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Old 06 July 2011, 18:20   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: South Devon
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 28
2007 Yamaha 60hp Speedo issue

Hi all as above really, speed doesnt come up on the tacho so mucks up the other details as well such as MPG and trip distance obviously. Nothing came up the other day to start with then i got some numbers which obvisouly were wrong (22mph up the river - hmmm) 6knts showing on GPS. Not sure what i can check - where is it measured from. I know the speed sensor inside but not really sure how speed is measured or where to start.

Many thanks

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Old 06 July 2011, 21:59   #2
Country: USA
Town: Oakland CA
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 6,653
Take a look at the back of the gauge and see if there's a vinyl tube connected to it.

If so, you've got a blocked pitot tube. On the leading edge of the lower unit, there is a tiny hole (you can run a thumbnail along and it should snag at the hole.) As you move forward, water gets forced into the hole and it pressurizes the air, and that pressure is converted to a speed at the gauge. Unfortunately sand, kelp, and bits of shell all love to try and hide in the hole. Clear it out with a paper clip, small drill bit, or similar, and you should be good.

If it's an electronic sensor, well, I don't know. Not sure how the networked Yam's determine speed.

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