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Old 09 October 2008, 18:25   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Essex/Vendee
Boat name: shockwave,Voluntry 2
Make: Pac 22/ searider5.4
Length: 6m +
Engine: 180hp turbo,yam 90
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,022
2001 40hp 4 stroke marina

I have a total blockage at the point the pipe from the impellar connects to the powerhead(or at least thats the next place to check.)I have had the impellar checked.On inspection after removeing the cowlings and the lower leg.I can pass a very small hose up the pipe to where it goes into the thick block that the engine mounts are bolted to.I assume the pipe is sealed with a rubber grommet to this block and the hole extends into the powerhead.After pushing a hose onto the end of the pipe which goes up the leg to this block i cannot blow up it at all.Has anyone had any experience with removeing the powerhead themselves.I have found out the Barrus only has the lower gasket that seales the leg against the block and not the gasket that seals the powerhead to this same block .Anyone got some gaskets in there garage.Also can anyone send me any pictures of the parts so i can see it all broken down. Any help gratefully received
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Old 10 October 2008, 01:33   #2
Locozodiac's Avatar
Country: Other
Town: Lima-Peru
Boat name: Nautile
Make: Sea Rider 450 Rib
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Engine Type Identification

Is it a Mariner ? Is it a 2 cylinder or 3 cylinder engine, is it pinon or cable throttle movement, advise.
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