12 October 2014, 15:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth(ish)
Boat name: Wings
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F115 AETL
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I have watched the forum for a long time & been a member for around a year now. In the early days I gained a lot of advice, encouragement and had some good banter which I enjoy - it was a pleasure to be on the forum.
However the forum for me is slowly starting to lose credibility. Notwithstanding the fact that sarcasm doesn't always come across online, there are a number of more experienced members on here who are happy to put down other members, their boats or their advice for it not being in keeping with their boat, their views on boat usage, rough weather handling, wave slapping experiences or anything else that fails to impress. It's fine to say you don't like a boat, even say why you don't like it - but to get personal against the owner because you prefer another boat is a bit off in my book. I have been subject to this recently but I see there are others who are also subject to this too.
It's a sad thing for me to say, as most on here still offer respectful advice, but my enjoyment of being on here is being reduced by the few.
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There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!
(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
12 October 2014, 15:38
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Posts: 451
You will not get an argument from me with those thoughts
12 October 2014, 15:54
RIBnet admin team
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I admit it.We've all lost our way, it used to be better in the old days, we used to be better people and I for one won't stand for it.
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12 October 2014, 15:56
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
I admit it.We've all lost our way, it used to be better in the old days, we used to be better people and I for one won't stand for it.

Well said Nos  Now can you teach me how to weld
12 October 2014, 15:59
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: The wilds of Wiltshire
Boat name: Dominator
Make: SR5.4
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12 October 2014, 16:04
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Sorry Ovey, I didn't mean to highjack this thread, I'll continue this conversation on the Dolly thread
12 October 2014, 16:11
Country: UK - England
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Make: Honwave 3.5AE
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I have to agree with the lead post on this thread sadly. It's a great site & I'm sure that I'm not alone in getting (& hopefully giving) some good advice.
Being a bloke in my 50's I understand a bit of the banter that goes on but at times it gets a bit personal. We all have opinions & experiences that may differ to others but sometimes it gets harsh and I've found myself reporting some stuff to the mods & I've found them very good.
Not everybody has deep pockets to buy the newest/latest stuff and I certainly wouldn't dismiss somebody that wanted to get started on the cheap end of the market. I've done it and traded up (in my opinion) based to some degree on what I've learnt on here.
There are some excellent threads. Some informative, some funny & some like the Gurnards that make me VERY envious and want to do more.
Let's concentrate on the good stuff.
12 October 2014, 16:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth(ish)
Boat name: Wings
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F115 AETL
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Posts: 615
RIBNet Credibility
That's fine Whisper, don't worry.
I echo that from Paddlers - let's keep to the good stuff!
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There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!
(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
12 October 2014, 16:37
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I totally agree with you!
12 October 2014, 16:42
Country: UK - England
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If anyone has examples of specific posts that they feel are abusive please use the "Report post" icon  to let us know.
Thank you
12 October 2014, 16:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Sticks, N.Yorks
Boat name: Tamanco
Make: Honwave 3.5AE
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu Outboard
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 1,177
Originally Posted by John Kennett
If anyone has examples of specific posts that they feel are abusive please use the "Report post" icon  to let us know.
Thank you 
I've done that before now John and it was sorted straight away. I'd like also to thank you and the other Mods for your efforts, I regard this as a very well run forum.
12 October 2014, 20:20
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 451
Originally Posted by John Kennett
If anyone has examples of specific posts that they feel are abusive please use the "Report post" icon  to let us know.
Thank you 
The OP never mentioned anything about 'abusive posts', lets be honest we all know the type of responses to legitimate questions that he is on about.
Just my opinion
12 October 2014, 20:42
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Girvan & Tayvallich
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Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
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Originally Posted by bartiny
The OP never mentioned anything about 'abusive posts', lets be honest we all know the type of responses to legitimate questions that he is on about.
Just my opinion 
No sorry I don't. Do please enlighten me so that I don't offend newcomers. I won't want to do that as I was one myself and if I remember correctly the good outweighed any adverse comments tenfold.
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'Carpe Diem'
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
Member of SABS ( Scottish West Division)
12 October 2014, 21:53
Country: UK - England
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Make: Ribtec / Scorpion
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Posts: 2,069
We should all remember the old adage "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".
Also, try a and keep posts helpful - especially to new members, who might not yet "get" the banter on here.
12 October 2014, 21:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth(ish)
Boat name: Wings
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F115 AETL
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 615
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It's the type of post that slates you for owning a particular type of boat and questions how valid any opinion or experience you have given to date, because of owning that boat in my case. The post wasn't abusive but made me change my opinion about some members (I can't see on my phone to confirm but I believe it to have been an admin that started the knocking in my case).
But there are also a lot of general derogatory posts aimed at owners of a few select boats rather than the boat itself. Not everyone can afford the latest gadgets or big sea ribs, or want jockey seats due to having families etc. so make their choices of boat, layout, engines and gadgets for different reasons or what's available within a budget.
It's fair enough to quantify why a particular boat isn't that good, but just to knock the owner for owning it is tiresome.
And it's not that I can't take a joke or dish it out, 22 years in the navy made sure that I can happily do both. I do enjoy the banter on here, and generally enjoy the advice too. On the whole it's a good forum, but occasionally it lets itself down.
Just my thoughts.
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There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!
(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
12 October 2014, 22:09
Country: UK - England
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Just like cars, someone will always have a bigger, newer, and better rib than the one you have but as long as a rib is safe and seaworthy and the owner is having fun then that is all that counts for me.
I take the pisk out of LR owners on here but in reality it is only banter and I think that most LR owners on here know that, and also as is the comments from the anti Jap Brigade.
Lifes too short to take offence you will never have a forum that has a 100% harmony with all it's members but RIBnet is 99% there in my opinion.
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
12 October 2014, 22:13
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Girvan & Tayvallich
Boat name: Breawatch
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: Mercury 150 F/stroke
MMSI: ex directory!!
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 6,203
Originally Posted by Ovey
It's the type of post that slates you for owning a particular type of boat and questions how valid any opinion or experience you have given to date, because of owning that boat in my case. The post wasn't abusive but made me change my opinion about some members (I can't see on my phone to confirm but I believe it to have been an admin that started the knocking in my case).
But there are also a lot of general derogatory posts aimed at owners of a few select boats rather than the boat itself. Not everyone can afford the latest gadgets or big sea ribs, or want jockey seats due to having families etc. so make their choices of boat, layout, engines and gadgets for different reasons or what's available within a budget.
It's fair enough to quantify why a particular boat isn't that good, but just to knock the owner for owning it is tiresome.
And it's not that I can't take a joke or dish it out, 22 years in the navy made sure that I can happily do both. I do enjoy the banter on here, and generally enjoy the advice too. On the whole it's a good forum, but occasionally it lets itself down.
Just my thoughts.
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Yes good points well made. I remember being new and taking a comment to heart. There is a fine banter line which is hard enough between friends and therefore neigh impossible to judge with someone you don't really know and thru the written medium.
We need to be more responsible and objective with our comments and when responding to new-bees we should err on the informative to enable them to make well rounded decisions.
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'Carpe Diem'
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
Member of SABS ( Scottish West Division)
12 October 2014, 22:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth(ish)
Boat name: Wings
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F115 AETL
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 615
As the owner of a Ribeye and a Disco3 I'm happy to take the banter, and throw it back that's the fun of a forum like this and I don't take offence at it.
It's the personal comments that (only occasionally) come into it that disappoint me, but may offend others.
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There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!
(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
12 October 2014, 22:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
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Posts: 7,110
I may have missed something, but I haven't seen anyone knocking you for your choice of boat. You raised a few eyebrows by appearing to say that the only RIBs that you consider worth owning are Ribeye or Cobra, and Poly asked you about this. He wasn't rude to you though and you were quick to concede that you could see his point and perhaps should have elaborated a bit.
Can you find me some derogatory posts which are aimed at people because of the type of boat they own? It's not something that I've noticed, but I am prepared to be corrected. You can PM me if you prefer not to do it openly.
12 October 2014, 22:23
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth(ish)
Boat name: Wings
Make: Ribeye
Length: 6m +
Engine: Yamaha F115 AETL
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 615
RIBNet Credibility
I'm happy to do it in the open, if only to state that I enjoy the forum but find it has slipped in credibility on certain points in my eyes.
You only have to search for Ribeye or Brig to see the knocks that usually follow them, sometimes aimed at those that own them. There are some that have agreed with me here, so I can't be the only one thinking this.
I'm not here to knock the forum in general, more to remind people that they may wish to think more before posting.
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There's weather out there - must be time to RIB!
(Or dive, or ref rugby, or.......)
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