Originally Posted by John Kennett
Really? Is everyone so sensitive that a light hearted suggestion that a new poster uses the search facility before posting causes major offence?
Hey, maybe we should tell people about the search facility in the forum rules... oh hang on http://www.rib.net/forum/misc.php?do...ork&page=rules
Originally Posted by chris.moody
I am aware of one member that told me he got banned for a period of time. He doesn't strike me as a spammer or a particularly abusive person. I didn't ask the specific details.
I think you can count on one hand the number of genuine members who have been banned in the last 10 years - I doubt any of them are in any doubt what they did to get there as they had to work quite hard at it!
18 November 2014, 14:20
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by PeterM
And yet the Admin that was (in my opinion pointlessly rude to a new poster) has not managed to post to say ' OK -maybe I was a bit too quick and abrupt on that post'
"RIBnet is never having to say you're sorry"
Otherwise you would have had to publicly apologise for threatening to drive to Cornwall and slap Mollers around...
18 November 2014, 14:21
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by PeterM
And yet the Admin that was (in my opinion pointlessly rude to a new poster) has not managed to post to say ' OK -maybe I was a bit too quick and abrupt on that post'
Peter - actually I was writing a response as you wrote that. However it may have escaped your notice but the team that run your forum for you are all volunteers and have other things to do with their life than respond immediately to every thread posted on RIBnet.
Unfortunatley its this style of posting that is pushing people away from Ribnet
Oddly I'm having the same conversations with the same people who are "leaving" but never seem to stay away.
18 November 2014, 14:29
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Yes - I would still drive to Cornwall to ' slap mollers around' - your words not mine ? As despite a direct request for him to stop posting arsey comments aimed directly at me nothing was done . And yes I di apologise to JK on email about my tone but also expressed request that directly offensive comments are moderated more stringently.
Alas the tone of your posts (to me) simply highlight the arrogant approach and tone of posts that are not only tolerated by seemingly endorsed - hence why its not only me that has noticed it . How many time does something need to be raised before someone may actually believe that there could be some truth in what's being said ?
I'll let you get back to work - and lurk waiting for the missing word ' sorry' in your lengthy reply - or do you enjoy causing offence - and offence doesn't need to be intended for something to be deemed offensive .......
18 November 2014, 14:30
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Originally Posted by willk
"RIBnet is never having to say you're sorry"
Otherwise you would have had to publicly apologise for threatening to drive to Cornwall and slap Mollers around... 
Surely slappers can be hired cost effectively in Cornwall rather than spending dosh on petrol?
Any meaning read into my message is the product of your own mind...
18 November 2014, 14:48
Country: UK - England
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Are we in the bilges yet ?
Isn't it clear this is all 'light hearted banter'
Has Mollers joined in yet ?
18 November 2014, 15:06
RIBnet admin team
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Posts: 14,932
Originally Posted by PeterM
Alas the tone of your posts (to me) simply highlight the arrogant approach and tone of posts that are not only tolerated by seemingly endorsed - hence why its not only me that has noticed it . How many time does something need to be raised before someone may actually believe that there could be some truth in what's being said ?
I'll let you get back to work - and lurk waiting for the missing word ' sorry' in your lengthy reply - or do you enjoy causing offence - and offence doesn't need to be intended for something to be deemed offensive .......
It's very difficult to judge the tone of a post accurately. That may be part of the problem. You may feel that I am arrogant - but the purpose of my post was to point out, as honestly and clearly as I could, the hypocrisy of your demanding an apology (on another's behalf) for what might be, at worst, mild sarcasm, when you've previously posted threats of violence on the forum - repeated here today. IMO, you have double standards. I don't enjoy giving offence, but sometimes the truth has to be told - garFiE told me that
18 November 2014, 15:22
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
It's very difficult to judge the tone of a post accurately. That may be part of the problem. You may feel that I am arrogant - but the purpose of my post was to point out, as honestly and clearly as I could, the hypocrisy of your demanding an apology (on another's behalf) for what might be, at worst, mild sarcasm, when you've previously posted threats of violence on the forum - repeated here today. IMO, you have double standards. I don't enjoy giving offence, but sometimes the truth has to be told - garFiE told me that 
Some learn from their errors - some continue to make them ......
My 'standard' is around respect - everyone starts with it - its just a question of if they choose to keep it. I haven't 'demanded' anything - just pointed out its not there - pedantic but more accurate than you stating my 'demanding an apology'?
If I am a 'target' or what I deem abuse - I'll react - its my right to - its an open forum. If I deem someone is rude - I'll take note and comment . I've pointed out that 'mild sarcasm' to you is 'offence' to others . If I cause offence at least I have actually meant to cause it - instead of being so arrogant that I wont accept it 'could' be received as offensive ...................
On the basis of 'its not aimed at me so its OK' .....really ? - so as long as something doesn't affect you its OK to continue ? That's a slippery slope
As you say - the truth has to be told - in this case by several posters about the tone of admins posts - unfortunately its falling on deaf ears ( again ) .
18 November 2014, 15:23
Country: UK - England
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Are we in the bilges yet ? Surely I've not towed the admins line somewhere somehow ?
As for etecs - those pesky oil burning rough running unreliable things should never be allowed near a boat...or water and you can only read its an etec if its on its side now ( which it will be when it falls off)
18 November 2014, 15:30
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Just don't bring ETECS into the discussion as that will ensure the bilges will have an addition!
Member of S.A.B.S. West Country Division
19 November 2014, 08:28
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Originally Posted by PeterM
Some learn from their errors - some continue to make them .......
As someone who appears to be prone to outbursts of petulance, name calling and occasional threats of violence you might like to ponder whether your position on the moral high ground is as secure as you seem to think!
Originally Posted by chris.moody
A That's why I now spend most of my time on another boating forum, and only look on here occasionally. I expect this observation will get me banned from this forum, hey ho.
As willk explained, getting banned from RIBnet is surprisingly difficult. There's no problem if you want to do stuff on Facebook too. There's plenty of room on the internet for everyone
19 November 2014, 10:48
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This thread makes me chuckle, carefull or the admins will send you snotty emails. Seems like some people get away with snotty post replies and others dont, ive had more than a few snotty remarks directed my why over the years and never complained, and then I posted a reply that was suppossed to be humourous to a snotty reply to my post (from an admin) and I get a snotty admin email to be carefull. which I then complained about with an admin. And some people are more prone to replying in a sarcastic unhelpful way than others.
So I guess it all depends who is posting and who is in the club and who understands the banter and does or doesnt get offended.
But at the end of the day who cares, just ignore the crap on here is best advice, use the forum or don't, yes i do agree that the level of crap and snotty replies has probably reduced the forums use. I often have things I would like to share and some questions to raise but often think no its not worth the crap I would receive back in replies.
But im still laughing about this post and still looking at it so my tolerance level to crap is still not full. LOL ...
19 November 2014, 10:50
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Originally Posted by PeterM
Are we in the bilges yet ? Surely I've not towed the admins line somewhere somehow ?
As for etecs - those pesky oil burning rough running unreliable things should never be allowed near a boat...or water and you can only read its an etec if its on its side now ( which it will be when it falls off)
Nice one, am spluttering coffee out as I laugh at my desk. People near me think im nuts !
19 November 2014, 13:02
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Really? Is everyone so sensitive that a light hearted suggestion that a new poster uses the search facility before posting causes major offence?
I've said it before & I'll say it again..........
Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Maybe we could set up a special area for all those sensitive types who see slurs & slights in every sentence. A sort of "Contra-Bilges" where they could sit on Laura Ashley prints, sipping green tea whilst reading rule #4 the Guardian & contemplating solutions to world peace. 
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
19 November 2014, 13:06
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
......Otherwise you would have had to publicly apologise for threatening to drive to Cornwall and slap Mollers around... 
Aye, but he'd soon give it a miss when he saw the length of the queue
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
19 November 2014, 13:10
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Originally Posted by boristhebold
This thread makes me chuckle, carefull or the admins will send you snotty emails.
We don't dish them out very often, and not just for the odd snotty remark either. We've really got much better things to be doing. Warning PMs are reserved for situations where we feel that someone has really overstepped the mark.
But at the end of the day who cares, just ignore the crap on here is best advice, use the forum or don't
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