so to speak, I've started to use them as a useful source of information. For example, I recently bought a rowing machine, however before doing so I found a rowing club forum and posted a question asking for advice on what to buy. As here, I received some useful advive. Anyway, the point of my story is that during this exercise and a number of other simillar such forum searches I've come to realise that our Forum although not too dissimilar to most in its format, is far superior to any other I've had call to use. Furthermore, many of the others have very few active members and upon reading their posts it's apparent that in many cases they're used, on the whole by morons.
So, thanks JK for a great site which, is well maintained, informative, skilfully policed, at times illuminating and above all cracking good fun to be part of.
p.s Every day's a Monday for me(me).