Originally Posted by Scomich
Hi TM,
Hm that makes sense also just thought nice brown spark plug was the norm. Black sooted up 1 not so good. But yeah changed the plugs and bottom cylinder sooting the plug up. I've got new spark plugs coming.not quite sure about the cleaning of these etec injectors , they ain't normal. Even have return outlet. You.thiik running some injector cleaner could/might help? Worth a bash?
I'm really happy playing with engines on carbs because they don't mess with your mind.

. They are dumb and when something isn't right it doesn't do anything to mess with you mind.
Once you have an engine with an ECU there are two brains mucking about with the same thing. While you're trying to trace an issue the other brain is changing things to try and mitigate that issue. It's a whole different sport to the point with some systems that it's become a game of chess and each move you make leads to a counter move and a change of the battle field.
However, I do believe in checking and confirming the basics as those don't change. It's still just a lump of metal that needs the right amount of fuel, right amount of air, right amount of spark all at the right time to work and bar mechanical failure nearly everything boils down to these base criteria.
Your problem points to a lack of fuel. Enough to fire the engine but not enough to meet the demand of running in gear.
There are a raft of possible reasons and when you have EFI and an ECU there are more than usual but we have a tendency to go complicated early and I tend to believe in ruling out the simplest stuff first as this is normally the cause.
To that end, you've done a lot of that, fuel supply looks to have been chased from tank to injectors so that we're just left with the possibility on that side of an injector being dirty or faulty or a fault in what's firing them.
At this point definitely check the quality of the spark. Just check that you've got a nice fat spark on each plug. It is possible that a weak spark could be a culprit. Things like HT leads wear out like batteries and battery cables. There's also never any harm in trying a fresh battery or bypassing the power leads just to rule out those simple wear and tear risks.
But if you're getting a good spark then for the time being you can put that area to one side for the time being.
While the plugs are out, have you tested each injector yet? Have you removed them from the cylinder so that you can see the quality of the fuel spray?
Excess air can replicate fuel starvation symptoms. This is probably the least likely issue but a quick compression test would settle that mainly.
My one thought this morning is whether the ECU is smart and has detected a flow problem with the top injector and a reduced flow and made adjustments to compensate which work on the basis that it's safer to over fuel the other cylinder versus this one running lean and over heating? Hence why the top plug is nice and brown and the lower sooted.
My gut feeling is that you've narrowed it down to either fuel starvation on the top cylinder or bad spark in the bottom? This could be component issue which you can test yourself or electronic whereby I'd be aiming to get as much diagnostics to see if that told me the issue before surrendering and running to someone who knows what they're doing.
One quick thought, are the HT leads the same length etc? If so and if the sparks from each plug don't seem equal then you could try removing the leads and swapping them over just to check that one of those hasn't degraded?
The fact that you have two cylinders behaving differently is a good clue. It does help to suggest that if this isn't electronics then you either have bad fueling on one cylinder at the point of injection, a bad spark on one cylinder or have a loss of compression on one cylinder.
You say you've run the engine a few times and it's only the 4th time when this issue appeared? Have all 4 uses been in the same time period? Has each fuel purchase been from the same location?
There's always the possibility that while you can't see any crud or gunge in the fuel system there was a little bit of water and it's ended up in an injector.
Have you had each injector out of its cylinder and checked the quality of the fuel spray, sorry I can't recall if this has been done yet?