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Old 05 August 2016, 13:18   #1
Country: USA
Town: S. Carolina
Boat name: D560
Make: Avon
Length: 5m +
Engine: 2016 Merc 115hp CT
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 1,277
2016 Mercury 115 CT

I bit the bullet and repowered my 98 Avon D560. The original 1998 Mercury 100hp gave up the ghost. Lost compression on #1.

2016 Mercury 115 Command Thrust (2.1L block)
Command thrust = 2.38:1 ratio gearcase, larger lower unit from the 150+ range
363 lb / 165 kg weight

I went with a 14x23 Spitfire 4-blade Aluminum propeller. Gauge/controls, I'm using a side-mount control box with the MercMonitor Lvl1 (overkill since the 115hp is missing a lot of the sensors).

I just finished up the rigging last night and fired it off in my driveway. It's extremely quiet, even out of the water.

I estimate my loaded hull weight is about 1300 lb wet. Depending on my work schedule, I'm either going to run it 8/6 or 8/14. I'll take logs of in with GPS speed / rpm.
Gluing geek since 2007
Opinions and intepretations expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer
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Old 05 August 2016, 16:11   #2
Phil M's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Whitehaven
Boat name: Cerberus
Make: Destroyer 5.8
Length: 5m +
Engine: 115hp Merc 4st
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 462
I have the standard 115 on mine. I went for the Smartcraft gauge upgrade which adds a whole bunch of sensors. Can't remember what got added but it gives it digital trim and pitot, water pressure and temp, fuel pressure, oil pressure etc.

Great engines and I agree on them being quite. I moved from a 75hp 2 smoke and kept trying to start the thing when it was running, it was so quiet.

Phil M
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