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Old 18 August 2015, 14:01   #1
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Improving RIBnet

Originally Posted by Fender View Post
There’s certainly a unpleasant ‘attitude’ from a minority of members on here and whenever the subject is brought up admin seem to go into a offensive mode – rather than dealing with the problem.
OK, let's see if there's anything I can do to help. What exactly is the problem as you see it, and how would you like me to deal with it?

That's an open question to anyone interested by the way. Feel free to answer here or by PM if you feel that would be more appropriate.
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Old 18 August 2015, 14:28   #2
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John, the problem isn't something that one click of a mouse can sort. there is a small nucleus of posters who gladly jump on bandwagons, spout negativity, sarcastic responses. unfortunatly, it's a small minority that cause and perpetuate problems.

reading through the comments on this thread alone should highlight a few of those.

the "admins" job is not an easy one, moderator, peace keeper, judge...
so in that respect i don't envy.

like i posted before, as a newbie to the site sometimes i have found it "cold". it took 75 odd views of my initial "hello post" before anyone condescended to even reply with a simple "hello" or "welcome". not the best of starts.

i go onto forums like this to chat to like minded people and inevitably a like mind isnt always what you get.

RHIBs thus far has proven to be a more friendly, easy going experience and less elitist.

it's a shame, there are good people here with a fountain of knowledge but tapping into that sometimes feels like i need some sort of masonic handshake that nobody will teach me.
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Old 18 August 2015, 15:07   #3
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Originally Posted by il corvo View Post
it took 75 odd views of my initial "hello post" before anyone condescended to even reply with a simple "hello" or "welcome". not the best of starts.
I think that has to do with the physical structure of the forum, less than not being welcomed. I tend to read the forum mostly on my small laptop, so I don't see the whole front page, also I start up on the "Ribtalk section. I don't see the new members section unless I specifically go looking for it, which I generally don't. The best way imho to into introduce oneself usually starts with ".....been lurking for a while & decided to post, can someone help with...." that usually gets a response on the lines of "Welcome to Ribnet, have you tried............"

With FB, it's less structured & more timeline based, which personally I detest & is the main reason I don't "do" FB in any shape or form, not just the RHIBS section. So when a new members posts on FB (I assume) the post gets to the top of the pile & everyone sees it.
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Old 18 August 2015, 15:10   #4
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Back to the subject, I genuinely don't get the problem, I don't even see a problem, let alone understand it. Ribnet is what it is, as is FB. I don't like FB, so I don't go on it, that's my choice. I don't go onto FB & kick up a stink because it's not my cup of tea & want it changed to suit me, I just avoid it, simples. I like Ribnet, it suits me, I've met loads of great people & some ar53holes, but hey, that's life.

The oysters were terrific BTW, washed down with a bottle of local cider in the sun, now THAT'S what it's really about
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Old 18 August 2015, 15:25   #5
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post

OK, let's see if there's anything I can do to help. What exactly is the problem as you see it, and how would you like me to deal with it?

That's an open question to anyone interested by the way. Feel free to answer here or by PM if you feel that would be more appropriate.
Here's a simple one for you...create a maximum term that a moderator can serve in that position and limit it to say 2 years max.
Consider also putting the election of moderators to a public vote and create a more democratic and transparent forum.

Seems that so many "regulars" who used to post comments have buggered off or just lurk now leaving the same select few to answer people's questions everytime. ( I recon I can narrow it down to the same 8-10 or so members) this Imho makes the whole experience very predictable and repetitive and does nothing to engage people like the site used to several years ago.
I recon this is also partly responsible for the "clicky feel" comments the site has recieved recently.

I admit I have had issues with the way certain Mods have reacted to people's comments which is probably the main reason I spend most of my time lurking now. it's a real shame as I would love to see the site go back to how it was a few years ago but feel that unless something is done soon (by considering a change out of some of the mods) It'l gradually fade out of existence...
I used to struggle to keep up sometimes with the amount of new posts/comments being made... Nowadays there are times when I've logged on to see the same threads/posts still at the top of the "current" list from 24 hours ago!

I suppose I see similarities between RN and government, we all moan about how the people in power rule and blame them for everything but at least in government we get the chance of change every so often.

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Old 18 August 2015, 15:30   #6
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I think part of the problem is ribnet allows freedom of speech while rhibs does not I got deleted from ribs because I dared to dissagree with Chris moody ( i was polite & civil) & I know of another member who was also deleted in similar circumstances
Perhaps if ribnet took a similar stance there would be less people to throw stones at what in general is a long established very good forum
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Old 18 August 2015, 15:34   #7
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
Back to the subject, I genuinely don't get the problem, I don't even see a problem, let alone understand it. Ribnet is what it is, as is FB. I don't like FB, so I don't go on it, that's my choice. I don't go onto FB & kick up a stink because it's not my cup of tea & want it changed to suit me, I just avoid it, simples. I like Ribnet, it suits me, I've met loads of great people & some ar53holes, but hey, that's life.

The oysters were terrific BTW, washed down with a bottle of local cider in the sun, now THAT'S what it's really about
Me neither...infact You put that very well Yong Man.!! IMO Mod's do a decent enough job too
One thing IS...for sure you'll not please everyone all of the time!
.....Anyway..PIKEY gets MY VOTE!
That St Vasst has some lovely Fish Mongers/Restraunt's eh PD!
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Old 18 August 2015, 15:43   #8
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Originally Posted by Anchorhandler View Post
Consider also putting the election of moderators to a public vote and create a more democratic and transparent forum.
You're missing the point, which I suspect is the root of much of the dissent. Ribnet isn't a democracy, it's a privately run business, owned by the Cousins & run by JK, it's his to do with as he pleases. If JK likes it the way it is, then it's up to him. If we go back to the pub analogy; if you walk into a pub & start telling the landlord that you don't like his beer & the music on the jukebox isn't to your taste, you'll probably be shown the door & be invited to find somewhere more to your liking to spend your money, notwithstanding the fact that Ribnet is actually free to use, which makes the moaners look a bunch of ingrates.
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Old 18 August 2015, 15:51   #9
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Originally Posted by Maximus View Post
That St Vasst has some lovely Fish Mongers/Restraunt's eh PD!
Aye, truth be told we've eaten so much fish in the last month, I'm getting a hankering for something with legs We've got 30 more oysters & 6 sea bream to tackle tonight. I did Mackerel tartar last night just for a change, 'twas very good & I'm going to add it to my repertoire
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Old 18 August 2015, 16:01   #10
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post

You're missing the point, which I suspect is the root of much of the dissent. Ribnet isn't a democracy, it's a privately run business, owned by the Cousins & run by JK, it's his to do with as he pleases. If JK likes it the way it is, then it's up to him. If we go back to the pub analogy; if you walk into a pub & start telling the landlord that you don't like his beer & the music on the jukebox isn't to your taste, you'll probably be shown the door & be invited to find somewhere more to your liking to spend your money, notwithstanding the fact that Ribnet is actually free to use, which makes the moaners look a bunch of ingrates.
Yeah I know what your saying PD, but if that same pub was repeatedly losing customers (who as a whole, were all whinging about the stale taste to the beer) then maybe the landlord might want to look at changing things a bit.
Sure entry to the "pub" is free but without the customers then what good is it? I thought it was the customers that created the environment which ultimately leads to revenue being generated ( in the form of advertising and trade memberships in RN's case) Pretty soon the brewery is gonna be asking whether it's worth keeping it open if no one is spending money because.... one is coming in!

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Old 18 August 2015, 16:14   #11
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Originally Posted by Anchorhandler View Post
Yeah I know what your saying PD, but if that same pub was repeatedly losing customers (who as a whole, were all whinging about the stale taste to the beer) then maybe the landlord might want to look at changing things a bit.
Sure entry to the "pub" is free but without the customers then what good is it? I thought it was the customers that created the environment which ultimately leads to revenue being generated ( in the form of advertising and trade memberships in RN's case) Pretty soon the brewery is gonna be asking whether it's worth keeping it open if no one is spending money because.... one is coming in!

But ultimately it's down to the landlord, you can politely suggest that changing the beer, getting a comely wench behind the bar, cleaning the toilets etc. might all benefit his business & he might take some of that onboard. But if you go charging in week in, week out, telling him how to run his business he'll probably quite rightly tell you where to go. It might just be, that the quiet majority of his customers like warm beer & the gorilla behind the bar
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Old 18 August 2015, 16:44   #12
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post

But ultimately it's down to the landlord, you can politely suggest that changing the beer, getting a comely wench behind the bar, cleaning the toilets etc. might all benefit his business & he might take some of that onboard. But if you go charging in week in, week out, telling him how to run his business he'll probably quite rightly tell you where to go. It might just be, that the quiet majority of his customers like warm beer & the gorilla behind the bar
Haha... Yeah but in all fairness in this case, the Landlord DID ask for suggestions did he not?
But I do agree that there are ways to get a point across and simply logging on to have a whinge about RN is not one of them.
Your last sentence does raise a good point though, that being "who are the majority and how do they feel"?
The comments I've made so far have only been based on my own personal eyewitness account leading me to believe there is a fall in active members. Perhaps it's not the case at all? as you say maybe there is still a majority who feel strongly about maintaining the status quo?
Perhaps JK can answer this and confirm that member numbers are stable and the activity on the site hasn't declined.
Believe it or not I would be glad to hear it, I used to very much enjoy RN and all the banter that went with it ( minus my aforementioned issue with certain Mods)
Sure I visit the RHIB site from time to time although like on here I tend to lurk more than I post but I would love to see RN go back to how it was a few years back.... Used to be a really good crack.

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Old 18 August 2015, 16:50   #13
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from what was a mild "get it off the chest" post, alot has come out of it which makes it obvious that there is a need for some kind of reform. 4 full pages in one day, since ive been here (granted not long) this is the most active thread ive seen since i started.

that must mean something, take from it what you will.
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Old 18 August 2015, 16:50   #14
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Anyway I'm off to drag the boat back into the workshop, I'm away to work tomorrow for a few weeks just when it seems the weather is improving.... Typical!! and anyway, all this talk of pubs has made me thirsty!! ;-)

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Old 18 August 2015, 17:08   #15
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Originally Posted by il corvo View Post
from what was a mild "get it off the chest" post, alot has come out of it which makes it obvious that there is a need for some kind of reform. 4 full pages in one day, since ive been here (granted not long) this is the most active thread ive seen since i started.

that must mean something, take from it what you will.
Aye, it always makes for good column inches. But basically it's only a dozen or so members out of thousands, gobbing off about summat & nowt. It just makes a change from "which insurer" or "tube cleaning" threads
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Old 18 August 2015, 17:21   #16
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I don't post on here much but tbh if I post something and get a reply I don't like I don't blame the forum.

As a long time reader I see it as people read past posts and see potential banter but to an outsider might not be taken as banter. Then when they post they receive the banter and take offence and blame the forum.

This is how it looks to me and think everyone just needs to change their tampons and come back in a week and give less of a sh*t to some of the responses

I read what I want to and ignore what is irrelevant to me or laugh at other bits but why take it to heart.

I'm sure if I pull up in a marina next to any of you and say hello I could get into a civil conversation so why care about what people say online.

Has anyone who felt like they was being picked on reported it to admin before they just left? If not then nothing will change but my fear is it then become a school playground of tell tales
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Old 18 August 2015, 17:24   #17
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Perhaps we can talk about the word hypocrite.

Mr il corvo, the last bastion of politeness and good manners showed up to cr@p on somebody's new rib which they put a lot of time, thought, and effort to make it what they wanted because mr il corvo doesn't think the HP rating is high enough on it, "its a shame that a rib of that size is rated to such a low hp (mine is way bigger)" but enjoy your new boat.

You mean the issue here is post like that? I'd say you are correct, the person who posted that is a twit.

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Old 18 August 2015, 18:10   #18
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Originally Posted by il corvo View Post
John, the problem isn't something that one click of a mouse can sort. there is a small nucleus of posters who gladly jump on bandwagons, spout negativity, sarcastic responses. unfortunatly, it's a small minority that cause and perpetuate problems.
Are you suggesting that I ban anyone who is sarcastic or judged to be insufficiently positive in some way?

like i posted before, as a newbie to the site sometimes i have found it "cold". it took 75 odd views of my initial "hello post" before anyone condescended to even reply with a simple "hello" or "welcome". not the best of starts.

I'll come clean and confess that I don't really like having a "say hello" section. It wasn't something that I implemented and I don't give it a lot of attention.

That isn't to say that it's necessarily a bad thing though, and it could probably be used better. Would anyone like to volunteer to be part of an informal welcome committee to make sure that introduction posts get a timely response?
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Old 18 August 2015, 18:25   #19
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Originally Posted by Anchorhandler View Post
Here's a simple one for you...create a maximum term that a moderator can serve in that position and limit it to say 2 years max.
Fair enough, I did ask for suggestions! It doesn't actually tell me what the problem is though.

I admit I have had issues with the way certain Mods have reacted to people's comments which is probably the main reason I spend most of my time lurking now.

If mods were capriciously deleting or posts, or threatening sanctions without due cause, then I would certainly be looking to replace them. However I don't see that happening.

Is it generally more annoying when someone argues with you if they happen to be a mod? Is there a feeling that they somehow have more "clout" because of it?

Should different posting standards apply to anyone who volunteers their time as a moderator?
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Old 18 August 2015, 19:11   #20
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What's RHIB's?

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