Originally Posted by RJH
How does one contact the admin team direct? Can't seem to see a link.
You can contact the "admin team" two ways:
Firstly click the triangle with the (!) to the left of any post - this will highlight a particular post/thread to all the admins/moderators.
Or at the very bottom of the page click "Contact Us" this will go to administrator who can help with locked accounts, technical problems etc.
However, to save you some time the response with "login" problems will probably be to clear your cookies:
Originally Posted by Andy R
Special thanks to benc for sending us some code to force cookies to expire and thus clean the slate allowing you to login and stay logged in. If you have problems staying logged in, please use this link and then try again making sure to check the "Remember Me" box:
If you have tried this and still get a problem then please contact the admins to discuss.