Originally Posted by Fenlander
One thought... I wonder why folks don't upload their images to this site as I do... then they will remain as long as the site does... I assume. Is it folks prefer the forum width image from a hosting site rather than a clickable thumbnail?
I can only speak for myself Fenlander ..but I have various reason I preferred using external hosts.
1) I was quite prolific posting my tales on the internet.. so it was easy writing it out in MS word.. including the links to the host site.. then it was a simple matter to copy and paste into all the various blogs and forums I used. It would have taken forever to upload to every forum or blog. Ribnet was not the only place I told stories on. I will say that IMO Its now about the only decent boat forum left though if you ignore the bitching
I have a lot of my stories and photos still on my blog at ..and I also keep all my photos and videos on disk at home.
Inflatable Boat Journeys From Scotland
2) I wanted to be in control of my photos..in that I could remove or change them if required. Several times I found other sites using my images to promote their business and make money without my consent.
An example is this boat maker who has my permission to use my photos (The red boat is my old boat and photos in Loch Fyne and also off Port Appin) I happily gave permission as he asked and Im delighted he wanted them. I sent him high resolution ones so he can print large posters too ..all free because he asked permission
However this ”Author” stole quotes and photos from my blog to help sell her book. She did not ask and as such I use every opportunity I can to tell the world about her.( I have mentioned her already on this forum) The photos of the landscapes are mine. Unfortunately she copied them from the photo host site.. If she had not.. I would have changed the photos to images “Stolen From the Gurnard” or something appropriate like a nekkid man

. I have done that with several other folks who thought it ok to use my work pretending it was theirs.
I have other reason too ..but these two are the main ones. Im sure you can understand now why I didn’t upload direct to this site. My photos and stories served their purpose and were enjoyed at the time .. that was the idea..so it was not a waste IMO