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Old 06 June 2020, 16:37   #1
Nasher's Avatar
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2003 225 Optimax rigging Connections.

I've been having a good look over the 225 Opti I've just purchased trying to familiarise myself with what goes where.

It doesn't help that the engine is currently laying on it's back on a pallet and it's not easy to see all of it.

I'm happy with the main 8 pin wiring harness plug and 4 single wires.
Also the Gear and Throttle controls.

But I have some questions that I can't find answers to in the installation part of the manual I have.

Easy one first.
This cable looks like an old accessory cable to me.
The plug end was coiled up in the tray, the other end was just cut off down by the saddle.
Can I assume it's for an old accessory??

Next I found this cable coiled up in the tray.

It has a label on it with part number 84-85924, which from a quick google appears to be something to do with the smartcraft gauge/system.

But the smartcraft cable I've been supplied with is the Blue one here and both ends have the connector shown with the purple inside.
The two are not compatible.

The smartcraft gauge has a socket on the back compatible with the Blue cable.
Have I been given an incorrect type of smartcraft cable, or does the Blue cable connect somewhere else on the engine?
If the Blue cable is correct, what's the 84-85924 cable for?

Then I tried to figure out where to connect the battery cables to.

I found this loose nut on what looks like a solenoid.

Could that be the +ve battery cable connection?

I also found a bolt on connection point on the starter motor solenoid that looks like a cable has been removed,

But it doesn't make sense that it's the -ve battery cable connection as I'd have thought that would be through the block.
So where do I connect the -ve battery cable?

Also I've found this cut off heavy cable.

The other end is connected to whatever this is at the top of the engine.

I'm a little annoyed about this one as it's obviously supposed to be connected to something, and having been cut off I'm going to have to make a new one.

Can anyone shed some light on any of the above?


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Old 06 June 2020, 20:30   #2
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Hi Nasher,

Your first one is for a paddle wheel, google "smartcraft paddle wheel".

I might have some rigging diagrams for you. Let me have a look.
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Old 06 June 2020, 20:35   #3
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PM me your email address, I've got some info for you.
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Old 07 June 2020, 19:51   #4
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Firstly a massive thank you to Samt, he's emailed me some wiring diagrams that have give me a much better understanding of what's going on.

My issue stems from the fact that the engines were supplied from the factory with a standard length set of Battery Cables already attached to the engine under the hood, so the installation guide only details how to attach the cables to a battery, it does not need to show where they attach to the engine.

Plus the detail drawings in the installation guide do not bear any resemblance to my engine.

From the wiring diagram I've snipped this:

It's shown me where the +ve battery cable should be connected, ie at the starter motor solenoid item 25.
On my engine it's obvious it was never connected there as there is no witness marks, instead it was connected at the bottom of the slave Solenoid item 23.
More worryingly it shows that the cable that's been cut on my engine is the main charging feed from the Alternator. That would have been great having the bare end of that floating around the engine when I first started it!
I'll be talking to the dealer about it.

What I still need to know is where to attach the end of the -ve battery cable to the engine. I just can't find where it's been unbolted from, so if anyone knows, or can look on their engine I'd really appreciate your help.

Whilst digging around I did find this:

It's the connector for the Blue Smartcraft cable to plug into, so that's now sorted.
But of course that still leaves the question of what is the 84-85924 cable for?

The other end of it is connected to the main harness here:

Again if anyone can help I'd appreciate it, but am going to pour over the wiring diagram shortly to see if I can match up the colours of the cables.

I've got some other questions, but will leave them until I've been able to check what I can find in the diagrams.

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Old 07 June 2020, 20:11   #5
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It looks like the 84-85924 cable is plugged in here:

Described as
41. SmartCraft boat sensor harness connection.

So I'm assuming I can just leave it disconnected?
Or remove it completely to keep it out of the way?


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Old 08 June 2020, 17:29   #6
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I remember scratching my head staring at the same diagram and having the same questions when I bought the 2nd hand Optis for Martini. Unfortunately it’s so long ago I can’t remember the answers!

If you come to realise you need any 4 way smartcraft junction boxes, pm me. I still have 3 spare brand new.
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Old 08 June 2020, 23:38   #7
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I had a nightmare with my optimax wiring loom a few years back.....

200 Optimax Wires melted??

The (+) alternator cable you have located that is cut could well have been someone removing it and putting a direct link in outside the loom....
when my alternator went wrong this cable took the whole loom with it.... at the time I did consider not connecting it when installing the new loom and putting in a direct link but didn’t bother in the end...
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Old 09 June 2020, 15:50   #8
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Thanks Waterman, the issues I've found like yours through my research are why I'm going over it with a fine tooth comb.

If I hadn't gone over it I wouldn't have found the cut Alternator output wire, which had been tucked out of the way to hide it, and would have been nicely sparking away against anything metal and connected to earth with potentially disastrous results.
Until I realised of course that the batteries were not being charged.

Anyway, sorry all, another question.

The other things that are not overly detailed in the installation manual are the Oil pipes from the remote tank.
Again the engines were supplied with tails hanging out the front, but mine have been disconnected at the engine.

I'm OK with the blue stripe one that actually feeds the oil.

On my engine it's been blocked off when de-rigged with a large screw

But I can't find the connection for the hose that supplies pressure from the crankcase to pressurise the remote tank.

Can anyone help identify where this is:

I'm not helped by currently having very limited access to the engine where I'm storing it, and it laying down on a pallet.


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Old 09 June 2020, 16:07   #9
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Perhaps somebody can suggest what it's hiding behind in one of these images:


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Old 09 June 2020, 17:51   #10
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Posted the above then thought s0d it, working from home is dull compared to looking at engines, so I jumped in the car and popped round the yard.

Think I've found both the Oil tank pressure supply from the block and where the Battery -ve cable attaches to.

Images to follow shortly.
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Old 09 June 2020, 20:22   #11
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Great stuff....

Mine is on the water at present so won’t be able to get the engine cover off for any pics for you unfortunately....

Martini gave me great advice years ago about the in-line oil filters and changing very regularly.... a lot of the opti horror stories are apparently traced to these and compressors going bang....the lower one is a pain in the hoop to change..

I still use his service item cheat sheet...[emoji1303]
Thanks again Martini [emoji6]
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Old 09 June 2020, 21:41   #12
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Originally Posted by Waterman View Post
I still use his service item cheat sheet...[emoji1303]
Thanks again Martini [emoji6]
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Old 09 June 2020, 22:20   #13
Nasher's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Waterman View Post

I still use his service item cheat sheet...[emoji1303]
Thanks again Martini [emoji6]
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Old 09 June 2020, 22:48   #14
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So as mentioned I think I've found them

Both at about this point on the starboard side:

Could somebody confirm this is the connection for the Oil hose that pressurises the tank?

And that this is the standard place to bolt the Battery -ve cable to?


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Old 10 June 2020, 13:26   #15
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Many thanks to all above and those that have PM’d to help.

I’m now happy with the general engine connections.
Hopefully the images and answers are adding to the data pool for those that come after me with a search.




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Old 10 June 2020, 17:25   #16
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Chapter 2 – Instruments – Smartcraft.

Apologies for so many questions from an old Luddite desperately trying to get up to speed with modern technology. I’ve recently mastered Gap diagnostics fault finding and CCF updating on my D4, so should be able to sort this.

The engine has been supplied with a long blue cable that plugs in here on the engine:

And in the back of this Smartcraft gauge:

However, not only do I not want a speedometer, I use my chartplotter, but the two different speed sensors on the engine are Fubar.

The transom mounted paddle wheel option is missing, the cable having been cut at saddle level.

The Pitot tube has been cut off at saddle level and the cable to the sender under the cowl is plugged in to an accessory cable, but that cable is not connected to anything.
The speedo itself also isn’t the best looking thing in the world.

What I need/want is:
2)Temperature Gauge
3)High Temp alarm
4)Low oil Alarm

I don’t really want or need anything else.

I’m assuming a revcounter version of the speedo I have would do 1, 3 and 4, but I do want a separate temp gauge.

I believe I’m going to need:
Smartcraft Revcounter.
Smartcraft Temp gauge.
4 way Smartcraft Hub.
2 x network terminators.
2 x short Smartcraft cables

Is this correct?

Does anyone have anything for sale?

I know next to nothing about the Smartcraft system, but need to learn, so will download a set of instructions.

I believe I’ll need to programme the gauge with options.
Will it throw a wobbly if I don’t specify any sort of speed input?

Lastly, I don’t want a Trim gauge, and the sender is plugged into the same accessory cable under the hood that doesn’t go anywhere.
Again, will the system throw a wobbly if there is no Trim sender connected?

I’ve seen some Smartcraft gauges on Ebay that appear to have the Superseal type connectors on the back, not the multiway Purple plug, are there different systems?
Like this:

Thanks again

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Old 10 June 2020, 19:50   #17
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Smart craft tacho will provide temp oil and alarms. All in one. Connected. To the speedo you will get fuel burn as well. You will need the trim connected or bypassed or you will get an alarm but you don’t need to have it in place. Mine is wired up and left inside the engine. Most of the other stuff you can access settings in the gauges and turn them off [emoji1]
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
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Old 10 June 2020, 20:24   #18
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Thanks Neil

I don't want to keep the Speedo, and don't need fuel burn, I have a Navman fuel computer for that.

The trim sender is currently connected to the accessory cable mentioned in my first posts above, 84-85924, but that's not connected to anything, it just ends in a Superseal type connector on the end of a coiled up length of cable in the tray.

I assume I'll need to connect this into the Smartcraft loom somewhere but don't know where to start. Or what type of cable I need.
I'm wondering if it's a separate cable that will run all the way back to the console like the Blue Smartcraft cable.

For some reason I'm really struggling with this, and feeling out in the dark, so am really appreciating everyone's help.

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Old 10 June 2020, 22:46   #19
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Ah, the penny has dropped that there are main gauges and system link gauges.

So I think I ideally need:
1 x Smartcraft Tacho.
1 x System link Temp gauge.
1 x 4 way Smartcraft Hub.
2 x network terminators.
1 x Hub to Tacho harness

1 x Smartcraft Tacho, display the temp on this as well and plug directly into engine connector via Blue cable.

Plus for either option some way of linking in the accessory harness under the cowl to the system so it sees the trim sender.

Still need to answer
Can I run without the speedo? and will the network/system throw a wobbly if I don’t specify or have any sort of speed input?

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Old 11 June 2020, 13:10   #20
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Yes you will be fine you can disable the speedo facility in the settings to indicate it’s not available [emoji106]
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
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