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Old 22 December 2005, 02:00   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Newquay, Cornwall.
Boat name: None :(
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Length: 5m +
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MMSI: None :(
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 1,280
JK. Do you get your private messages.


Do you receive PM's and/or emails from the various links on RIBnet.

I have sent you a couple of times now over the last few months a message asking you to delete my entry in the downloadable MMSI list and replace it with my new one for my new boat.

I have also asked you to chuck a link into the ribsters homepages section of the links page to my site

I'm not sure whether you actually got the messages or not as I have had no indication that you have.

I am guessing that one of the following is occurring.

1. The PM's are not working to your account.
2. You get so many PM's that you haven't read them yet.
3. Your just to busy to do anything about it.
4. Your waiting for more changes before you update the site.
5. Ive said something to upset you and your ignoring me.

If its 1 then I thought this post may help you be aware if there is an issue
If its 2, 3 or 4 then sorry to bother you I'll continue to wait patiently.
I hope its not 5.
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Old 22 December 2005, 08:01   #2
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Yes, I do receive and read all the PMs and emails. Sorry I didn't reply to yours!

With links and MMSI numbers I had got into a routine of updating them semi-regularly and letting people know when I had. Recently (actually for quite a long time now!) they have been piling up as I have been busy with other things.

I plan to make the links section much more interactive so that people can add their own links, but it hasn't made it to the top of my list yet, so it's still a very basic manual system. Likewise with the MMSI list.

I've added your site to the links page now and I will try to update the MMSI list sometime over the next couple of weeks.

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Old 22 December 2005, 09:23   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Newquay, Cornwall.
Boat name: None :(
Make: None :(
Length: 5m +
Engine: None :(
MMSI: None :(
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 1,280
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