Originally Posted by tim griffin
As do all the other schools on here in their signatures
Some do, some don't. I don't want to have blanket bans on people having their web sites in their sigs, but I do expect a bit of balance.
You take every opportunity to promote your business, to the extent of including your phone numbers in bold print, and your latest post was undisputably for the purpose of benefitting your business.
am happy to pay for advertising as have asked before, not going to be bullied into becoming a trade member when i do not say to people come to my school because of this that and the other i come on here to join in the chat read what people have to say if i can help i post if i can not i do not post
i too do not suggest people come to me but i give them the choice of Paul Glatzel Dave Hickman Dave Mallet , Jono Garton and me, i can say hand on heart that only one person has come to me via ribnet and he lives on the Island .
I'm not bullying you to do anything. I am giving you a choice -- if you want to carry on as your are doing then please upgrade to a trade membership, alternatively stop promoting your business here. If the exposure that you get from RIBnet is worthless, then removing your web site address and phone numbers won't be any hardship will it?

i have offered to pay for advertising in the past but John never replies to my emails. . . . if JK wanted to make money then he should have charged for the Trade directory instead of using GOOGLE ADSENSE would have generated more income .
I think that charging for a basic entry into the directory would not have been in everyone's interest as it would reduce the scope (and usefulness) of the directory. I will be offering the opportunity to advertise with enhanced entries in due course, but I want to make sure that I am happy with the system first.
Keeping RIBnet a useful and user friendly site is my priority. One of the results of this is that I want to limit the amount of advertising which is one of the reasons that I have stopped running traditional banner ads (the other reason is that I have had enough of chasing people for payments every time!).
As the home page is receiving getting on for 20,000 impressions a month I thought it would be worth trying Google Adsense as an experiment to see whether it was worthwhile. It's early days, but I'm pleased with the results so far.