I received an email from Stephen a few minutes ago:
Hi Oliver
I see you seem to be able to post still - can you put a post in the tech support section saying that there are some people that can't either post or reply at all - I can't get anything to work. Speed is crap, smileys aren't working, mark forums as read isn't working but the main problem is that I can't post anything new or reply to any existing threads - it says the post needs to be more than 5 characters and then deletes everything you wrote when you try and go back and try again...
I'm using Firefox 4 on Windows XP SP3, no problems three days ago so whatever they killed I think they did it either yesterday or the day before. No problems on any other forum software either.
Seems the mess that has become this forum has now resulted in some serious issues. Biffer has complained about it in his thread.
Why was the update rolled out without so much as a hint of testing or debugging!? For every user none of the editing tools work. No smilies(inessential), but no links, images lists, quotes etc etc (unless you're sad enough to know them off by heart

Can we
PLEASE ditch all the gimicks and the crap and get Ribnet back to the
working state that it was in before. The image at the top is all very swish but does it add to the content of the site -
NO. It detracts from the content because it means you have to scroll down more. At least give us,
the users of the site the opportunity to choose between a useless version like the one we have now, and a good version like what we had before.