Originally Posted by Crezzlin
Thank you guys.
After sitting over winter it wouldn't run and fuel was leaking from a split pipe and 2 of the carb overflows were spitting out fuel, after a quick blow out and replace the broken fuel line she starts..
Spitting out fuel?
Did it still do that when it was running?
Originally Posted by Crezzlin
My main worry is 1 lack of smoke, 2 engine will not rev above 4k on the water but does stay steady at that, 3. The beeping
Does the beeping start as soon as you put the key to the "run" position, or does it wait a while before it starts?
Instant I would be checking the thermal switch, wait would hint it may actually be a temp related problem - IF that is what the beep is about! (may be oil level related if it's an auto mixer)
Originally Posted by Crezzlin
If I remove thermostat this may help with the overheating alarm but not fix the problem, could it be a case of no fuel or oil getting to some of the cylinders this then holding back my rpm and causing the overheating in the cylinders that have no oil/fuel..
Agreed - also removing the thermostat will likely cause it to idle rough as the proverbial badger's posterior. (says he trying to keep it polite!

First let's see if it's the temp switch. Have a look round your cyl head. There will be a round thing, probably with 2 wires but maybe only 1 , buried in a recess. Disconnect it, click your key to "on" (this is basuically a "live" test of the sensor, wthout the engine runing). Apologies for the basic- esque way of writing the next bit....
If it beeped from "go" before, has it now stopped? if yes, go to "C"
If it waited for a bit before, does it do the same thing? - If Yes, go to "B", if no, Go to "C"
Probably not the temp switch, seeing as we have just removed it form the circuit.
Take the 2 wires & touch them together. does that start the beeping? If Yes - D If No E
Reconnect the wires to the switch, if it beeps again, your switch is jammed i nthe "hot" position - replace it.
It's probably not the temp switch.....
Quick background - these overheat switches are basically bimetallic strips a bit like an old style room thermostat. If it's jammed in the "closed circuit" position, the alarm thinks the engine is too hot. Nothing high tecch - it literally just earths the buzzer to allow it to buzz.
Originally Posted by Crezzlin
I will get down tomo and remove thermostat and check all plugs for sparks..
Also have a search (recent post) for spark testers..... Spark is one thing, decent spark is a whole different kettle of fish.
Originally Posted by Crezzlin
Wouldn't it just seize from no oil? Only think I could think was the engine was holding back due to overheating but as its a 86 model do the electrics do this as a safety measure or not.. Sorry about the text, on my mobile  Thanks
No oil seize - yes.
On an engine that age I doubt it, but there are may other things would make it run lethargically, including too much fuel.
Have you looked at your prop? How manky is the inner (exhaust) hole? Lots of soot / unburnt oil would hint one cyl not firing. a straight 3 would barely make 2K with one cyl down, a V6 has a lot more "spare" if one dies.
Also when were the plugs last changed?