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Old 29 September 2004, 22:36   #1
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2 Stroke Oil and the Gulf

Over the last month I have found that my usual 2 stroke oil has shot up in price and has become difficult to source.

4 Litres of Quicksilver has gone up from £14.50 to £17.50 and there just ain't so much of it on the shelf at the moment. And I can't even find the Shell version of it.

Is this the same all over the UK ?

has the Gulf war had an effect on the availability and price.

If so I might have to start stocking up on it.

Anybody know what is going on.
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Old 30 September 2004, 08:01   #2
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Price of crude fluctuates wildly as the "money men" speculate on availability. The excuse of Iraq, Tornadoes in Southern America, bad omens.. you name it they use it as an excuse to speculate! Funny, but as soon as crude goes up so do its end products, never mind the fact that they were produce from crude bought at the cheaper price earlier or even not from the crude affected at all. They'll even put up the cost of "synthetics" as their crude prices increase? Never seen a poor Oil company, but never EVER seen a "money man" who gives two hoots about anything but lining their own pockets at the expense of others.......Do you get the impression I don't like "city gentlemen" and their ilk? Do you? Do you??
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Old 01 October 2004, 20:04   #3
Country: Belgium
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Its not the make that matters - the spec is what really counts. I know the name sounds great but you are payng over the odds for it. Look at the engine manufactures spec and it will quute you viscosity and peformance level. 05w40, ect. then the spec as '505.01' ( for a vw passat for example),
you must buy on this spec not the name - and you will be surprised at the
difference between makes. I will gve you just one example- again for a VW passat - the spec ( 150 hp TDI pump injector is vw 505.01. 5w40. Shell helix sells at 9 pound a liter - valvoline same spec at 5.00 pound a liter.If you go to Tesco its even cheaper- but it does the same job. Look on the label not the name. After all it all comes from the ground..... Jonathan
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