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Old 14 June 2011, 10:09   #1
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When can I edit my own posts?

I seem to be able to edit some of my posts but not others? Is this time limited?
At the moment I can edit my last post on inserting images, but not my 1st one in the same thread, and I can't go back and edit my post on the Priory Bay overnighter (to add the photo) as I don't get the "Edit" option.

Is this normal?
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Old 14 June 2011, 12:02   #2
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Yes - you have editing ability for a short time afterwards, but most forums disable the edit ability after a while so that people can't go back and remove stuff they said and make a complete nonsense of a thread. Not sure how long it is on here - from 20 minutes to an hour is fairly common, as it gives the ability to tweak things after posting but not to change the content later.

Moderators and admins will be able to edit at any time so if it's critical you could ask one of them nicely
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Old 14 June 2011, 14:34   #3
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what he said!

if it is something urgent (like you've just realised you named broken that superinjunction Willk has and need the post removed/changed) then use the little (!) in a triangle at the side of the post and all the admin/mods will be alerted to it and it will get dealt with ASAP. if it is just you want a couple of posts merged to tidy something up - or you realise some details from a trip last year are not right then just PM one of us and we will get to it in due course.
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Old 14 June 2011, 16:19   #4
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Thanks Guys . It was easier and faster in the end to just put the photo in the next post - but at least I now know what was happening.
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