Flipping heck.
Now, I should add that as I grabbed a swatch at this thread over a quick lunch I stopped reading at post 65, so I will apologise in advance if I am digging up stuff that everybody hugged on back in post 2981*.....
For those of you who may not be aware, my boat is a 5M Humber with a 60Hp that I suspect in an fleabay sales battle would make less than some of the newer SIBS on here). If you want to feel good about your rib, come for a cruise with me! I usually volunteer to be the pier fender on cruises coz my toobs are so trashed a bit more wear on the bump strip will not be noticed)
Some of you have seen my fine craft. Do feel free to confirm I'm not just being PC for the sake of ribnet.

I can assure you we don't all own 10M £50K ribs.....
Originally Posted by Anchorhandler
Seems that so many "regulars" who used to post comments have buggered off or just lurk now leaving the same select few to answer people's questions everytime.
Not quite. Some of us are just REALLY busy. I've had the boat out once this year

, and had a short shaft gearbox for my other museum piece (1974 Johnson) sitting waiting to be swapped for the best part of 3 months, and a 4HP needing a new shear pin for a similar time. Trust me, alack of baoting or Ribnet is nothing to do with choice......
Originally Posted by John Kennett
That isn't to say that it's necessarily a bad thing though, and it could probably be used better. Would anyone like to volunteer to be part of an informal welcome committee to make sure that introduction posts get a timely response?
I do try to say hello, but as I get about 6 mins whilst waiting for a chinese to be cooked in a shop with a "G" level mobile signal once every 3 weeks or so I tend to aim straight for the engines section where hopefully I can help someone.... (and I think I did recently?)
Originally Posted by Hightower
My opinion for what it's worth is that as RIBnet has been running longer it has evolved more. It's still an information mine, just do a search!
Back on the home PC I have 4 of my old posts bookmarked. Why? Coz I got fed up re -typing them! Now a simple click. (ha, and of course now nobody asks those questions.....)
I do think it's a good place, I also think the "keyboard shield" does rather increase the level of some of the comments / replies, and I can honestly say all the Ribnet people I have met in pubs, on beaches, in the middle of the Clyde, Forth, etc have all been really friendly & helpful. (BANTER ALERT!!!!) .... Even those with plastic tubs!
The other observation I have is that how many of us are running on Ethanol based substances whilst on Ribnet? I know I usually am on whilst chilling with a beer or glass of wine at the end of an evening. (Ha, apart from now when i should be working.....

) I have a mental rule that says "be careful when under the afluence of incohol", but how many are carried away in a heated discussion? A bit like (back to the pub analogy) Guess who are the ones that end up beating each other up physically? - the p!ssed ones!
Cliquyes are human nature - just do what you did at school - ignore them!
So let's all just keep it cool, and remember we are all ultimately here for one reason - we have an inflatabe boat (or boats!) that burn fuel.
* Random number for comedy effect
Edit: I'll also try & keep an eye on the "hello" section......