24 February 2008, 07:54
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50:1 Mix Storage
I have a 12 Ltr tank of 50:1 mix
I was talking to someone the other day and they said that this mix does not store well.
Its been in the garage for thw winter
Is it safe to use ?
If not ..... what on earth do you do with it?
24 February 2008, 09:09
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The general concensus is that 50:1 won't last more than a couple of months in a can. Like all these things its not as simple as that and it depends on how tight a seal was on the can, how much air was in it to start with etc - and possibly even if it is a steel or plastic can.
The risks are that the volatile compounds which generally ignite easiest have been lost (evaporated) and so it will be harder to start the engine and that the oils will have started to form gums which block filters/carbs. If there is any chance water got in there (including by condensation) then you might have bacteria growing too! So if you have a different way to use the fuel, e.g. in a lawn mower that would be a safer option.
If you really want to use it in your outboard I would mix it with fresh fuel and oil first. But there will be people on here who will tell you they have used much older fuel no problem. Are you willing to take the risk if you need to call out the lifeboat to get home though?
24 February 2008, 11:49
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Be very careful about using old outboard fuel in a lawnmower, strimmer, chainsaw, etc. 2str outboard oil is not suitable for them. I knackered my strimmer after just occasional use over two years. First thing the dealer said was, 'You've been using outboard fuel, haven't you?' He sees it all the time.
I think outboards must run cooler than other engines and the oil can't cope with higher temperatures.
I would just add some fresh fuel to the older stuff and use it in the outboard. Or, maybe, add small quantities of the old to the new.
24 February 2008, 11:57
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But there will be people on here who will tell you they have used much older fuel no problem.
I ran my Mariner 15 on some premixed fuel that we know was at least 2 years old. It had been stored in a metal fuel tank in a shed. The engine started first pull with it with no adverse affects.
Mixing it with fresh fuel is probably the way to go though.
24 February 2008, 13:38
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Originally Posted by alystra
Be very careful about using old outboard fuel in a lawnmower, strimmer, chainsaw, etc. 2str outboard oil is not suitable for them.
good point alystra
24 February 2008, 22:28
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Thanks Guys
All good stuff
24 February 2008, 23:21
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Should be OK as long as you've added fuel stabiliser before storing it.
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25 February 2008, 12:10
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I'll second Tim's post - Started (& ran) the old Johnsorude on a year old mix.
Soyeah, add some fresh & should be OK.
25 February 2008, 14:47
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Or put it in your car... provided you car runs on petrol and not diesel
As long as you've got a 1/2 of a tank or more in the car it'll be diluted and will not be a problem, been doing that for years.
26 February 2008, 00:24
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Diesel cars go great in the winter with a bit of petrol in them - it thins out the cooking oil nicely!!!
26 February 2008, 01:52
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Just had to have fuel pump, filter and injectors rebuilt on my tow truck after allowing it to stand for a year with the same fuel in it. Bloody desert rats ate out a bunch of wiring and vac. tubing also. However bear in mind the climate here. It was fine 3 months ago but last week dead as a Do Do. That is not a cheap repair job as we had to drop the 40 gal tank. Still had 10 gals in the tank. My mech. told me to add another 10 gals. and 1 cup of ATF per 5 gals.
Worked like a charm, even drove it to the tests station about 10 miles, for emissions test. Passed test with a margin of 10x on all tests. Vehicle is 20 years old. Apparently there is a high level of detergent in ATF and it cleans all the gummy crap out.
If you have rat problems scatter mothballs under the vehicle.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
26 February 2008, 04:17
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Two things piss me off... auto repairs... Varmints...
Originally Posted by Limey Linda
Just had to have fuel pump, filter and injectors rebuilt on my tow truck after allowing it to stand for a year with the same fuel in it. Bloody desert rats ate out a bunch of wiring and vac. tubing also. However bear in mind the climate here. It was fine 3 months ago but last week dead as a Do Do. That is not a cheap repair job as we had to drop the 40 gal tank. Still had 10 gals in the tank. My mech. told me to add another 10 gals. and 1 cup of ATF per 5 gals.
Worked like a charm, even drove it to the tests station about 10 miles, for emissions test. Passed test with a margin of 10x on all tests. Vehicle is 20 years old. Apparently there is a high level of detergent in ATF and it cleans all the gummy crap out.
If you have rat problems scatter mothballs under the vehicle.
I like to scatter shotgun shell pellets around for the rats, usually out the end of a barrel... makes em easy to clean up, course, you knew that... We all have our problems, last summer I blasted 10 groundhogs (gophers) with my trusty yet battered Weatherby .22 auto, the damn things kept trying to move into my yard, dig holes/dens in the yard, around the foundation of the house... they didn't...
26 February 2008, 04:44
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Originally Posted by pathalla
I like to scatter shotgun shell pellets around for the rats, usually out the end of a barrel... makes em easy to clean up, course, you knew that... We all have our problems, last summer I blasted 10 groundhogs (gophers) with my trusty yet battered Weatherby .22 auto, the damn things kept trying to move into my yard, dig around the foundation of the house... they didn't...
The trouble with pack rats is you never see them in daylight. Try the mothballs , I am told they work on all vermin and so far so good. However, I have also take the precaution of hanging an inspection lamp under the truck tied to the drivers side door handle so I do do not drive off forgetting it. I have some sub sonic target 22's that just go pop but I can never find the buggers. Everyone I have spoken to tell me they only eat the purple wires, they are correct, so go figure that one out.
I have seen a few and they are big enough to put a saddle on.
My bigger problem is Javalina, they ripped my Labs. shoulder open a year ago but Game and Fish said I could not shoot them without a hunting licence or out of season. Next time it will be a 12GA with 00 and screw G&F.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
26 February 2008, 05:01
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Road kill?
Originally Posted by Limey Linda
The trouble with pack rats is you never see them in daylight. Try the mothballs , I am told they work on all vermin and so far so good. However, I have also take the precaution of hanging an inspection lamp under the truck tied to the drivers side door handle so I do do not drive off forgetting it. I have some sub sonic target 22's that just go pop but I can never find the buggers. Everyone I have spoken to tell me they only eat the purple wires, they are correct, so go figure that one out.
I have seen a few and they are big enough to put a saddle on.
My bigger problem is Javalina, they ripped my Labs. shoulder open a year ago but Game and Fish said I could not shoot them without a hunting licence or out of season. Next time it will be a 12GA with 00 and screw G&F.
What you need is a nice, quiet rifle next time little piggy comes to play...
26 February 2008, 05:10
Country: USA
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gas cure
didn't mean to hijack the thread boys... got out on a tangent there...
speaking of old gas a friend of mine claims a product called "TBF" works wonders, anyone ever hear of it?
26 February 2008, 05:32
Country: Other
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Originally Posted by pathalla
What you need is a nice, quiet rifle next time little piggy comes to play...
Yea, know how to do that with a ............. but not telling in public.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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