12 October 2014, 22:25
Country: UK - England
Town: Wakefield
Boat name: Bouncer
Make: Redbay Stormforce
Length: 6m +
Engine: 2x Honda 100 Hp
MMSI: 235025718
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 4,177
Originally Posted by kerny
Just like cars, someone will always have a bigger, newer, and better rib than the one you have but as long as a rib is safe and seaworthy and the owner is having fun then that is all that counts for me.
I take the pisk out of LR owners on here but in reality it is only banter and I think that most LR owners on here know that, and also as is the comments from the anti Jap Brigade.
Lifes too short to take offence you will never have a forum that has a 100% harmony with all it's members but RIBnet is 99% there in my opinion.
Yeh but we don't value your opinion as you own a Jap 4x4 guzzler and are half German
See you next week mate
12 October 2014, 22:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Originally Posted by Ovey
You only have to search for Ribeye or Brig to see the knocks that usually follow them, sometimes aimed at those that own them. There are some that have agreed with me here, so I can't be the only one thinking this.
No, I'm not going to search for Ribeye or Brig to see if I can find anything to justify your claims. That's your job!
Originally Posted by Ovey
I'm not here to knock the forum in general
That's not what your opening post sounded like:
Originally Posted by Ovey
However the forum for me is slowly starting to lose credibility.
Maybe you should have elaborated
12 October 2014, 23:01
Redbay supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: onn de moov
Boat name: bote
Make: kevvin
Length: 4m +
Engine: jett dryve
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by Ovey
It's the personal comments
yEw av rit a lott ov rit wen orl yew reely wontid too saiy woz
dat mollers iz a bastud
fuk mee crismus leeve wiv noe ankul tagg
Wher doo I beegin?😃
12 October 2014, 23:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Ashton-under-Lyne Lancs
Boat name: IMOGEN
Make: Air-Craft 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki df70a
MMSI: 235087492
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 7,078
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
12 October 2014, 23:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth(ish)
Boat name: Wings
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F115 AETL
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 615
Originally Posted by John Kennett
No, I'm not going to search for Ribeye or Brig to see if I can find anything to justify your claims. That's your job!
I'm not going to go through and bring up every thread that knocks someone for owning a particular boat (and certainly not from my phone).
In general the forum is well managed by the admins, but the odd comment, for me, detracts from the credibility of the forum as a whole. If that knocks the forum then so be it, that's my opinion - and as opinions are allowed I'll have one, but choose not to direct unwanted comments at individuals as that would be joining the few who occasionally spoil it for the many.
I'm not here with the intention of causing trouble, just raising awareness that it's sometimes better to think what is posted.
Sent from my iPhone using RIB Net
There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!
(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
12 October 2014, 23:19
Country: UK - England
Town: Ashton-under-Lyne Lancs
Boat name: IMOGEN
Make: Air-Craft 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki df70a
MMSI: 235087492
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 7,078
Originally Posted by mick
Yeh but we don't value your opinion as you own a Jap 4x4 guzzler and are half German
See you next week mate 
I'll bring me schnapps
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
12 October 2014, 23:29
Country: UK - England
Town: Wakefield
Boat name: Bouncer
Make: Redbay Stormforce
Length: 6m +
Engine: 2x Honda 100 Hp
MMSI: 235025718
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 4,177
Originally Posted by kerny
I'll bring me schnapps 
  Keep it British old boy and bring some Spitfire  there's a good man.
12 October 2014, 23:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Ashton-under-Lyne Lancs
Boat name: IMOGEN
Make: Air-Craft 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Suzuki df70a
MMSI: 235087492
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 7,078
Originally Posted by mick
Just for you..
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
13 October 2014, 00:42
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Acharacle
Boat name: Iolar
Make: Redbay
Length: 6m +
Engine: Suzuki DF175
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 1,047
Evening all
I may be going to regret this... but here goes:
I think I can see what Ovey is getting at here. I think think it might be useful to use the analogy of Ribnet as a local pub, an analogy that has often be used in these hallowed pages to explain to newbs who struggle with their initial posts.
It's open to all, and you're free to buy a pint and grab a seat in an alcove and observe the regulars chatting about their day, arranging to meet up for a round of golf (metaphorically speaking obv), and all the other chit chat that goes on. If you pipe up to ask about the local area, what the best route to the next town is, or where's best to buy a house; you'll get lots of advice from regulars. Most will advise you to buy a house in the same area as them, but will probably admit that most of the other areas round about are nice enough as long as you understand what you're buying. There are also certain areas which are pretty much no-go as far as the regulars are concerned because the developer building new houses in that area sent a bunch of shills in a while back to tell everyone how wonderful their new houses were.
This is all fine. I think the difficulty arises when you've been sat in your alcove for a couple of years, maybe piping up occasionally on specific issues, but you start to feel you might have something to offer the next newb who comes from in door; after all you've lived in the area for a couple of years, you bought a house which you quite like, you maybe realize there are some positives and negatives to your particular area, but you feel like you might have something to offer. So you offer your opinion only to be shouted down by the regulars because you haven't been there long enough or you haven't owned enough boats (sorry but this analogy was getting laboured some time ago), or you make some vaguely contentious statement.
This state of affairs means two things: firstly that newbs will get a pretty narrow view because they'll be hearing the views of a vocal minority to the exclusion of anyone else, but also that once the vocal minority 'retires' and goes off to do something else, who will be left to offer help and advice?
I've been here 2 years now; I've received some great advice, had some invaluable help, and met (IRL) some very nice people ( no names, no pack drill, you know who you are). But I do sometimes feel that Ribnet isn't as 'inclusive' (hate that word, but couldnt think of another) as it could be. It seems on occasion like there's a tendency to 'gang up' on dissenting voices.
And this isn't an attack on any particular member, just an observation about the Ribnet hivemind. It might be better for the long-term health of the forum to be more accepting of other voices. Just a thought.
13 October 2014, 07:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
It seems like it might be a good opportunity to remind everyone about the posting guidelines:
13 October 2014, 11:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Salcombe
Boat name: The Black Pig
Make: Ranieri
Length: 4m +
Engine: 60c hp tohatsu
MMSI: 235038018
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 443
Originally Posted by Clamchowder
I may be going to regret this... but here goes:
I think I can see what Ovey is getting at here. I think think it might be useful to use the analogy of Ribnet as a local pub, an analogy that has often be used in these hallowed pages to explain to newbs who struggle with their initial posts.
It's open to all, and you're free to buy a pint and grab a seat in an alcove and observe the regulars chatting about their day, arranging to meet up for a round of golf (metaphorically speaking obv), and all the other chit chat that goes on. If you pipe up to ask about the local area, what the best route to the next town is, or where's best to buy a house; you'll get lots of advice from regulars. Most will advise you to buy a house in the same area as them, but will probably admit that most of the other areas round about are nice enough as long as you understand what you're buying. There are also certain areas which are pretty much no-go as far as the regulars are concerned because the developer building new houses in that area sent a bunch of shills in a while back to tell everyone how wonderful their new houses were.
This is all fine. I think the difficulty arises when you've been sat in your alcove for a couple of years, maybe piping up occasionally on specific issues, but you start to feel you might have something to offer the next newb who comes from in door; after all you've lived in the area for a couple of years, you bought a house which you quite like, you maybe realize there are some positives and negatives to your particular area, but you feel like you might have something to offer. So you offer your opinion only to be shouted down by the regulars because you haven't been there long enough or you haven't owned enough boats (sorry but this analogy was getting laboured some time ago), or you make some vaguely contentious statement.
This state of affairs means two things: firstly that newbs will get a pretty narrow view because they'll be hearing the views of a vocal minority to the exclusion of anyone else, but also that once the vocal minority 'retires' and goes off to do something else, who will be left to offer help and advice?
I've been here 2 years now; I've received some great advice, had some invaluable help, and met (IRL) some very nice people ( no names, no pack drill, you know who you are). But I do sometimes feel that Ribnet isn't as 'inclusive' (hate that word, but couldnt think of another) as it could be. It seems on occasion like there's a tendency to 'gang up' on dissenting voices.
And this isn't an attack on any particular member, just an observation about the Ribnet hivemind. It might be better for the long-term health of the forum to be more accepting of other voices. Just a thought.
The locals are all quiet at the nobbers arms tonight!!!
13 October 2014, 13:43
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,203
Originally Posted by Clamchowder
....... It might be better for the long-term health of the forum to be more accepting of other voices.........
I agree:wink:
.....sh1t happens.......
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
13 October 2014, 13:45
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,203
Originally Posted by The Black Pig
The locals are all quiet at the nobbers arms tonight!!!
Maybe they've all been sent on a Diversity & Equality training course
.....sh1t happens.......
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
13 October 2014, 13:58
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Rutland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 2,500
Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Maybe they've all been sent on a Diversity & Equality training course
.....sh1t happens.......
Devon looks to volunteers to fill potholes - LocalGov
13 October 2014, 14:01
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,203
Originally Posted by bedajim
Don't they go squishy? I'd have thought Tarmac would be better.
.....sh1t happens.......
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
13 October 2014, 14:07
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
Town: Rutland
Length: no boat
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 2,500
Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Don't they go squishy? I'd have thought Tarmac would be better.
.....sh1t happens.......
It's ok for the first few cars
13 October 2014, 14:09
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset & Hants
Boat name: Streaker/Orange
Make: Avon/Ribcraft
Length: 4m +
Engine: 50Yam/25 Mariner
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 5,551
I have tried to suggest this is going on a few months ago .
Its been echoed by the ribnet users that I have got to know personally (from those that have just bought a boat to those that have been on the water their entire lives).
It's why I don't post much any more.
13 October 2014, 14:26
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP
MMSI: 235089819
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Don't they go squishy?
not once rigour has set in!
13 October 2014, 14:35
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: imposter
Make: FunYak
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP
MMSI: 235089819
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 11,642
Originally Posted by PeterM
It's why I don't post much any more.
I suppose 50 posts in last 2 months is down from 5413 in 7 yrs, but you've hardly taken a vow of silence!
13 October 2014, 15:23
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset & Hants
Boat name: Streaker/Orange
Make: Avon/Ribcraft
Length: 4m +
Engine: 50Yam/25 Mariner
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 5,551
Originally Posted by Poly
I suppose 50 posts in last 2 months is down from 5413 in 7 yrs, but you've hardly taken a vow of silence!
I guess this sort of response is what is being referred to ? 
I rest my case ....
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