28 June 2024, 05:58
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Some are missed more than most, oh my did wiLlfish post some stuff BITD that was the best - a true classic below on Searider ownership:
Originally Posted by wiLlfish
bestist plaice too luk iz eny fkin junnkyard
butt befor yew imbark onn dis jorney ov discuvvery ther arr sertin fings too considder beforr yew beecum a seeryder nobbur
pirsonel deepawtmint
yew av to groe a pigtayl an ware a lether jakkit wiv noe sleaves. de aygin ippy luk iz verry impawtunt. a lopsydid iye iz a gud fashun acksesory.
mk1 pajeero aw voxhall monteray wiv 300,000 myles on de clokk
scaby lukin toobs wiv scafoldin forr de a fraym. orl fiksin bowlts shud bee 4 inchis longir thann needid. lotts ov howers discussin de uppside/dowenside ov a fluddin ull
bote naim
naimed arfter eny hendrikks sonng
tewl bokks
dukk tayp an dw40. ifn itt mooves an itt shudunt = dukk tayp. ifn itt duzunt moov an itt shud = wd40
de scabbiest lukin yam 90 yew cann fynd
fewl tannks
barrus tannks dat de royul nayvy av condemnd
decka gridd sistum
arr yew reely reddy forr orl dis orr wud yew bee beter orf gowin golfin?
28 June 2024, 07:39
Country: UK - England
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The really sad thing is I have met a couple of the members that are often going at each other, and in person they are really nice chap's.
28 June 2024, 08:07
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 2,372
That’s my point. I’ve made good friends through rib.net and boatmad, by getting out from behind the keyboard and going boating with them, or otherwise meeting up.
It’s not a rib net problem, it’s just social media generally. If you wouldn’t talk like that to the person face to face, don’t do it online either.
28 June 2024, 08:08
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Originally Posted by Max...
was it wiLlfish who did the post about his dog, the Yorkshire Terrorist, classic
Member of S.A.B.S. (Wirral Division)
28 June 2024, 08:29
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Originally Posted by Matt
That’s my point. I’ve made good friends through rib.net and boatmad, by getting out from behind the keyboard and going boating with them, or otherwise meeting up.
It’s not a rib net problem, it’s just social media generally. If you wouldn’t talk like that to the person face to face, don’t do it online either.
The pub analogy was always used to describe Ribnet. You walk in, buy a drink, nod at the other customers and strike up a conversation. You don't barge in, start shouting the odds & pick a fight with the other drinkers, otherwise it doesn't end well.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
28 June 2024, 12:42
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by Max...
I dunno why, but I read that whole thing in Mike Brewers voice.
28 June 2024, 12:45
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Steve509926
So I've given it some thought over the past 24hrs and have decided that as I have never backed away from a bully, I am not going to do so now.
Over the past few weeks I have had uncalled for abuse from 2 trolls on this forum for pointing out what I believe to be incorrect or poor advice. I will always vigorously defend my corner against such abuse, and I'm not going to stop now.
This forum has at least two trolls. One sometimes gives out dangerous advice, the other I believe sometimes gives out bad advice.
A few forum members recognise these trolls and call them out for what they are.
Other members stay silent, but remain happy knowing they hold the moral high ground.
For that I applaud you, but I wasn't brought up that way. I was brought up to stand up to and call out the - cheats, charlatans, bullies and now trolls of this world and will continue to do so as appeasement never wins.
your call Steve, but in the world of social media, trolls will always exist, as you say, they are bullies who wouldn't say boo to a goose in real life, but given the anonymity of the internet, they are free to be themselves. There's only one way to deal with them, and that's by ignoring them, they feed on the attention. By responding to them, you aren't standing up to them at all, you're actually submitting & giving them what they want/need. What really frustrates & hurts them is lack of attention.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
28 June 2024, 14:56
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
your call Steve, but in the world of social media, trolls will always exist, as you say, they are bullies who wouldn't say boo to a goose in real life, but given the anonymity of the internet, they are free to be themselves. There's only one way to deal with them, and that's by ignoring them, they feed on the attention. By responding to them, you aren't standing up to them at all, you're actually submitting & giving them what they want/need. What really frustrates & hurts them is lack of attention.
This. best way to deal with trolls (attention seekers) is to starve them of attention. Tbh arguing online is pretty futile, as tempting as it sometime is to join in the fun. It's a great forum , the backlog of knowledge is huge and the very nature of the subject seems to attract a very similar type of personality. Use, Break , Fix repeat.
28 June 2024, 16:22
RIBnet admin team
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It's all very well tiptoeing around not feeding trolls, not naming names and the old pub bar analogy. Simple fact is Ribnet has posting guidelines with the statement...
"Personal attacks and abuse will not be tolerated and may lead to a suspension of posting rights, or in extreme cases an outright ban"
In the last week or so Steve has "suffered" the following two attacks from two different users. Both personal attacks, intentionally rude, disrespectful, totally out of order, out of proportion to what went before and adding nothing to the thread....
"You seem to struggle with reading and comprehension in your dwindling years. You're like shit version of ChatGPT where you just ask more boilerplate questions and then go Google stuff. I wouldn't be surprised to find you're just a chatbot."
"You came on here not so long ago knowing nowt and full of questions now you seem to think you are some sort of SIB Guru. You havnt even got a T38 or a sib with trim tabs you bought a very heavy sib that fades in the sun, with a poor floor that required you to stuff a sheet of 8 x 4 in the bottom. You then bought a heavy 4 stroke that is barely liftable and had to fashion a sheet of ply into a board to move it about. Well you ain’t any where near."
28 June 2024, 22:28
Country: UK - England
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I'm with Nasher on this one. Blocked the irritant early doors. Reported the odd one of his to the Mods & moved on . I don't even have a rubber dinghy these days having flogged the last of the inflatables resorting to an old school Orkney Dory. Still enjoy dipping into the forum for it's knowledge & banter but you can keep the terwat !!!
Stay strong fellas , the trolls thrive on the oxygen of annoying the ***k out of others. Don't feed the troll.
07 July 2024, 13:49
RIBnet admin team
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I'd like to draw everyone's attention to the RIBnet Community Rules, particularly the following sections:
Be courteous
RIBnet is a friendly group of like minded people. If someone posts something that you disagree with, then by all means say so but do it politely and rationally. It is also helpful to say why you disagree. If you have to resort to abuse then you have clearly lost the argument. Personal attacks and abuse will not be tolerated and may lead to a suspension of posting rights, or in extreme cases an outright ban. Threats of physical violence, either explicit or implied, are not acceptable on RIBnet.
No whining
Inspired by the no-nonsense approach of the team of rule makers at 24 hours of LeMons we are invoking a version of their rule 2.4 on Whiner Eligibility and any posts deemed to be whining will be removed without notice. Serial offenders will have their posting rights revoked. If you believe that you might be a whiner, please check with a domestic partner, guardian, or health-care professional before posting.
Treat the moderators nicely
You are not here by any right or entitlement, you are here as a guest and the moderators are your hosts. They volunteer a substantial amount of their time to keep the forums running smoothly and deserve your respect. You don't have to agree with them, but if you behave unpleasantly towards them you will find that you are no longer welcome to take part here. If you post inappropriately then your posts may be edited or removed without notice. Please don't argue the toss, it's very unlikely to help.
For my own part, I'd ask everyone to consider how much their next post is going to benefit RIBnet and it's members.
I'll be using the same metric.
18 July 2024, 19:14
Country: UK - Scotland
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my tuppence worth...Ive been cruising the forums over the last couple of days as there's a couple of threads that interest me and Ive had the feeling that the forum was a "nicer" place to be than it has been over the last 6 months or so. [Mod Edit]
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
18 July 2024, 19:52
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Glad you're enjoying the forum A1an. We're putting a bit of work into keeping it a nice place to be and appreciate all the help peeps can give us.
20 July 2024, 09:54
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 302
Originally Posted by Matt
Anyway. When are we going out on your rib Nasher? Because ultimately, that’s what rib.net is for. Happy to give you a hand sorting it, if you’d like.
Was out in the big boat yesterday making a lot of noise in the solent, some of you lot may have heard it. Maybe even some of you northerners when I opened the mufflers
Potentially I’ll be on the water next Wednesday through to Saturday if anyone’s around, whether rib or hard boat. I like all boats, even yachts.
Were you out yesterday and Thursday along Southampton Water? We often hear a loud boat from our garden
20 July 2024, 11:13
Country: UK - England
Town: Farnborough
Boat name: Narcissus
Make: Cobra
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Posts: 2,372
Not me guv - it's the Solent 80 race today, so some boats will have been out testing. Mine does sound exactly the same though.
I was out on a Moody 31 teaching my godfather's son how to sail yesterday. Lovely day for it!
20 July 2024, 11:59
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Max...
Damn, I missed that one originally... It's essentially what you got if you got me and the dearly missed Rogue Wave in the same place for more than about 10 minutes...
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20 July 2024, 20:10
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 2,372
I guess enough time has passed. You guys do know that gArf an wiLlfish were both spoof accounts by the same person? But then, the banter was good and the laughs were plenty and it was all taken in good spirit.
20 July 2024, 20:20
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 14,938
Originally Posted by Matt
You guys do know that gArf an wiLlfish were both spoof accounts by the same person?
Well yes, I would. The internet suggests that he is still operating, but he MUST be pushing on a bit?
23 July 2024, 13:46
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: The wilds of Wiltshire
Boat name: Dominator
Make: SR5.4
Length: 7m +
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Posts: 13,070
Originally Posted by Matt
I guess enough time has passed. You guys do know that gArf an wiLlfish were both spoof accounts by the same person?
mAnn, eyE didNt have a ...iNg Klew...  
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