Don't worry about me, I'll be fine

I hope

I'll know more later next week.
As for the forum I think it's well managed, the freedom of speech exists, which is both good and bad at times for different people.
But at the end of the day it's a forum and you have to treat it as such.
If you read the comments on youtube or under the article links that people post on here to the mail online, you will see horrible comments and very nasty people. This doesn't happen here on RIBnet
I've met loads of you on here (even Mollers) and I have never met a nasty person yet.
The mods do a lot in the background (free of charge as they give up their time) to keep ribnet a safe place.
You can also report any post or block people if you want.
Just don't take anything to personally
Also, post away and lets have some good reading this winter