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Old 11 September 2011, 09:11   #1
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Warning for Admin

I seem to remember seeing somewhere a while ago that RIBnet admin were considering migrating to Invision Power Boards from the vBulletin software.

Don't do it!!

I am on the admin/mod team for another forum and we have just upgraded to IPB v 3.2.2 after a period to 'wait for the bugs in the new version to be ironed out'.

They still have a way to go - and every new version of IPB gets worse. Random problems with different browsers, screen layout screwed up from the previous version of IPB, and as usual they lost all the custom stuff but that is normal anyway.

What used to be a nice quick and efficient forum a few versions ago, is now much slower and something that gets screwed up every time there is an upgrade and the admin team have to spend ages fixing everything again.

Just thought I would forewarn you - if it is still a possibility, think about it pretty hard as it will not be without problems!
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Old 11 September 2011, 09:26   #2
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Originally Posted by BogMonster View Post
I seem to remember seeing somewhere a while ago that RIBnet admin were considering migrating to Invision Power Boards from the vBulletin software.

Don't do it!!

I am on the admin/mod team for another forum and we have just upgraded to IPB v 3.2.2 after a period to 'wait for the bugs in the new version to be ironed out'.

They still have a way to go - and every new version of IPB gets worse. Random problems with different browsers, screen layout screwed up from the previous version of IPB, and as usual they lost all the custom stuff but that is normal anyway.

What used to be a nice quick and efficient forum a few versions ago, is now much slower and something that gets screwed up every time there is an upgrade and the admin team have to spend ages fixing everything again.

Just thought I would forewarn you - if it is still a possibility, think about it pretty hard as it will not be without problems!
Fully agree... I am not admin but member of one site run buy that so called "software".
I, among many others had severe problems even to get the basic registering to work. Think they worked for more than a week, changing passwords etc to enabling me to log in. The user interface is not as good as on RIBnet and don't like the PM system either. DON'T DO IT!
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Old 11 September 2011, 09:37   #3
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Don't worry, it's no longer on the cards.

There is no intention to move from vBulletin 3.x for the foreseeable future.
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Old 11 September 2011, 13:13   #4
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just to put an opposite view
I own a licence of IPB - run another site on it and am mod on a site which has just upgraded...
yes, there are one or two teething issues (as with any upgrade) but nothing insurmountable...
vBulletin (esp. in 4.x form) and IPB are comparable in terms of software - but many people seem to find the levels of support very different - IPB support is very good in my experience...

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Old 11 September 2011, 14:45   #5
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Originally Posted by akirk View Post
just to put an opposite view
I own a licence of IPB - run another site on it and am mod on a site which has just upgraded...
yes, there are one or two teething issues (as with any upgrade) but nothing insurmountable...
vBulletin (esp. in 4.x form) and IPB are comparable in terms of software - but many people seem to find the levels of support very different - IPB support is very good in my experience...

Well 4.x in its early days was a pile of dogz doo dahs too ive got a board at 4.1.4 and its still got problems they havent ironed out,.. just stupid little things but annoying all the same. Any one used Xenforo ? I hear a few peeps talking about that ? .. IIRC half the VB development team went and set that up after someone decided to dump 3.8 .. not one of VB's wiser decisions as it turned out
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Old 11 September 2011, 18:43   #6
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I've got an IPB licence if anyone wants it!
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Old 11 September 2011, 22:27   #7
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Phew - safe

Invision are (usually) responsive to faults, will give them that. I don't deal with that side of it but day to day problems seem to be sorted out fairly quickly.

Based on the last week I wouldn't have an IPB license if you gave it to me for nowt
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...

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