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Old 23 March 2004, 20:50   #1
Country: UK - England
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200 Opti or 150 HPDI?

Having decided the 7.5 Ribtec was the wrong project for the moment, I have found a 655 Ribtec which needs fitting out.

Not sure on the year of the hull but its around 1999 - 2000.

It has no engine, instruments, A-frame or back seats at the moment so is a bit of a 'Blank Canvas'

I have a choice of a 150 HPDI - 6 months old and 60hrs, full history (owner upgrading), or a 200 Optimax - brand spanker with 3yr warranty etc.

Bearing in mind this is a 6.5m boat rated at 200HP max, which would you choose.

Both engines would fall within the budget as well as the extra seating etc.
I guess I could be described as a bit of a speed freak (but not a nutter!)

Is the 200 going to be alot more to run or am I looking at about the same consumption bearing in mind the 200 will not need to work as hard at normal cruising speed?

Does anyone have any idea of performance figures for a 150Yam / 200Opti?

What else should I take into consideration?


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Old 23 March 2004, 21:39   #2
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My choice would be the 200 Opti.

The 150 hpdi is the same 2596cc block as the 175/200 so it seems a bit silly, really!

Check out the weight of the 200 Opti - it's probably only a few kilos more.

Of course, if a Yamaha dealer is the only outboard servicing agent in town, that would change the game somewhat!

Mind you, the 3-yr warranty will disappear the moment you get the prop out of the water (won't it, Daniel )
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Old 23 March 2004, 21:45   #3
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Agree with Richard. Go for the Opti and the warranty. Running costs at cruising RPM will be moreorless the same as the 150 HPDI. Although the urge to push the loudstick forward will definately be there! Rough consumption 1-1.5 litres per mile. And thats as good as it gets with outboards IMHO.

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Old 23 March 2004, 22:41   #4
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Originally posted by Richard B
the 3-yr warranty will disappear the moment you get the prop out of the water (won't it, Daniel )
Not me Sir, prop's firmly in the water at all times, honest.

I agree with all said here, go for the 200, and what you are proposing is the best long as you are up to the job it's very rewarding fitting out the boat yourself, looks like you are in a similar situation to me 6 months ago, almost new hull, and new engine!
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Old 24 March 2004, 14:10   #5
Country: UK - England
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Engine: 200 Mariner Optimax
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Thanks guys.

The most convenient engineer IS a Mercury agent but that is alot more engine.
Would the boat be easier to sell if it had a Yamaha on the back do you think, or not. - (I wouldn't plan to sell it immediately but if I did)

Am I more likely to have problems with the hull - particularly transom - with the 200? - The Merc is 46lbs heavier than the Yamaha.

So do we reckon the fuel / oil consumption would be about the same for each of the engines?

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Old 24 March 2004, 21:47   #6
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Originally posted by Nick Hensel
Would the boat be easier to sell if it had a Yamaha on the back
Not necessarily. Although Yamaha engines have a great reputation, so do Merc/Mariner Optis. The biggest prob looking at 2nd hand RIBs is that most have a motor that is far too small (or carburetted). Big Opti/HPDIs are great selling points.

As far as I know, Ribtecs are built like the proverbial brick outhouse, and loadsa peeps put 200s on Camel RIBs (they need it!)

Stop worrying about petrol & oil consumption... or give up on buying a RIB. The bigger engine may use a teeny bit more, but I can guarantee that you'll enjoy the performance. Or you could spend Sundays reading "Diesel Car" magazine and grow a beard

(Oh no, I've upset Rouge Wave, Chris Allse, and other beardie weardies!!)
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Old 24 March 2004, 22:34   #7
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Don't forget Phil Davies on your upset list
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Old 24 March 2004, 23:03   #8
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Originally posted by Richard B
...and grow a beard

(Oh no, I've upset Rouge Wave, Chris Allse, and other beardie weardies!!)
Since you are sensible enough to own a rib, you should seriously consider the sensibility of shaving off what will be back by tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow.......

Unless, of course, you've only got a bit of bum fluff.
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Old 24 March 2004, 23:37   #9
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Originally posted by Suzuki416

Don't forget Phil Davies on your upset list
Pete - Phil is NEVER on my upset list! There's a good reason for this - if he ever gets ill I want to be on the top of the list as the beneficiary in favor of his Range Rover

OK - J Walker - so now we've established that you're facially hirsute, can you tell us if you have leather patches on your jacket elbows as well??
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Old 25 March 2004, 01:30   #10
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Originally posted by Richard B

(Oh no, I've upset Rouge Wave, Chris Allse, and other beardie weardies!!)
I agree with you re the engine comments!

Now re the beard, I only grow it every now and again when I can't be arsed to shave. Then I remember the utter joy of looking at myself in the mirror whilst shaving , and start shaving again!
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 25 March 2004, 20:59   #11
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Originally posted by Richard B
OK - J Walker - so now we've established that you're facially hirsute, can you tell us if you have leather patches on your jacket elbows as well??
Can't afford a jacket, I have a boat!

Wave, it's nice to know you look just as gorgeous first thing in the morning.
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