11 June 2011, 15:04
RIBnet admin team
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Dear Sir,
This latest imposition that has been foisted on us is an Outrage! I had just begun my morning perusal of RIBnet when some bounder "poked" me, as I believe this confounded practice is termed. This sort of behaviour has got to stop! My kippers have been repeating on me all day. Just because that rogue Kennett had the temerity to sell off the family silver is no reason to subject the rest of us to the impulsive vagaries of these ruddy colonials. Bring back flogging I say, and eight track stereo.
And none of us want to pay taxes again - ever....
Oh dear, are we upset yet? ;-)
11 June 2011, 15:04
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Originally Posted by Bern Hanreck
I can understand Peter's comments ! There have been a lot of changes in a very short space of time ! Many of them I like .....
That's a relief!
I don't like the apparent change to the Quick Links pull down menu on the " home " page . One of the options used to be " Todays Posts " .
This does NOT seem to be the same as new posts . For one thing once you read a new post it sort of disappears into the ethers !!!!!
"New posts" only shows what you haven't read, so once you've read a post it will disappear off that list. The "recent discussions" section gives you rhe most recent of today's posts, but not necessarily all of them. I'll see if it's an option to get that feature back.
Perhaps we need some time to consolidate and understand what's going . That said it's daft to forgo the site just because it's trying something new.....
Just give us old gits time to catch up .
( Just tried a smillie , but it doesn't seem to work , FFS ! )
Thanks for your patience! We're working on the smilies.
11 June 2011, 15:08
Country: UK - England
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Had a look at your profile willk:
"willk has not made any friends yet"
"Befriend willk"
This is all a bit tragic. I've got loads of friends. Some I haven't even used yet!
11 June 2011, 15:10
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Had a look at your profile willk:
"willk has not made any friends yet"
"Befriend willk"
This is all a bit tragic. I've got loads of friends. Some I haven't even used yet! 
I tried to befriend Willk, but could not remember how to spell his name.
11 June 2011, 15:35
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Had a look at your profile willk:
"willk has not made any friends yet"
"Befriend willk"
This is all a bit tragic. I've got loads of friends. Some I haven't even abused yet! 
No "friends" yet, but I do seem to have attracted a better class of enemy than I had over on the old 4x4 forum.
Originally Posted by Channel Ribs
I tried to befriend Willk, but could not remember how to spell his name.
Even when the smilies WERE working, there wasn't one that did you justice. Small "w", BTW.
11 June 2011, 16:28
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by willk
Small "w", BTW.
Ah that would be it.
11 June 2011, 18:21
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
There may be other styles/themes/skins in the future, but it's definitely not going to happen in the short term.
So they truly have converted you!!!??? "Styles/themes/skins". Honestly
I'm not sure why you are spending more time scrolling. Can you expand on that?
Maybe due to the ridiculous amount of content now at the top of the page. On the root of the forums the picture, the menu, the album bar etc etc etc and on threads the new header still takes up at least 2x the amount the old one did. Other users have already made this point in this thread.
Avatars and multi quote are here to stay, but really aren't going to make a critical difference to anything.
Renders the supporter subscription rather worthless
The community forums can be minimised in a single mouse click if you don't want to see them.
But at the moment they are the most active forums due to the regression of the site hence I do want to see them. I do not want them hidden however I think that it is only natural that a RIB forum should concentrate on the forum sections discussing the content matter rather than the forums concerned with discussing the place to discuss the content matter.
I don't think that the "new posts, no new posts" icons are that hard to decipher, but we may be able to improve them.
I do. As do others (look on this thread and on others - it is not just me).
If you don't like contact lists and buddy lists, then don't use them
It is one of the clearest signs that ribnet is loosing its way. As kitten says, "facebooky". And gimicky. Certainly not ribnet has been in the past.
11 June 2011, 19:15
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Originally Posted by gotchiguy
ribnet is loosing its way.
There have been a few people who have said that over the years. Don't worry, they were wrong too!
11 June 2011, 19:54
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Oi how did you get that smillie to work
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
11 June 2011, 19:59
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Gotchi, calm down dear. Give the guys a chance to fix whats broken.
Instead of picking holes why don't you go update the Osprey website its been over two months !
Chris Stevens
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11 June 2011, 20:01
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Ah but it was not broken but they decided to fix it....If it aint broke dont Fxxxx with it lol
11 June 2011, 20:10
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Nothing wrong with trying to keep it fresh IMO.
Chris Stevens
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11 June 2011, 20:12
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Originally Posted by Chris
Nothing wrong with trying to keep it fresh IMO.
Agreed however keep it fresh with something that works !!!! It is getting a saga not unlike the NHS system a few years back
11 June 2011, 20:14
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I reckon that once the site changes have settled down the community forum section should be move to the bottom - at the moment its handy having it at the top to show regular members whats happening
11 June 2011, 20:31
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Have to say everything works fine for me not sure if i like the new layout but got to give it a chance. When the is a change most people don't like it but after a couple of months it will be business as normal  
PS smiles work fine for me
11 June 2011, 20:32
Country: UK - England
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Smileys have just been fixed an about 30 mins ago
11 June 2011, 20:34
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by benc
Smileys have just been fixed an about 30 mins ago 
Always behind me
11 June 2011, 21:20
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by benc
I reckon that once the site changes have settled down the community forum section should be move to the bottom - at the moment its handy having it at the top to show regular members whats happening
I think that's a pretty good idea.
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11 June 2011, 21:23
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
I've got loads of friends. Some I haven't even used yet! 
I'll be your friend, John, if you're stuck....
11 June 2011, 21:29
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
I'll be your friend, John, if you're stuck.... 
Oh I don't keep them here!
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