Originally Posted by lakelandterrier
.....this is all I get when I tap onto a thread in the menu - in any forum- my android Samsung does not show any posts any more.
What's the answer, isthere a solution?
....unless it is personal and I've upset the powers that be via tablet only 
If you are still using the ad free version of the app you might find an upgrade fixes it. On Android at least, the ads are pretty unobtrusive so it's not a big issue and the new version is more robust (if you don't like the ads you could always use the paid version of tapatalk).
If you've not already tried it though turning your phone on and off solves many issue in many apps. It sounds silly, but many of us never completely restart our phones and so little memory problems never get cleared away.
If you are using the latest version, have tried a reboot and still get issues then let us know and we will investigate further.