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Old 19 August 2015, 17:26   #41
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All of that happens on RIBnet, and has been for more than a decade. It happens in other places too, both on and off line. I'm glad you've found somewhere that works for you, but I'm not entirely sure what the point of your post was?
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Old 19 August 2015, 17:46   #42
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Ribnet could be a little more friendly , within weeks of posting on RHIB I was invited to cruise , I was made welcome by every one I I made contact with , if I made an error I didn't receive sarcastic comments , if debating points amongst members started to become heated it quickly resolved into friendly banter no hard feeling no one feeling put down , this debate has gone into the bilges I feel that's were you think it belongs so it's a little like your not taking things seriously , I feel the if you don't like it leave isn't helping , talk of taking your ball doesn't help , my point is become helpful , friendly less sarcasm more encouragement , I have more than ten people at a time encouraging me to cruise offering help and assistance if I need it , I've never seen that on this site , John I've no axe to grind ribnet has section I read all the time and advice that I do find really useful but I never get the feeling that I am welcome .

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Old 19 August 2015, 18:05   #43
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Saucer of milk?

Thanks for your thoughts. This thread happens to be in the bilges because that's where the original post ended up. We've had the same discussion a few times in the "About RIBnet" section though.

You have posted at length here to say that you feel that Facebook is better than RIBnet, but "become more helpful and friendly" isn't a particularly helpful suggestion. RIBnet is what it is, and what people make of it.

It's curious that there seem to be people who seem to be more friendly and helpful on Facebook than they do on RIBnet, because it's pretty much the same group of people. Maybe if people spent more time being friendly and positive here instead of just telling everyone how much better Facebook is they'd have a better time!
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Old 19 August 2015, 18:40   #44
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Agree with above.

What about If all the friendlies come on here and spam the sh*t out of ribnet with the same as they speak on facefu*k then instantly it will be a friendlier place and only on one site so sounds like a win win lol
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Old 19 August 2015, 18:45   #45
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Well that was a grown up comment !!!

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Old 19 August 2015, 18:46   #46
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Oh dear my tuppence worth,
This kicked off on a thread about the pride of Britain, let's try to focus on that as it's a massive positive for both rhibs and ribnet We should be celebrating ... Rich
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Old 19 August 2015, 18:57   #47
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Originally Posted by Nasher View Post
What's RHIB's?

RHIB's is a group of like minded people who enjoy using Facebook to communicate with each, some of whom are also likely to be members of and enjoy being part of RIBnet

Originally Posted by jambo View Post
I asked that same question a few days ago. It's the FB group that has started up because they don't like RN

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I don't think that's the case Billy, I've contributed to RHIB's since it started but have continued to contribute to RIBnet and still do so, as do a number of others I'm aware of. I'm sure we've all taken "time out" for one reason or another, I know I have as occasionally I've not felt up to it, but to be honest I've taken time out from RHIB's for similar reasons, I'm sure those who know me will realise why I've not felt up to it!

Originally Posted by Nasher View Post
Oh, facebook, that explains why I don't know what it is.

I didn't realise so many 14 year olds could afford a RIB.

I'm just a tad older than 14, but I can still enjoy Facebook, personally I like the flexibility to easily post a photo and add a comment whilst out on the water, even if just to wind up someone who's in work while I'm enjoying a day out in the rib, some may see that as pointless or even immature, but I don't see any real harm in it myself

Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
Thanks for your thoughts. This thread happens to be in the bilges because that's where the original post ended up. We've had the same discussion a few times in the "About RIBnet" section though.

You have posted at length here to say that you feel that Facebook is better than RIBnet, but "become more helpful and friendly" isn't a particularly helpful suggestion. RIBnet is what it is, and what people make of it.

It's curious that there seem to be people who seem to be more friendly and helpful on Facebook than they do on RIBnet, because it's pretty much the same group of people. Maybe if people spent more time being friendly and positive here instead of just telling everyone how much better Facebook is they'd have a better time!
Evening John

I'd just like to say a big "Thankyou" to everyone on Ribnet AND RHIB's that have offered me support over the last 3 years, both have given me tremendous support especially following my first operation and while I was having 6 months of chemo, I even managed a RIBnet Round Anglesey Cruise halfway through the chemo! I don't see any need to choose between RIBnet and RHIB's, both have some great people on board with lots of good advice, sometimes you need to be a tad thick skinned, but I guess the same applies to life in general, maybe not always easy to appreciate the effect a comment may have on someone who's having a bad day for whatever reason, I know I've had a few over the last couple of years!!

I'd like to think I'm still welcome to comment on both RIBnet & RHIB's, to take part in cruises etc, and let's not forget just what RIBnet achieved with raising funds for Macmillan with MacRib

I've got a RIBnet flag of the A frame of the Revenger, and a RHIB's flag next to it
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Old 19 August 2015, 19:04   #48
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Well said Chris :thumbup: same goes for me on all the above

ps, I had a ribnet flag but someone half inched it
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Old 19 August 2015, 19:12   #49
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I'm reading this thread with interest.

I am what you term as a lurker on both formats these days. Tending not to reply unless I have something useful to add.

My opinion for what it's worth is that as RIBnet has been running longer it has evolved more. It's still an information mine, just do a search! But new people are joining RIBnet and expecting answers to basic questions asked a hundred times before. So not really surprising that they either don't get answered or get a sarcastic comment. They then come to the conclusion that RIBnet is unfriendly (which it isn't).

So the bottom line is which format you like? I like both! But for different reasons. If you like one more than another then say goodbye to whichever you dislike and be done with it. Move on!

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Old 19 August 2015, 19:44   #50
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Originally Posted by poulner6 View Post
More criticism about RHIBs, Shinyshoe you just keep proving the point over constantly putting another group down
I'm sorry you found my post to be putting your group down. If I had intended to cause offence you'd have known about it and I'd probably be having a Time Out.

I was attempting to make a serious point. Someone on RHIBs who sees a reference to probably doesn't need to say what is ... Its self explanatory with a quick Google if in doubt. But RHIBs doesn't self explain and Google doesn't seem to help. So when people ask what it is should it be explained as a FB Group or with some explanations of history? At some stage the Hx may become irrelevant, but currently it seems those wounds seem a bit raw still on the FB side. Is it wrong that the reason the group exists is because people didn't like the way they felt was headed? I accept Chris's argument that the two serve different roles for him... And no doubt for many others. You can upload a PIC from the water to but its about 20x easier to FB if you have FB app on ur phone. I even think it serves the social function better - its the here and now discussion. I don't think the platform does the technical debate any favours. Just my opinion.

Now I asked what you hoped admin would do for my post which appeared to offend. You didn't answer that.

don't fall out the pram because you got the poor attitude towards other ex-members or opinions
I am confused. Apart from not understanding the pram reference at all, I don't have any problem with the majority of the ex-members. There may be one or two who I wouldnt rush to buy a pint at the bar, but the vast majority I have no beef with but they clearly have a beef with someone because they don't like someones opinion... They are the ones who walked out in a huff not me. Unless I'm mistaken I doubt they have any beef with me personally.

May I suggest you have a cruise with us
Not sure you would know if I had or hadn't cruised with you? Some of the cruises have so many people would you know everyones name? Certainly I don't just walk up to people in RIB and ask them who they post as on So I have no idea who I've met or not met appart from two people who have specifically identified themselves to me.

Do you know I'm not a poster on RHIBs? I've certainly hung around that virtual sailing club bar enough to know if I want to be a regular member.

On the other hand I've been to a fair few sailing clubs and know which ones I'd join if they were near me and which I wouldn't. Most of that has nothing to do with the sailing. So while you might all be lovely people on the water some people really struggle to interact well in certain situations and I doubt I would be comfortable in the bar afterwards if you don't like me online cause I can be twice as obnoxious face to face.
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Old 19 August 2015, 23:19   #51
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
You can upload a PIC from the water to but its about 20x easier to FB if you have FB app on ur phone.
Is it?

Originally Posted by Hightower View Post
But new people are joining RIBnet and expecting answers to basic questions asked a hundred times before. So not really surprising that they either don't get answered or get a sarcastic comment.
They always did - but perhaps Garf used to confuse them enough that they didn't notice.
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Old 19 August 2015, 23:23   #52
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Is it?
Yeah, Ribnet is a right faff to upload pics onto. Ever tried?
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Old 19 August 2015, 23:25   #53
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Is it?

They always did - but perhaps Garf used to confuse them enough that they didn't notice.
Or maybe the newbs confused Hightower?
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Old 20 August 2015, 00:04   #54
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Originally Posted by Leonard Harley View Post
I haven't got pseudonym and can't understand why you need one to hide your identity
there are various reasons why some people on RIBnet don't use their full names. Here's some of them:
  • They post whilst they are supposed to be working and don't want to make it obvious to a boss searching the net.
  • Because the internet is full of weirdos and lots of "safety" advice would suggest you don't.
  • Because names, especially rarer ones, are not too hard to turn into addresses. People often tell the world they are going to be away for the weekend (inviting thieves to visit an empty home).
  • As above, but with several grands worth of expensive engine/boat kicking about.
  • Because as the internet grew up it was very common to use a user name and old habbits die hard [quicker, easier to type? spaces are an issue for lots of computer systems, so usernameswithoutspacesweremorecommon].
  • Because its the name of their boat.
  • Because its a nickname and they don't take life too seriously.
  • Because there are already a dozen regular posters called "Chris" and adding another one is confusing.
I'm sure there are others too, and as an aside, just because someone appears to be using a normal name doesn't mean you should necessarily trust them more than someone who is obviously using a pseudonym.

I found ribnet to be a little high and mighty , I've only got a small rib and felt I didn't have the right credentials to be on here
I'm sorry you feel that, we created a whole special forum for SIBs for exactly that reason, but since the very early days some folks with the most basic of boats have been posting some most interesting stuff. Search for the Gurnard, Zodiac Man and Keith Hart as examples. Since people think that the Admin team should in someway be on a pedestal it might interest you to know that - (i) I own a 3.9m + 20HP pretend RIB (ii) Willk has perfected the art of using other people's boats, and has a wee SIB with a 9.9HP engine. (iii) JK has I think still got a SIB and has been ribless for as longs as I have known him! He did own a sailing rib at one point! (iv) Nos worked his way through the SR world before rebuilding a Ballistic with his own blood, sweat and tears.

We even had a gathering for small boats this year.

I do look at ribnet and find lots of advice but I've never seen the comradeship that I see on RHIB every time a forum is raised a cruise date I smile because I'll never forget strangers coming together as one , touchy feely
has been mentioned , personally I find that's great because I will never forget the bond that's been formed between members of RHIB .
there's 1752 threads with cruises on them over here Upcoming RIB cruises - RIBnet Forums - obviously many of them will be in the past but I am sure that you would be made welcome on any of them. I've always been made welcome on any I went on and most people here hate me! The great thing about all the historic ones is if you want inspiration, top tips or inside info on the places you might well find it there. I don't doubt that Facebook is great for many things but searching old posts is something that platform is not good for (which is no criticism of the RHIBS group, or even Facebook Inc - it wasn't designed for that).

If face-to-face interaction is your thing then there used to be a Solent group who met up in the pub on a regular basis (if you see reference to "Church" in old posts its not ecclesiastical but reference to a pub!). The ring leaders moved on (from ribs I think) and so it died out - but of course it could be reinstated. Planning a cruise is a great pub activity - and then you can open it up to the wider world if you want more company.
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Old 20 August 2015, 00:47   #55
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Originally Posted by il corvo View Post
the "admins" job is not an easy one, moderator, peace keeper, judge...
I wonder if this is part of the problem. That isn't really what RIBnet admins do. We:
  • Remove unwanted spam and ban the accounts - thankfully now quite a rare thing.
  • Remind commercial posters who missed the rules on the way in - to help keep the balance as constructive discussion rather than free advertising
  • Move posts when put in the wrong place.
  • Help people who are having issues with posting pics/video etc.
  • Try to keep some sort of order in the classifieds so sold stuff gets deleted.
  • Remove duplicate posts
  • Point people to advice on clearing cookies etc.
  • Try to spot people who are fake users actually promoting a product.
  • Guide people towards and very occasionally enforce "the Rules"
Its rare we remove any posts, never mind actually remove the user. People are amazingly good at self discipline here - we have no swear filter, banned topics of religion and politics rarely come up, and despite some forthright discussion it is seldom that we need to do much.

Originally Posted by Anchorhandler View Post
Perhaps JK can answer this and confirm that member numbers are stable and the activity on the site hasn't declined.
We have 18,000 members (I think that is twice as many as when you joined), obviously not all are active. We don't seem to have any readily available data on historical activity. It is an interesting question so if I find a way I will try to get some data. We do know that RIBnet is seasonal. It feels to me like we are becoming more international, and also I think more distributed within the UK. My gut feel is there are also a lot more SIB users than there used to be. We have definitely had a lot less activity in the bilges than we used to - whether that is a good thing or not may depend on your view point.
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Old 20 August 2015, 07:31   #56
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Saucer of milk?

Originally Posted by Mollers View Post
Yeah, Ribnet is a right faff to upload pics onto. Ever tried?

I have, and it's surprisingly simple. All you need is Tapatalk or the free RIBnet app (available for iOS and Android) and uploading pics from your phone is as easy as can be
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Old 20 August 2015, 07:39   #57
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
I have, and it's surprisingly simple. All you need is Tapatalk or the free RIBnet app (available for iOS and Android) and uploading pics from your phone is as easy as can be
Yeah. Try a selfie for us... Mollers :-)
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Old 20 August 2015, 08:23   #58
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
I have, and it's surprisingly simple. All you need is Tapatalk or the free RIBnet app (available for iOS and Android) and uploading pics from your phone is as easy as can be
And you can even start a thread or post and then take a picture "live" within the app rather than having to take picture then launch app and find in gallery. I did a wee test and six clicks you can launch app, take picture, post it. That's exactly the same as my experiment with sharing it to a Facebook group!

The app may however be part of the "problem" it doesn't show or insert smileys properly so can only make understanding the tone of a response worse. It also encourages short quick replies, some people suggest that's good, but maybe it makes it more likely to be perceived as rude.
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Old 20 August 2015, 08:37   #59
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
And you can even start a thread or post and then take a picture "live" within the app rather than having to take picture then launch app and find in gallery. I did a wee test and six clicks you can launch app, take picture, post it. That's exactly the same as my experiment with sharing it to a Facebook group!

The app may however be part of the "problem" it doesn't show or insert smileys properly so can only make understanding the tone of a response worse. It also encourages short quick replies, some people suggest that's good, but maybe it makes it more likely to be perceived as rude.
+1 to all that, the app is easy to use AS LONG as you have a good internet connection, otherwise you get repeated timeouts, or at least I do.
Also I tend to use the app, "on the fly" so responses are naturally shorter & can seem more abrupt than usual
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Old 20 August 2015, 08:54   #60
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
Also I tend to use the app, "on the fly" so responses are naturally shorter & can seem more abrupt than usual
That's true for me as well, although I do try to be aware of it and double-check what I've written before posting.

Surely the same would apply on Facebook though?
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