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Old 11 January 2023, 13:26   #1
Country: UK - Wales
Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 1

Please can you assist or put me in the right direction.

I have a brain tumour so unable to use two items i bought in August 2021

They are an Europa sport M200 inflatable with all accessories and a Yamaha F2.5BMHS

The inflatable has been used once for around half an hour and the engine totally unused apart from the initial demonstration.

i paid a total of £1260.00 for them and was wondering if you would know how i could sell these and recoup as much as possible

best regards alan parr
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Old 11 January 2023, 20:50   #2
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Originally Posted by alanp View Post
Please can you assist or put me in the right direction.

I have a brain tumour so unable to use two items i bought in August 2021

They are an Europa sport M200 inflatable with all accessories and a Yamaha F2.5BMHS

The inflatable has been used once for around half an hour and the engine totally unused apart from the initial demonstration.

i paid a total of £1260.00 for them and was wondering if you would know how i could sell these and recoup as much as possible

best regards alan parr
Welcome to Ribnet. Sorry to hear about your illness.
There's a specific page on facebook that might help, it's dedicated to people who use small inflatables and outboards for fishing. It's probably your best bet.
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