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Old 21 October 2002, 16:50   #1
Country: UK - England
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100hp Yamaha ESPTOL 2 stroke outboard

Hi does any one know much about this engine it is for a 6 meter I.e. Power out put fuel economy any problems with them, price availability of parts ect.


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Old 21 October 2002, 19:30   #2
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Had the Yam 115 hp V4 on an Osprey 5.95 rib for several years. Utterly reliable despite being an old engine. The engine is still going strong by all accounts. Fuel consumption was 8 gph cruising about 4500 revs say 25 knots and with four or five divers + kit on board. Used to recon 3mpg. Same 3mpg lightly loaded and going flat out at 34 knots.

The Osprey is a wide beamed rib and therefore requires lots of power to make it go. If you are mounting the 100 hp on a narrow rib with tubes clear of the water you should be okay for cruising but not sparkling performance.

Don't think the 100 was imported into the uk, only the 115 and 130 plus older 140 (Yamaha had to down grade the 140 as it didn't produce 140 hp). Most spares should fit though. However watch the price of spares (£600 for a new stator!). Mercury prorps fit with a spacer and are much cheaper and a good fuel filter saves a lot of hassle. In summary a good engine if its been looked after. Have the engine compression tested before you buy just in case.
Regards Pete
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Old 21 October 2002, 19:37   #3
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If, as pete seams to reckon, the 100 is a smaller version of the 140/130/115 v4 range then it's a superb engine.

I had a 115 previously, and now have a 130. Never (touching lots of wood here) had a single problem with either. The 115 was about '92 and the 130 is '96. They both drink fuel though!

The 115/130's were made from about '91 and are still a current model. I have never heard of a 100 v4 though. I agree with the 140 being withdrawn, but dident know it was due to the reason you suggest pete!

Er...my final comment, these big old(er) 2-strokes are not worth a lot of £££'s today so make sure you don't pay over the odds, i see quite a lot of 115's very cheap - but like pete said a compression test and good look over the engine is needed.

Hope that confirms what pete said!


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Old 21 October 2002, 21:20   #4
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Got a 115 on my avon 5.4. I would endorse Pete7's and Daniels comments. All the local outboard experts reckon they're bullet proof but I don't know if it would stand Dbillyboy throwing it out of an areoplane. 46knots top end (gps) and 6gph at 28 knots. At 5000rpm about six gallons per minute. Fairly easy to service and plenty of spare parts about for them. (If you know where to look). For a six metre though, my preference would be for something a bit BIGGER!
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Old 22 October 2002, 05:49   #5
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46knots top end (gps)
And THAT was on the River Severn

Keith (shhhhh - don't tell anyone) Hart
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