OK, we're back with the latest new and improved version of the forum software. As usual I have kept changes to the look and feel of the forums to an absolute minimum, and only activated new features that I think are likely to be useful.
BIG changes:
Database-based thread and forum read marking
You may have noticed that if you start to catch up on the latest messages but get distracted by the kids, someone at the door, or the boss unexpectedly appearing, by the time you get back to the forums all the messages have been marked as read. No more! Unread messages stay "unread" until you actually read them or mark them as read. You can click on the "Mark Forums Read" link at the bottom of the forum home page, or mark individual sections as read by double-clicking on the status icon

in the list of forums.
Auto-resize oversized image attachments
At last! No more "How do I reduce the size of my pictures?" messages. If your attach an image that is too large, the image will automatically resized to fit. Easy.
A few of the small-but-handy changes:
Improved registration image verification
Should help to cut down the number of spammers who make it far enough to actually offer us cheap mobile phones before being despatched into eternal darkness.
Quote tags link to quoted post
When quoting a post, the ID of the post is automatically included with the quote tag. When the quoted text is viewed in a thread, a small icon links back to the quoted post.
Option to receive Private Messages from Buddies only
You may now select to receive private messages only from users on your buddy list. If a non-buddy tries to send you a message, they will receive an error saying that you do not accept private messages. Administrators and moderators are automatically able to bypass this restriction.
Private Messages: Quota warning
Once you have reached 90% of your private message quota, you will receive a warning telling you that you have almost reached your quota.
Other changes while I was at it:
Search the memberlist
The "Members List" link now works, and takes you straight to the search page.
Easy links for user profiles and sending PMs
Not everyone notices that you can click on the user name to the left of each message for a drop down menu which includes things like "View public profile" and "Send a private message", so I've added a couple of icons to make this easier:

to send a PM and

to view the poster's profile page.
NoChex now works for automatic payments
Paid subscriptions using NoChex are now processed automatically, and your account will be upgraded immediately
There are a variety of other bits and pieces that you may or may not discover, but these are the obvious ones that you are likely to notice!
Please let me know if you have any questions, problems, requests or suggestions.