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Old 09 April 2007, 14:06   #1
John Kennett's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
RIBnet supporters and Trade members

Trade membership

Anyone can register and post as an individual, even if they work in the RIB industry. However, if you use the forums to promote your business you are required to join as a trade member.

Please also see the Guidelines for commercial posting

Trade member £100, valid for 12 months
- Required if your business is promoted in the forums
- Identifies you as a trade member
- Increases your PM mailbox limit to 500
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RIBnet supporters

If you don't need a trade membership, you can still show your support for RIBnet with a small financial contribution. It's optional, but much appreciated!

For just £20 per year, you get all these fringe benefits:

Supporter £20, valid for 12 months
- Identifies you as a RIBnet supporter
- Increases your PM mailbox limit to 500
- Allows you to add a custom picture to your profile
- Allows you to use an oversized custom avatar (120 x 120 pixels)

You can sign up on this page or click on the Paid Subscriptions link on your User Control Panel

Payment is currently accepted by PayPal .

PayPal accepts international credit cards and some debit cards.

Thank you!

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