17 December 2007, 20:15
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Polwart
I, as someone who is not in the industry, would rather people were entitled to (or encouraged to) include a reference to their commercial interests than being in the dark. That is of course most important for new (or unregisterred) users who haven't quite got to grips with the whos who of ribnet.
Absolutely  .. well I hope you gents don't feel that you wish to post less around here, as I have found this forum to be a highly informative reference point and if experienced 'hands' fail to contribute, for what ever reason, that can only be a negative thing for all of us. As mentioned, it is many things, to many people but, there is little substitute IMO for an 'almost' live and informed debate.
17 December 2007, 20:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Originally Posted by davidmanning
Yes a link to a website is generously allowed but some of the sig lines are full blown adverts so every post becomes an advert. Maybe this is acceptable for paid up trade members but not for non trade members and, anyway, I don't think its within the spirit of the rule.
That's something I've been meaning to address for a while. Thanks for the reminder.
Signature length is now limited to 4 lines, and no more than 300 characters. This should be ample, whilst avoiding sigs taking up more space then the actual messages. I haven't made it retrospective for now, but it will come into effect when a sig is edited.
18 December 2007, 11:47
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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Posts: 6,562
Originally Posted by John Kennett
As far as I can see, RIBnet continues to go from strength to strength and is at least as good as it has ever been. Sure, there may be some fine tuning to do, but I don't think there's a major problem is there?
Are you sure this isn't more to do with a personality clash between you and some of the other trade (or not!) members?
Could.t reply sooner access to internet is restricted at the moment
It's no secret that i dislike Jon Brooks and Jono Garton but that wasn't the reason for my post. I would have thought you knew me well enough to know that I am quite happy to argue with someone individually rather than generalise. Most of the people I am complaining about are buddy's or aquaintances.
I have repect for most of the trade memebers, what irritates me, and this ain't restricted to trade members is the definite slide towards self interests in posts, and the way the membership is being manipulated, if you don't think that's happening that's your call. But I think it's ruining this forum.
After you with the rose coloured glasses.
I am doing some offshore training in Aberd
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
18 December 2007, 14:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I would have thought you knew me well enough to know that I am quite happy to argue with someone individually rather than generalise.
But you are generalising though, and to say that the forums are being ruined is a fairly hefty claim!
Like I said, I don't agree that there is anything that is ruining the forums. People have made dire predictions in the past, but so far all the evidence indicates that the forums continue to go from strength to strength.
Maybe I've got rose tinted lenses, but I don't think so. I am generally pretty watchful when it comes to the wellbeing of RIBnet.
You're welcome to send me some links to any posts or threads that you reckon are causing problems and I'll have a look. Same goes for anyone else BTW.
18 December 2007, 15:19
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 711
anything with the name leeway in
18 December 2007, 18:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Newport IoW
Boat name: Amean/Pronto/Rumbo
Make: Solent Rib Princess
Length: 7m +
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Posts: 1,861
Arguements that are allowed to go on an on and on and on and on Like the Venturers thread that I see has pulled pulled in over 7,000 views so may be people like the bitching
It's like a kids playground here sometimes.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
18 December 2007, 19:00
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 13,070
Originally Posted by tim griffin
Arguements that are allowed to go on an on and on and on and on Like the Venturers thread that I see has pulled pulled in over 7,000 views so may be people like the bitching
It's like a kids playground here sometimes.
Nah, reality TV... hasn't got to Jerry Springer status yet though (unless we can persuade timw to marry a horse?)
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18 December 2007, 19:47
Country: Other
Town: Oakley
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Length: 5m +
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Posts: 3,931
Originally Posted by tim griffin
Arguements that are allowed to go on an on and on and on and on Like the Venturers thread that I see has pulled pulled in over 7,000 views so may be people like the bitching
It's like a kids playground here sometimes.
Sometimes its nice to see others hanging their dirty washing out in public
18 December 2007, 22:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Brittany/Portsmouth
Boat name: Merlin
Make: Solent 6.5
Length: 6m +
Engine: 200
MMSI: soon !
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Posts: 5,451
subliminal advertising...
Guess the rules are simple. If a member is trying to get money for services via RIBnet then IOHO they should declare vested interests by paying up for trade membership thereby gaining respect from the leisure ribbers/other trade members for making relationships/standpoints very clear!
We have the greatest respect for the 'upfront' trade members
& The RIBnet ethos is sound
K & P
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
20 December 2007, 12:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Boat name: Lynx 1, 2, 3
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Mercury 275
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Posts: 182
The offer in my original post was very simply that, an offer. The course did run and was going to run anyway. I have never tried to hide my intentions just an offer and if you had got in touch in any way then you might have got it cheaper.
I know a number of others who are trade members and they have always said to me it was negotiable to be a trade member, i have always said until i get something from it i did not see the point. I have now had something from it, in the form of storage and will quite happily pay to be a trade member.
Clearly i can now offer all the services that i offer in my company and considering that i have three Scorpions and another two on order for early next year and the other three that i manage, i might have something to sell... See the trade announcements section
21 December 2007, 16:49
exspyrd trayd membir
Country: Ireland
Town: inn wiliks hed
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Posts: 962
Originally Posted by scm
i have always said until i get something from it i did not see the point.
i noe jus wot yew meen
i runng upp dat yugo mongummery swonn nobbur an sed yugo i wont a ful paige advirt inn ribb internashunul butt i aynt payin forr itt til i gett sum bizniss fromm itt.
hee sed garF ifn i wazunt a jerhovers witniss iyd tel yew too gow awaiy inn a rood sawt ov waiy. noww fuk orf, iym reedin mi coppy ov wochtower
onwarrd cristian soljers
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
29 December 2007, 18:00
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pwllheli-North Wales
Boat name: V-ONE
Make: Highfield
Length: 8m +
Engine: Honda 250hp
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,367
Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
It's no secret that i dislike Jon Brooks and Jono Garton
Is this why I didnt get an Xmas Card  ?
29 December 2007, 22:05
Country: UK - England
Town: Gosport
Boat name: April Lass
Make: Moody 31
Length: 9m +
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,951
Originally Posted by Jono Garton
Is this why I didnt get an Xmas Card  ?
Jono thats strange, I am sure he said he had sent one, should be slightly thicker than normal, smell of marzipan and be greasy round the edges. Anyway hope 2008 goes with a bang
Are you organising another summer cruising weekend? might be up for a trip up norf
Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
29 December 2007, 23:16
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: stramash
Make: Tornado
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 90
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 5,090
Originally Posted by John Kennett
It's a bit less generous
Have you Aberdonian blood in you Sir ?... Can this forum get anymore tight ?
29 December 2007, 23:22
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Can this forum get anymore tight ? 
Oh certainly!
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