Just taken the RIB into Bristol docks to see if the running fault under load I have had is gone.
Well, it sort of has

I have a problem now where the engine will run at idle, then get very lumpy, then stall.
With the cover and airbox cover off I can look into the three carbs.
It's a suzuki DT85 by the way
Looking into the carbs, past the choke flaps, there is a vertical brass round bar/tube. At the base of this bar is what looks like black plastic about 10mm tall and 6mm diameter.
Now, Carb two has fuel bubbling up out between the black tubing and the brass tubing which seems to be flooding the carb, creating a little puddle in the air intake, and I think causing my problem. No fuel is appearing from Carb 1 or 3 in the same way.
Anyone any idea what's going on from this marginal description?