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Old 20 August 2015, 09:23   #61
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I've moved this discussion out of the bilges for now.

So far the only specific suggestion that we've had is to change the moderators from time to time, but without explaining what that might achieve.

Being "more friendly" has also been suggested, but that's down to everyone to make RIBnet what they want it to be. No one has volunteered to be on a welcoming committee so far, but there do seem to be a few more replies in the introductions forum.

For the record, as I've said before, as far as I'm concerned the internet is a big place and there's plenty of room for everyone. I have no problem at all with people setting up other forums or Facebook groups if that's what they want. They may well be complementary and serve different purposes.

I am, however, becoming tired of reading posts here from people who just want to extol the virtues of their preferred groups. It's pointless and a bit rude. I particularly object to posts that make unsubstantiated claims about people being "regularly shouted down" or otherwise abused on RIBnet. It's simply not true. Someone disagreeing with you is not abuse, it's a discussion.

If anyone has specific, practical suggestions to improve the forum then let's hear them. If anyone feels that a specific post is abusive or otherwise breaches the forum rules, then please report it. Otherwise let's just get on with what we enjoy.
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Old 20 August 2015, 09:50   #62
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Taking on board you're request for practical suggestions John....

The 'like' function on FB can show that your 'effort' to post has been appreciated without necessarily warranting an actual response etc (nice ego rub if nothing else). Could that address some of the earlier comments re posting as a new member / no responses etc?

I know other forums have a similar function (and that we have 'views') and that this has probably been discussed before..... Must admit I tend to lurk more these days (no real reason behind that, poss just older and more experienced / less to ask) and I'd likely be inclined to hit 'like' after a read than comment....unless I had something useful to add.... Could help make everyone feel a bit more 'loved'?

I like both the FB and Web forums..... Primarily as I like looking at / talking boats..... But I couldn't be arsed to search FB for past discussions.... That's where a forum wins hands down.
Dan Worth

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Old 20 August 2015, 10:14   #63
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Yes, that's something I could get the technical bods upstairs to have a look at.
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Old 20 August 2015, 20:24   #64
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I've read this thread 3 or 4 times, and each time wanted to add to this topic and add value without really knowing what to say...... Here goes!!!
1. IMO the mods here do a great job, it's not easy, takes a lot of people's most precious asset, and is a thankless task, so thank you for what you do
2. RN (Ribnet) can at times appear to 'outsiders' , (new members, or those who don't know either in real life, or through many years of online chatting ) a little cliquey at times, those with a sensitive disposition may get upset, or feel shouted down. To take the pub analogy a new member of the club easily upset by the old boy in the corner shouting abuse, regular members just ignore him. You will never overcome this, the new member either needs to grow thicker skin, or move to another club which will often be just the same. (The grass is very often not any greener, or the beer taste any different)
3. FB or RHIBS, it really is very similar pub to this one, just different decoration, and some different drinkers, many, like me, drink in both, more often lurking than posting, but nevertheless drinking in both.
4. Like all pubs there are really nice people and a few numpties, they both have their share.
5. There will always be people who think their pub is the best, the one and only. It's their right to say so, and even if it is their opinion it's not OK to rubbish all the other pubs, but they may well do so anyway.

After that long ramble (sorry), RN is great, but so is FB, don't try and change it, you'll never please everyone even if you do.
(But a 'like' button would be good!)

Keep up your great work!

Sent from my iPhone using RIB Net
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Old 20 August 2015, 20:25   #65
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
+1 to all that, the app is easy to use AS LONG as you have a good internet connection, otherwise you get repeated timeouts, or at least I do.
Also I tend to use the app, "on the fly" so responses are naturally shorter & can seem more abrupt than usual
You might try the mobile view of the site (no app needed) when you have a sloooow connection. It should load automatically on a small device but you can also call it up on the full site by scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting the mobile view from the style picker in the bottom left.

Click image for larger version

Name:	rib_mobile.jpg
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ID:	108060

To return to the full view there is a link at the bottom of the page (center) as well.
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Old 20 August 2015, 20:48   #66
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Originally Posted by Janet H View Post
You might try the mobile view of the site (no app needed) when you have a sloooow connection. It should load automatically on a small device but you can also call it up on the full site by scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting the mobile view from the style picker in the bottom left.

Attachment 108060

To return to the full view there is a link at the bottom of the page (center) as well.
I didn't know you could do that, thanks. You learn something new everyday
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Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
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Old 20 August 2015, 20:51   #67
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
I have, and it's surprisingly simple. All you need is Tapatalk or the free RIBnet app (available for iOS and Android) and uploading pics from your phone is as easy as can be
Ah... its as easy as uploading a pic on a forum could ever be. I'm not complaining about that. But from android I can click my picture in the gallery tap share and pick FB ap (actually I can't coz I uninstalled it!!) and its on. Not aware I can do that to tapatalk. Plus if I'm not mistaken if I don't have signal it will queue it for later (certainly does with twitter).

Not saying its hard with the forum, just easier on FB.
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Old 20 August 2015, 21:04   #68
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Its all these grumbling Sibbers I reckon, ever since the Inflatable boats section was added all the problems started
Chris Stevens

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Old 20 August 2015, 22:13   #69
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
I've moved this discussion out of the bilges for now.

So far the only specific suggestion that we've had is to change the moderators from time to time, but without explaining what that might achieve.

Being "more friendly" has also been suggested, but that's down to everyone to make RIBnet what they want it to be. No one has volunteered to be on a welcoming committee so far, but there do seem to be a few more replies in the introductions forum.

For the record, as I've said before, as far as I'm concerned the internet is a big place and there's plenty of room for everyone. I have no problem at all with people setting up other forums or Facebook groups if that's what they want. They may well be complementary and serve different purposes.

I am, however, becoming tired of reading posts here from people who just want to extol the virtues of their preferred groups. It's pointless and a bit rude. I particularly object to posts that make unsubstantiated claims about people being "regularly shouted down" or otherwise abused on RIBnet. It's simply not true. Someone disagreeing with you is not abuse, it's a discussion.

If anyone has specific, practical suggestions to improve the forum then let's hear them. If anyone feels that a specific post is abusive or otherwise breaches the forum rules, then please report it. Otherwise let's just get on with what we enjoy.
It was nice previously when the Mods didn't contribute if you ask me - kinda like the speaker of the house. They become independent and arbitrate, not participate.

__________________ - A registered charity supporting sports and community events across England and Wales
Also why not check out the Ribcraft Owners Group?
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Old 20 August 2015, 22:33   #70
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Originally Posted by CJL View Post
It was nice previously when the Mods didn't contribute if you ask me - kinda like the speaker of the house. They become independent and arbitrate, not participate.

Are the mods self appointed?
Why aren't they voted in like a democracy? Or if they are voted in why can't they be removed by another vote

" how did you get into power "
" How much power have you got "
" and how do we get rid of you "

The late Rt honarable Tony Benn MP
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Old 20 August 2015, 22:34   #71
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Originally Posted by CJL View Post
It was nice previously when the Mods didn't contribute if you ask me - kinda like the speaker of the house. They become independent and arbitrate, not participate.


That's never been the case though, and I can't imagine we'd get many takers for what would be a supremely thankless task!
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Old 20 August 2015, 22:39   #72
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Originally Posted by CJL View Post
It was nice previously when the Mods didn't contribute if you ask me
Which mods do you mean and when was this the case? I only go back to 2008 so I'm curious...
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Old 20 August 2015, 22:41   #73
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Originally Posted by The Black Pig View Post
Are the mods self appointed?
Why aren't they voted in like a democracy? Or if they are voted in why can't they be removed by another vote

" how did you get into power "
" How much power have you got "
" and how do we get rid of you "

The late Rt honarable Tony Benn MP

"If one meets a powerful person - Rupert Murdoch, perhaps, or Joe Stalin or Hitler - one can ask five questions: what power do you have; where did you get it; in whose interests do you exercise it; to whom are you accountable; and, how can we get rid of you? Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system."

RIBnet is not, and has never been, a democracy. It is a benevolent oligarchy.

Mods are invited by me to lend a hand in with a range of administrative tasks as outlined by Poly previously.

I don't understand the hang up that some people seem to have with the mods. Here is my response to a post about them a few pages back. Any thoughts?

Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
If mods were capriciously deleting or posts, or threatening sanctions without due cause, then I would certainly be looking to replace them. However I don't see that happening.

Is it generally more annoying when someone argues with you if they happen to be a mod? Is there a feeling that they somehow have more "clout" because of it?

Should different posting standards apply to anyone who volunteers their time as a moderator?
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Old 20 August 2015, 22:42   #74
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe View Post
Ah... its as easy as uploading a pic on a forum could ever be. I'm not complaining about that. But from android I can click my picture in the gallery tap share and pick FB ap (actually I can't coz I uninstalled it!!) and its on. Not aware I can do that to tapatalk. Plus if I'm not mistaken if I don't have signal it will queue it for later (certainly does with twitter).

Not saying its hard with the forum, just easier on FB.
But that doesn't share it to the group in fb it just puts it on your own status, this is the same reason there is no direct share to ribnet function in the app - the software would know which forum, or thread to post to.
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Old 20 August 2015, 22:56   #75
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[QUOTE=John Kennett;690641]"If one meets a powerful person - Rupert Murdoch, perhaps, or Joe Stalin or Hitler - one can ask five questions: what power do you have; where did you get it; in whose interests do you exercise it; to whom are you accountable; and, how can we get rid of you? Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system."

RIBnet is not, and has never been, a democracy. It is a benevolent oligarchy.

Mods are invited by me.

Thank you for you accurate word for word quote you obviously googled that one,
My version is from memory and the ethos stands
We have a Murdoch regime it seems
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Old 20 August 2015, 23:04   #76
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Originally Posted by The Black Pig
We have a Murdoch regime it seems
Aye. Poly is the Corporate Fine Print expert. I collect the personal data and Nos is the tarty ginger one... ;-)
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Old 20 August 2015, 23:12   #77
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Originally Posted by willk View Post
Aye. Poly is the Corporate Fine Print expert. I collect the personal data and Nos is the tarty ginger one... ;-)

Oi my daughter is ginger/ strawberry blonde
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Old 20 August 2015, 23:13   #78
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So I have been on forums pretty much since they started, dial up bulletin boards before that. I've seen a lot but I am no expert and most of you are from somewhere in GB and Ireland so that adds a degree of unknown about what is inappropriate vs here in the US.

That said, I don't see the mods abusing their power. If you are taking their opinions as fact and feel you can't argue with them because they are mods then the issue is yours. I've never seen a forum where the moderators can't participate in discussions.

I've never seen a moderator here threaten, delete, edit, ban, suspend, or do anything else capriciously that would justify taking action against them or doing anything different. I have seen plenty of that over the years elsewhere.

Again, if you got examples that would be helpful otherwise this is just a made up "problem".

This isn't a democracy, it's a forum that is one person's property, most of them are that way. Again, examples of why that is an issue or it's just another made up "problem". I have certainly seen forums where that was an issue, this isn't it.

Zukerberg owns, or at least runs FB, it's not a democracy either and it does a lot worse with sharing all that real name data and having moving target privacy and acceptable content policies. It's not a trade for discussion nirvana I am willing to make.

So far the only actual negative comment I have seen was posted by somebody complaining its too negative here and when I said something about that he apparently replied with language the moderators actually moderated. (aka doing their job)

I've seen a reputable long time member here leave because one jerk-somebody questioned the legitimacy of his product and it was taken as a question of the reputable long time poster's character I think. I'm not sure why that lead to leaving instead of telling the jerk off but that's life on the high seas.

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Old 20 August 2015, 23:36   #79
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
That's never been the case though, and I can't imagine we'd get many takers for what would be a supremely thankless task!
It's my perception that in recent year's they've become more vocal compared to when I first joined Ribnet.

__________________ - A registered charity supporting sports and community events across England and Wales
Also why not check out the Ribcraft Owners Group?
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Old 21 August 2015, 01:42   #80
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Originally Posted by CJL View Post
It's my perception that in recent year's they've become more vocal compared to when I first joined Ribnet
dats cuz yoov gott a irysh gitt, a scotch gitt an a inglish gitt.

too much fukin deevolooshun.

cud be werse

wee cud av ad a welch gitt
fuk mee crismus leeve wiv noe ankul tagg

Wher doo I beegin?😃
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