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Old 04 October 2021, 18:38   #101
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Seems the petrol situation in 909's home Canada is quite different to ours. As far as I can see standard grades are 87 and 89 with their premium being 91. As 909 says seems Shell 91 Premium currently ethanol free.

But Canada are working towards 15% ethanol across their fuels and I can't see how they could justify excluding their Shell premium from this.

Re the video snake oil vs snake video in a way. Not lab conditions and only one brand tested.

I use Quicksilver conditioner. It may or may not help but it makes me feel better... not that I'm drinking it you understand.

Aspen still under serious consideration.
I think the logical way to look at these additives is that if any of them actually did anything viable then the $trillion refining and vending industry that fuels everything on the planet would have put it in their fuels before it got to the pumps. Instead, the market is left to small, indy type players to sell to retail.

There's a reason why those companies don't publish anything factual or scientific in regards to the process of their product. And most, when you read their own published content, are at great pains to carefully avoid any valid science that could be tested scientifically.

What can you actually do to stop fuel from oxidising? At best you just float something over it to try and operate as a barrier to the air. And you can't remove the ethanol so on the other side you throw in another alcohol that will soak up the water muck floating in a badly maintained tank and fire it through the engine.

At least with Redex you get the fun of the billowing white smoke.
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Old 05 October 2021, 04:13   #102
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Shell Service Station Locator:

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Old 05 October 2021, 09:04   #103
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Originally Posted by TmMorris View Post
I think the logical way to look at these additives is that if any of them actually did anything viable then the $trillion refining and vending industry that fuels everything on the planet would have put it in their fuels before it got to the pumps.

Depends on the additive - if it costs money (or causes pollution) and only benefits 1% of users makes more sense for the small number who need it to add it when they need it. That may be true of long term storage, use in very wet area (boats), or with old tech engines - for the average car driver not an issue.
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Old 05 October 2021, 12:18   #104
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Slightly off topic I guess, but anyway. I have a 2 stroke petrol chainsaw bought new 18yrs ago and used for maybe 8hrs then fogged and drained of fuel, wrapped up and put in a shed. To my shame ive not been near it since, until yesterday, I removed the plug, checked for spark, cleaned the air filter and found a container (not lemonade bottle) of very old 2 stroke petrol mix which must be 12yrs old, added some more oil to get the 40/1 ratio needed, poured it into the saw, primed the carb and pulled away. 6 pulls later it burst into life, choke in and it sat there quite happily looking for some trees to munch.
So im not sure I believe all this about old stale fuel being no good At least it had no Ethanol
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Old 05 October 2021, 13:01   #105
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Yup. If you don't leave the fuel with air or water able to get to it then there isn't much for it to react with.
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Old 05 October 2021, 13:16   #106
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Ahh the good old days. Remember those light bulbs in outside toilets that had been there since the 1950s covered in dust and fly droppings. Still going 60yrs later whereas regardless of type new bulbs will often only make a year or two.

Anyway now you've found the old chainsaw what's it to be... a bears head carved from a tree stump.
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