13 January 2009, 21:28
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Trade membership again
Originally Posted by Downhilldai
When do you expect to sort this out, Tim?
Just after he sorts out his trade membership
14 January 2009, 09:05
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Originally Posted by bedajim
Just after he sorts out his trade membership 
How does having a garage clear out require you to be a trade member?
I think this has been discussed before - Johns rules are fairly clear, and Tim sticks within them - not directly promoting his business, but with the permitted information in his signature. It seems you can keep under the radar if you are a poor contributor to the forum, but if you're someone like Tim who is regularly offering advice and help, you find yourself open to criticism.
14 January 2009, 11:24
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
How does having a garage clear out require you to be a trade member?
I think this has been discussed before - Johns rules are fairly clear, and Tim sticks within them - not directly promoting his business, but with the permitted information in his signature. It seems you can keep under the radar if you are a poor contributor to the forum, but if you're someone like Tim who is regularly asking for advice and help & selling bits, you find yourself open to criticism. 
Tim Meo - 07717 827393
Evolution RIB Charter & Boat Mate South Coast
Maybe that under each post may equal trade requirments,
but then again you normally provide a service and it does not appear to be happening from this thread
14 January 2009, 13:19
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Originally Posted by bedajim
Tim Meo - 07717 827393
Evolution RIB Charter & Boat Mate South Coast
Maybe that under each post may equal trade requirments,
but then again you normally provide a service and it does not appear to be happening from this thread 
Bedajim - having a rib related business in your signature does not infringe RIBnet commercial posting rules or require you to be a trade member. Please see here:
Originally Posted by John Kennett
Following on from the general posting guidelines, here are some pointers to what is acceptable commercial activity on RIBnet:
- RIBnet is primarily non-commercial, with a limited number of exceptions
- It is acceptable to use your company's web site address as the Home Page URL in your profile. You may also have a link to your web site in your signature.
- Paid up trade members may use the Trade announcements and special offers section to advertise their products and services.
- All users may post in the Buy and sell sections, but adverts must be for specific, individual items and not generic product adverts.
Specific examples of unacceptable commercial posts include:
- Blatant advertising outside the "Trade announcements and special offers" section
- Repetitive posting of the same information
- Unsubstantiated claims or wild marketing hype
- Creating "spoof" users to promote your product
- Generic adverts in the "RIBs for sale" forum
If you use the forums to promote your business you are required to join as a trade member. Any posts that are deemed to be unsuitable will be removed, and repeat offenders may have their account suspended.
If you have any doubt about what you're about to post, please contact me first to avoid any doubt!
14 January 2009, 14:27
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Bedajim - having a rib related business in your signature does not infringe RIBnet commercial posting rules or require you to be a trade member. Please see here:
Yep so I see your a top man for showing me the error of my ways "Gazie"
Reading a little deeper I can save myself £20 in future
14 January 2009, 16:25
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
I think this has been discussed before - Johns rules are fairly clear, and Tim sticks within them - not directly promoting his business, but with the permitted information in his signature.
The rules do say "If you use the forums to promote your business you are required to join as a trade member" though.
As it stands I reckon that Tim is a borderline case, and I might rewrite the rules to close this loophole as it does sometime feel that it's taking advantage.
14 January 2009, 17:02
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
The rules do say "If you use the forums to promote your business you are required to join as a trade member" though.
As it stands I reckon that Tim is a borderline case, and I might rewrite the rules to close this loophole as it does sometime feel that it's taking advantage. 
I think it's a difficult line to tread, and one you manage fairly. In general terms people are pretty honest if they use the forum for business - most people on here are Rib owners, so are unlikely to give a charter company much work!
The reason I saw fit to stick up for Tim is that, as I've said, and has been confirmed (even if you are closing the loophole!), I think the reason he may appear to sail close to the wind is simply that he isn't a 'quiet' member of the forum. Having trawled through his recent posts, they are largely constructive and helpful, and as I've said, I think this puts him more in the firing line that some - not necessarily deservedly.
14 January 2009, 17:33
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Personally I feel that Tim is no where near the line compared to people like Johnbiesheuvel who has made 9 posts on here and every one of them has been to advertise boats he is selling as a business.
14 January 2009, 18:13
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
I think it's a difficult line to tread, and one you manage fairly. In general terms people are pretty honest if they use the forum for business - most people on here are Rib owners, so are unlikely to give a charter company much work!
The reason I saw fit to stick up for Tim is that, as I've said, and has been confirmed (even if you are closing the loophole!), I think the reason he may appear to sail close to the wind is simply that he isn't a 'quiet' member of the forum. Having trawled through his recent posts, they are largely constructive and helpful, and as I've said, I think this puts him more in the firing line that some - not necessarily deservedly.
If that were really the case there would be no point in putting his details in the signature then. Personally I would have no objection to people needing a trade membership to advertise even through signature lines. Perhaps selling bulk items like l/j lights (which i bought) also gives people the impression that he was using the site to make money...
...that said I don't think Tim is the worst offender - and as I stated earlier is, just, within my interpretation of the current rules.
14 January 2009, 18:15
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by bedajim
14 January 2009, 18:59
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Originally Posted by rickuk3
Personally I feel that Tim is no where near the line compared to people like Johnbiesheuvel who has made 9 posts on here and every one of them has been to advertise boats he is selling as a business.
I think that this is something that may need looking at and clarifying.
My intention was not to require trade membership to post adverts for individual boats, on the basis that it's in the general interest of the site to have the widest possible range of boats available.
Some possible options:
- require trade membership for businesses to advertise boats
- allow a token number of ads before requiring trade membership
- continue as now but prohibit web site links in adverts (makes sure it's just the individual boat that gets advertised, not the business as a whole)
I'm open to suggestions
14 January 2009, 19:14
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Go with option 3 , or if an indivual is 'trading as a business ' with a view to make profit make them pay trade membership.
There is hard line to judge & think you do a good job John !
14 January 2009, 19:53
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I advertise in my signiture line!
This is an ad for a friend, so would I have to pay trade membership or get rid of the ad?
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
14 January 2009, 20:24
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
prohibit web site links in adverts (makes sure it's just the individual boat that gets advertised, not the business as a whole)
That's how I interpreted the current rules?
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14 January 2009, 20:37
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
- require trade membership for businesses to advertise boats
nice in principle - but hard to identify when someone is a business and when they are just a boat tart! although any reference to "on brokerage" should definitely be trade only but is someone selling one rib thats used for charter a 'business' in this sense
- allow a token number of ads before requiring trade membership
if thats automated then 1 ad per standard user per year should be enough for most, then probably 3 ads for supporters? if it would be manual its probably not worth the grief especially given that its not a major issue at the moment. Would you allow a larger number of "bits and bobs" ads?
- continue as now but prohibit web site links in adverts (makes sure it's just the individual boat that gets advertised, not the business as a whole)
probably seems reasonable but would prevent cross linking to B&O, BoatShed and Ebay etc for individual users too which isn't good for the buyer, seller or the site in general.
15 January 2009, 08:12
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I was recently looking for a console and struggled to find one, now that I've got one and know what sort of dimensions to work to I was looking at making some to sell on. This would be done as a hobby as I don't mind doing fibreglass work and I would be making them to sell on.
Thing is if I'm to sell them on here would I be classed as a trade member. I want to sell them on to make a bit of pocket money and it keeps me busy when I'm at home.
18 January 2009, 10:46
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i've got a full range of moulds for consoles, seats, transom wells, bathing platforms, inboard engine boxes, even a cabin but a while back i offered someone some help and i admit that i did put my company name on the post and got slapped for doing it, now i don't offer my services to anyone on the ribnet forum, as i'm mostly retired and only do oneoff custom contracts and don't need the money i ask you who's losing out, you lot or me?
18 January 2009, 14:00
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by biffer
i ask you who's losing out, you lot or me?
Those that do pay for their advertising.
I'm sure JK could engineer an exception if you decide to sell the kit for the price of the material seeing as you say you don't need the money-but I doubt you're a charity
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18 January 2009, 15:47
Country: UK - England
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i see you're a sheep worryer, i've got some goats a mule and a pony in my bottom field if you like i'll send you some pics of them, can dress them up in stockings they dont mind
18 January 2009, 15:53
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by biffer
i see you're a sheep worryer, i've got some goats a mule and a pony in my bottom field if you like i'll send you some pics of them, can dress them up in stockings they dont mind
Nah,I only worry them by sneaking up and shouting Boo...
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