10 September 2009, 21:38
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50hp Mariner -Where does oil go?
Hi once again, probably a silly question but where do you put the oil for my 50hp mariner engine (circa 1988-1990) Its says oil injection on the side but I cant find any tank or intake to put oil in. Am I wrong in assuming that you dont need to premix 2 stroke into petrol? If any one has a user manual that i could copy/buy/borrow of this or similiar engine would be great. Save me pestering all you guys!! Thanks Mike
10 September 2009, 21:56
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Any photos?
The cowel could be off an injection model and fitted to yours or the tank could have been removed.
I know some people prefer premixing the oil then at least you know the right amount has gone in.
11 September 2009, 10:34
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1990 brochure says its under the cowl with a sight gauge ,but a mate of mine had an earlier model and that had a seperate remote tank if i remember along with the main fuel tank ,
11 September 2009, 11:50
Country: UK - Scotland
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I thought the "remote" oil injection died with the ark? If you don't have a handy filler hatch on the top of the cowl, read on......
One way to narrow it down - is your cowl a "lift off" 5 sided box, or do you have to remove a panel at the front of the engine to reveal two clips underneath it which releases the rest of it which "unwraps"?
If the latter, then you either have one with the external oiling, in which case you are better off premixing anyway (those thiongs were notoriously unreliable), or you have a random lid off another engine. (Mine says "power trim" in large friendly letters on the cowl, and is most definetly a manual trim engine!)
11 September 2009, 14:31
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All large outboards (2 stroke) still use "remote" oil tanks. You simply could not keep enough oil (20li +) in the cowl.
Number of fuel / oil pipes (generally 1/4" or 3/8" ) running upto engine is a giveaway. - One = premix OR tank under cowl.
- More than one = seperate tank??.
Some EFI engines had two fuel lines!
11 September 2009, 14:54
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Daniel
All large outboards (2 stroke) still use "remote" oil tanks. You simply could not keep enough oil (20li +) in the cowl.
Good call, but Bingo has a 50..........
14 September 2009, 22:16
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Originally Posted by bingomike
Hi once again, probably a silly question but where do you put the oil for my 50hp mariner engine (circa 1988-1990) Its says oil injection on the side but I cant find any tank or intake to put oil in. Am I wrong in assuming that you dont need to premix 2 stroke into petrol? If any one has a user manual that i could copy/buy/borrow of this or similiar engine would be great. Save me pestering all you guys!! Thanks Mike
Is it something like this? If you give me a serial number it would be easier!
15 September 2009, 17:49
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this is the motor....
I had a merc 70hp 1990 and the tank was white and under the cowl which came off in two halves, maybe it's been removed in favour of premix.
16 September 2009, 09:41
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
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looks like a Clamshell.....
Got any pics of the inside?
16 September 2009, 11:19
Country: UK - England
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I pinched that pic off the thread where bingo showed us the boat...
16 September 2009, 11:26
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 60 Clamshell
MMSI: 235068449
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 4,671
If it is a resprayed Clamshell, the "auto oiling" will be the transom mount box, in which case running premix is the best way to go.
It may just be the paint job, but the case looks slightly "bulkier" than when it's painted black, Although that might be down to the angle of the pic. Hence the queston.
16 September 2009, 18:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: Hissing Sid
Make: Ross Smith Cobra
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Posts: 3,804
Originally Posted by 9D280
If it is a resprayed Clamshell, the "auto oiling" will be the transom mount box, in which case running premix is the best way to go.
It may just be the paint job, but the case looks slightly "bulkier" than when it's painted black, Although that might be down to the angle of the pic. Hence the queston.
It's a mariner not a merc, pretty sure they were all that colour at that time, identical inside though.
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