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Old 23 July 2001, 21:12   #1
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Excellent stuff, Vernon, John should pay you for this engrossing story!

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Old 24 July 2001, 11:48   #2
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Thanks for that suggestion! I've already got you down as a trouble maker!

However this is something that I have been discussing recently. There are various options for the future of RIBnet and related projects:

1 Keep RIBnet as it is: free, fast and relevant but with limited resources for further development
2 Make more of the on-line magazine aspect, with paid feature writers and more content including detailed boat tests. This would need a significant income which would mean much more advertising or even a subscription fee
3 Start a conventional magazine, and compete head-on with RIB International using the web site as an additional resource

What would you all like to see?


John Kennett
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Old 25 July 2001, 09:49   #3
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I think the great thing about this website is it's no nonsense aproach to the whole rib scene!
The fact that you can go online at any time of the day and catch up on what the rest of the rib world has been up to makes the site practically addictive!! I check it about 3 times a day!
I don't know if you could expect the same from a magazine. I think the best option would be to expand on the website, rather than buying a magazine once a month that can be read in a couple of hours!

Keep up the good work

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Old 25 July 2001, 10:34   #4
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Speaking as someone new to ribbing, but someone working professionally within the "Internet industry" I would in general like to see ethos of your site stay much as it is.

I have just bought my first RIB after almost 9 months of research/scrimping/saving etc and RIBnet is the main web/magazine resource I have visited on a regular basis i.e. at least once a week.

Sure I have looked at the RIB international online boat tests, but I have taken them for what they are, which is one person's opinion (no matter what their qualifications or experience) on one particular boat configuration. The one thing I have learnt in the process of buying a boat is that there has been no substitute for getting out there and talking to people to find out what is right for you. Which incidentally is an area where I think your site wins through - the forums seem to be well visited, whereas for example at the RIB Int message board 99% of stuff is 3+ months old.

I appreciate that this is a difficult situation for you John because it has many implications for you personally. I suspect that at the moment there is a limited market for a another conventional magazine what with one specialist publication already and mass market publication i.e. Sportsboat changing its title to include Ribs.

It is to a degree a selfish wish but I and I suspect many other people would still like to see an "independent" voice for ribbing - i.e. not one solely tied to the advertisers purse strings. Because that allows the freedom to give something that deserves it a poor review! Which is where many heavily commercially run magazines fall down by having to hype the praises of mediocre products in order to maintain revenues.

What are the limitations in resources you have? Obviously there is your time and a financial aspect, but are there technical reasons (i.e. lack of webspace/bandwidth)? Perhaps there are people out there (including myself) who would be willing to help.

Keep up the good work.

Chris D.
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Old 25 July 2001, 11:48   #5
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You are doing an excellent job.

However, your points and thoughts are very valid.

I would like to see your site expanding and moving forward and becoming more of an on-line magazine.

I also understand that it takes money and time.

I prefer your site to remain as independant and interactive as posible and I wouldn't mind paying a reasonable fee and/or contribute in any other way that I can help.

I believe that the value in your site is it's independance.

How can you advertise a boat and then write a boat test for this boat ?

Tests should be written by the boat owners and reflect their personal opinion.

Inevitably profesional ribsters and writers are attached to particular companys in one way or another.

It is my belief that the members of this site should pay and contribute for it's expansion.

Dimitris M.

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Old 25 July 2001, 16:33   #6
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"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"...Ribnet is and always has been one of the best sites for info on ribs, support for rib growth worldwide and a great forum, offered to share experience and knowledge amongst beginners to well seasoned ribsters.
Good luck on your decision.
Maybe a snappy Ribnet t-shirt could raise a buck or two...
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Old 26 July 2001, 13:07   #7
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Please do not change what I feel is a very good system I think the sucess can be seen by the number of topics/replies posted

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Old 26 July 2001, 17:02   #8
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Quite agree. RIBnet is fantastic as it is. With the quality of the input that is on the discussion boards and the support of contributers such as Alan Priddy you should maintain a good edge by the ease of access and regular contributions. Rib International could well do with some competition - it always improves provider quality,but not by changing Ribnet. Funding it is another matter - pay per view as it were is bound to reduce use. you will maintain the quality of the contribution, by nature ofthe readership. I am motivated on the RB4 front, by a desire for a balanced perspective to in the public domain and the chance to tell the story. I don't need any money for it - I've never had any and wouldn't know what to do with it anyway!! I have a wife to take care off all that sort of thing!!

If you see me in a pub, buy me a pint - keep up the excellent work John and everyone else that contributes.

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Old 26 July 2001, 18:55   #9
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Crikey, what have I started?
I echo all the contributors to this forum's sentiments, particularly ChrisD. John, you are doing a fantastic job (don't know where you find the time!)as the site works exceptionally well due to the fact that it is topical, fun and educational. It does not rely on fancy plug-ins which similar sites depend on to keep you coming back. I suspect most people who visit are generally pretty experienced in one way or another with anything to do with RIBS. I certainly visit regularly as there is a wealth of information to be found here. The thoughts on starting another publication are great,(me being selfish) if the market could support another mag ?
You,(John) probably have an excellent application (I think you explained it to me at Ribex)which monitors your 'hit-rate' and who exactly is logging on. Surely this is great information to take to manufacturers in tempting them to buy space for advertising features... this could be educational in nature, and not just 'selling your soul'
I would also wholeheartedly support some or other subscription to this excellent mouthpiece!
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Old 21 August 2001, 09:48   #10
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Hi There

I am an experienced computer user but a NEW inflatable boat owner. I only discovered RIB NET a couple of weeks ago. I wish I had found it sooner. The information and advice available is fantastic. I like it the way it is. A printed magazine is a totaly different thing, it is always a couple of months behind due to production and distribution restrictions.

Keep up the fantastic work.

Keith Hart
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Old 21 August 2001, 11:48   #11
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Keep Ribnet as it is. After so many years I finally found a site worth checking in more than twice a day. Please don't ruin it!!!
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Old 23 August 2001, 10:04   #12
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I love the site and as a novice I have gained more information here than from years of reading RIB International. :-)

Personally I would love to see another RIB magazine on the market which actually dealt with valid information and in depth demos, rather than out of date and poorly put together articles.

Lets face it the competition is not exactly hard to beat is it?

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