Need recommendation on Honda 10HP/15HP on inflatables
I’m Florin, I currently own two small inflatable boats Achilles : SR-124 (3.75m, max. 35 HP) and SJ-110 (3.35m, max. 15 HP).
I would need an outboard that fits both. I don't have a trailer, so I have to transport both the motor and the boat in my car. I am interested in a Honda outboard, 4-stroke, with 10 or 15 HP.
- Does anyone have experience with these engines on small inflatables ? Are they reliable, easy to maintain ?
- Would you advise to buy a second hand one ? (found some offers from 2005-2013, ranging from 1200 to 2000 EUR)
- Would you advise to get rather the 10HP or 15 HP for my boat? I noticed that there is no great difference in weight (42 vs 46.5 kg) or consumption.
Thanks in advance for your recommendations & advice !