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Old 04 May 2004, 11:55   #1
John Kennett's Avatar
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General posting guidelines

We don't have lots of rules and regulations here, and for the vast majority of the time the RIBnet forums run happily without any need for moderation. We do have a few guidelines to help keep things running smoothly though, and this is what is expected:

Use the archive
There is a massive archive of information that has built up over many years in the RIBnet forums, and it is all searchable. If you have a question please take some time to search the archive and read previous discussions on the subject before you post. You may find that your question has already been answered, possibly many times.

Write in English
RIBnet is an English language site. Occasional asides in other languages aren't a problem, but are generally unhelpful for most of the other users. You're not going to be marked for spelling and grammar (although using the spell check is encouraged), but txt spk isn't appreciated.

Post selectively
Consider whether each message you post is actually worth posting. This does not mean that every post has to be dead-pan serious, but that a balance needs to be struck. Having a high post-count doesn't necessarily mean you have a lot to say. Please do not post the same message repeatedly. Duplicates will be deleted. Politics and religion are off limits; there are plenty of more appropriate places to debate these topics.

Make sure that what you post is correct
If you make a statement of fact, be prepared to back it up with some evidence. If you are stating an opinion, please make this clear and be prepared for others to disagree with you. Whatever happens, please remain calm and polite at all times.

Use the Private Message system
Please avoid using the forums for personal conversations or two-way discussions that will only be of interest to the two people taking part. The PM system is there for you to use!

Be courteous
RIBnet is a friendly group of like minded people. If someone posts something that you disagree with, then by all means say so but do it politely and rationally. It is also helpful to say why you disagree. If you have to resort to abuse then you have clearly lost the argument. Personal attacks and abuse will not be tolerated and may lead to a suspension of posting rights, or in extreme cases an outright ban. Threats of physical violence, either explicit or implied, are not acceptable on RIBnet.

No whining
Inspired by the no-nonsense approach of the team of rule makers at 24 hours of LeMons we are invoking a version of their rule 2.4 on Whiner Eligibility and any posts deemed to be whining will be removed without notice. Serial offenders will have their posting rights revoked. If you believe that you might be a whiner, please check with a domestic partner, guardian, or health-care professional before posting.

Treat the admin team nicely
The admin team are your hosts. They volunteer a substantial amount of their time to keep the forums running smoothly and deserve your respect. If you post inappropriately then your posts may be edited or removed without notice. Please don't argue the toss, it's very unlikely to help. Please also bear in mind that most of the time the admin team will be posting as regular RIBnet members and not as moderators. You don't have to agree with them, but normal standards of courtesy are expected from both sides.

Unless previously agreed, posting under multiple accounts is not permitted, and offending accounts may be merged, deactivated or deleted at the admins' discretion.

This lot is mostly common sense. If you think anything should be changed, added or deleted then please let me know by PM.

There are also guidelines for commercial posting for any trade related posts.
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Old 05 June 2015, 09:21   #2
John Kennett's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
General posting guidelines

I thought that this might be a good day to bump this to the top just in case anyone hasn't taken the time to read it
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